Urgent: Out of town/need help asap

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by codyraja, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. codyraja

    codyraja Member

    Jun 24, 2014
    I am out of town and need help. I have not kept a spreadsheet in years, so I will try to summarize:
    Cody, 17, diabetic since 2014, usual dose is 1.6 - 2 units prozinc, adjusted based on BG. Also on Gabapentin and metacam.

    For the last few weeks, Cody’s Pre-shot bg, especially AMPS, has been high, 400-500s. We are almost never able to get a mid-cycle bg, but at +3 his bg is usually only down by about 100. But if I increase his dose (I work in .2 increments) he’s pre-shot numbers are too low, so we stay around 2units.
    I’ve been gone since Monday night and my husband is at home. He’s good with testing and shooting. I’m sure there is some stress from me being gone, but Cody is very close with him too. Hubs called last night worried that Cody’s numbers are all over the place:

    Tuesday pmps 400s, 1.6u
    Wed amps 45, no shot
    Wed pmps, meter read “high”, 2u
    Wed pm+2, 484
    Wed pm+11, 64
    Thurs amps, 50, no shot
    Thurs +3, 141

    MIL is staying with him today while hubs is at work. He’s really weak/wobbly lately, with good and bad days. Hubs says he’s moving pretty poorly this week. Pee and poop normal, pretty thirsty. All he’ll eat lately is Inuba Churru puréed treats and Origen freeze dried treats. He gets 3-4 churru tubes at meal times and lots of treats throughout the day. He also gets chicken/fish from our dinners.

    I have told hubs to reduce his dose...assuming he’s back in the shooting range tonight. But what could be causing such a huge drop in BG on his normal dose? Is it odd that his bg is still dropping at +11/12?
    Any other ideas what to do besides reduce dose? thanks!!
  2. Deb & Wink

    Deb & Wink Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2013
    Answering over in Feline Health forum.

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