New member - scared and overwhelmed

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Jenny and Comet (GA), Sep 6, 2020.

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  1. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Hi, everyone. I am Jenny and my cat is Comet. He is sixteen and was in great shape before he got diabetes. I am so thankful to have found this forum. I am trying to read all the information and articles as I feel pretty at sea since he was diagnosed.

    I noticed over the last few weeks that he was drinking more and more water and peeing a lot, and that he felt lighter. He was scheduled for a regular checkup on 9/10 but I was too worried to wait. His regular vet was out of town so I took him to a practice with excellent reviews. After bloodwork and urinalysis, he was diagnosed. He had lost over a pound since the last time since he was last weighed (at last regular checkup) and is now just 9.4 pounds.

    I took him back yesterday for a glucose curve test. When I picked him up, the vet told me I would need to administer shots of Lantus, 1 unit, 2x a day. She gave me a few cans of prescription food (Hill's Science Diet w/d, the big cans) and said to feed him twice a day, then inject him after.

    The whole experience left me sad and scared and upset, and I don't feel like the vet was able to prepare me well for how to do this. I asked how long after feeding him should I wait before giving him the shot (which I had to teach myself to do as she couldn't; thank goodness for YouTube, but yikes, that was a stressful way to learn without supervision!), and she said fifteen minutes to half an hour would be fine. She wrote a prescription for Hill's Science Diet m/d; it should arrive in a few days.

    She told me I should give him his first shot at 10 p.m. last night, based on what they had done at the clinic during the day, which means his shot times would be 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. This means the times he eats are nowhere near his regular times (used to get fed wet food twice a day, and free fed dry). I have been respecting this and trying to follow it, but I feel like he so far can't eat enough each time to get the calories he so desperately needs for the full day. Did you all experience this too? Is it something that will change?
    Also, is it possible to eventually shift the times so they are more like 6 or 7 a.m. and p.m.? I imagine that this is something that would have to be done very slowly/gradually, but I haven't found anything about that and would never try it on my own anyway without a professional blessing it. I am calling my regular vet as soon as he is back in town to talk about this and other things like...

    Nutrition. After discovering the wonderfully thorough and detailed food comparison charts, I looked up the wet w/d the vet gave me for now and found out the carbs are 25% of calories! And what she prescribed (wet m/d) will be 13% whereas everything else I am seeing here and elsewhere suggests 10% or less is where to go. Some of the wet food I already had was better than what she gave me, and some of it is even better than the m/d. So I am completely lost. Should I go ahead and use what she gave me, even if it seems terrible? If he is not supposed to free feed, how am I supposed to use the dry m/d food she prescribed? And dry food sounds like it is really terrible even when prescription. Can I use the better foods I already have? Should I wait on that until talking to my regular vet and getting his guidance? How do I keep my little guy alive and thriving until then (9/10)? I have read a few things here and elsewhere noting how crucially important it is to be careful when you are dropping the carbs while doing insulin, as the insulin dose may then be too much and make your cat hypoglycemic, which is the very last thing that I want to happen. Which brings me to...

    Glucometers. The vet didn't mention them. She told me to get ketodiastixs and use those once a day before he first eats. They were a bit hard to find but I now have them and am ready to use whenever he pees. I did not have them by the time he needed his first shot last night, but I called the emergency nurse at the clinic and asked what to do, and he said to go ahead and administer the shot. I am seeing in some of the posts here that you all test regularly and throughout the day.

    I am so sorry that I appear to have written a book as my first post. I am so overwhelmed and scared and just want to do the very best for my sweet little cat. It was such a relief to find this forum that I started crying (yet again).

    The one good thing is that it seems like the insulin is helping. He is drinking and peeing a lot less. The two shots we've done so far have gone well. But everything feels very fragile and unstable, and I just want to know all the right things to do and do them perfectly for him so he has the best possible care. He is the best little guy.

    Again, I apologize for the novel. Hi. *waves* I promise that I usually don't talk this much!
  2. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Welcome, Jenny. You've found the best place you never wanted to be.

    I gave a big sigh reading your post. I'm sure others will also say words to the effect that we hear this all the time. In addition, it's absolutely normal to be feeling overwhelmed. There is a lot to learn but most of it will become second nature in a few weeks.

    FWIW, when my kitty was diagnosed (which was a long time ago), because I speak fluent "medicalese," everyone at the ICD thought I knew how to give shots. Wrong. Like you, I learned from YouTube. It's also how I learned to home test. The good news is we have lots more information available for you, including videos. (And a cheering section.)

    With Lantus, your vet got you started on an appropriate dose. You can purchase your insulin through Canada where it will be a fraction of the cost. Many people here use Mark's Marine Pharmacy which is in Vancouver. There is information about how Lantus works, syringes, storage, etc. in the sticky notes at the top of the Lantus board.

    You do not need to feed your cat much before you give a shot. Most of us test, feed, and shoot in rapid succession. For most cats, Lantus starts working about 2 hours after you give an injection. Unlike many other types of insulin, it doesn't kick in immediately. Shots are given every 12 hours. Lantus likes consistency. You will need to hold your current dose for roughly a week in order for the insulin depot to form. (Lantus is a depot insulin.) You can change your shot time in a couple of ways since it sounds like 10:00 is not a very convenient time. You can move the shot time either by 15 min at every shot or by 30 min. once a day. Alternatively, you can skip a shot and start at a better time. If your cat had diabetic keto acidosis (DKA) I would not recommend the latter option.

    Most vets suggest "prescription" foods. They are generally higher than what is optimal and the quality of the food is awful. There is nothing special about these foods other than you can return they to the vet since the manufacturer guarantees them. Just tell the vet that Cosmo won't eat the stuff. Lisa Pierson is a vet who has a wonderful website on feline nutrition. We use her food chart to select low carb (less than 10% food, although most people here feed varieties that are about half that in carbs).

    Please get a meter and start home testing. It is the only way to keep Cosmo safe. Many people here use the Walmart Relion brand meter but any meter is fine. This post on helping us to help you will give you the information on setting up a spreadsheet so we can follow Cosmo's progress, setting up your signature so we don't keep asking you the same questions, along with other useful suggestions.

    Please let us know how we can help.
  3. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Thank you for your kind and thoughtful response. I am going to read though all the links you so helpfully provided. I just read part of the Lantus one -- I had no idea it was a depot insulin, let alone what that means. Wow. There is so much to learn. Would you suggest I just keep the 10:00 time for a week until the depot has formed or is it safe to start moving now? I would not feel comfortable dropping a shot. I will start reading about meters. Thank you again!
  4. Peter (Peeka&Boo)

    Peter (Peeka&Boo) Member

    Aug 16, 2020
    Hey Jenny,

    My wife and I have two diabetic angels. One of which, we were able to figure out with the help of our trusted vet. The 2nd, we have submitted multiple questions here. From what I have already gathered, it will be a roller coaster, but one well worth the wait. I hope to see more updates with you and your baby, and hopefully share success stories!
  5. Dusty & Roe

    Dusty & Roe Member

    Apr 28, 2020
    Hi Jenny and Comet Welcome Jenny this can all be so overwhelming and so much to process at one time BUT it does get easier . I get so angry at these Vets and their Hills food when there is so much better out there ....... Things to remember alternate shot spots so you don’t make one spot sore . I used the scruff of the neck and hips . I know the members here have a shot spot diagram . Make sure you have some honey or syrup and a high carbohydrate food just in case Comets BG drops too low hypoglycemic. Jenny ask anything you can think of no matter what , that is the only way you will learn . The members here are so knowledgeable it still Shocks me ..... oh and if you just need to talk or vent we are here You can do this
  6. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hi Jenny and welcome extra sweet Comet! As you already have seen this is THE best place to learn everything you need to know about Feline Diabetes and how it affect dear Comet. It IS a steep learning curve but one you will master in a relatively short time.

    We strive to help any and all that find themselves here so you can have faith that you and Comet have landed in a safe place.


    You may want to start here first:
    New? How You Can Help Us Help You!

    We welcome all questions so never think yours is a dumb one. We do dumb VERY WELL ;)

    Again welcome to the best site on this planet to get Comet back to his old self and even healthier. :cat:
  7. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Sienne, Peter, Dusty, and JT, thank you all so much. I do feel encouraged by your kind words. Today has been a rollercoaster of sorts, I have cried three or four times. Comet didn't eat a huge breakfast and I wasn't sure if I could give him a shot; the emergency nurse at the clinic talked it over with me and suggested half a unit. He has seemed good since then, but I have been a wreck! Onward and upward, I hope. Tomorrow I can talk to the new vet again; Comet's next scheduled visit is with the vet who has known him since he was a kitten, on Thursday.

    Could someone please point me to where I can find the shot spot diagram? That sounds really useful.
  8. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Boy I KNOW one exist I just dont know where ... let me enlist the aid of someone who may know...
    Aleluia Grugru & Minnie

    If she doesnt know she may know who does.

    FWIW The only spots I know of are the scruff, the flank, and the paw pads.
    Jenny and Comet (GA) likes this.
  9. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    hmmm I must be spelling her name wrong grrr brb
  10. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    Sorry, here is the right image. Most people find the scruff the easiest. Let me find a video or two.

  11. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Thank you, Red. I have mostly done the scruff, but I know that you are supposed to rotate spots. We are seeing our regular vet on the 10th, and he's letting people come in with their pets; I am going to ask him and his assistant to show me everything. I think I learn better by seeing in person.
  12. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    I just wanted to write and assure you that while it is so scary and stressful at first, it all becomes routine after a couple of weeks. You can do this. It is not a death sentence and they can live long healthy lives with it. My cat was diagnosed 4 years ago. I have a video in my signature showing how I test my cat CC at home.
  13. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014


  14. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Thank you again for all your reassurances. Today has been a weird day. The m/d prescription food arrived, so I gave it to him this morning. He ate a few bites and was like, "What is this? This is terrible!" and walked away. His brother, who likes pretty much any cat food on a plate, tried a couple of bites and didn't like it either. Great. So I gave them a commercial brand with a very similar protein/fat/carb percentage of calories breakdown as per Dr. Pierson's chart. He ate some of that and then walked away again. I did not think he had eaten enough, so called the new vet. They told me to not do the shot. It certainly is a rollercoaster of emotions. His regular vet is back in the office tomorrow, and I am hoping that he can help us get on the right path. Fingers crossed.
  15. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Still on the rollercoaster here. The new vet place told me yesterday to let him eat a little during the day, then take food away at five, then offer whatever he would eat at 8:30 and then do half a unit. I called this morning for advice and the overnight nurse said to do half a unit again. So I did. The vets there weren't getting in until eleven. Counting the minutes until we can see his regular vet today; really pinning my faith on him helping. I feel so bad about all of this and am miserable that he doesn't feel good. He was so wonderfully healthy until he wasn't.
  16. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Oh they want to make sure hes hungry and will eat preshot.. Sigh...
    Jenny and Comet (GA) likes this.
  17. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    We ALL felt bad and sometimes still do but you are on top of this your cat is lucky to have you taking care of him.
  18. Gill & Mac (UK)

    Gill & Mac (UK) Member

    Aug 19, 2020
    Hi welcome Jenny and Comet.

    We are new to all this too (less than a month) and I can honestly say that you have found the best source of help & support you could ever wish for.
    Don't worry about asking "daft" questions - if you search for any posts by me you will see I have asked many & never does anyone make you feel silly because of what you ask.
    And whenever you have a bad day (again I have had done as my posts show) there is always someone or many someones who will send you support & let you know you are not the only one to have felt that way. They have got me though one of my darkest days earlier this week.........
    Fur shot - yep we've done it, fur shot & stabbed yourself with the needle - yep again, cat not wanting to give you his blood easily one day - yep you've guessed - they've been through it too & have loads of tips to help you.

    One thing I found at the very start which is good to read is this the below letter from a cat to their mum - yes it is funny but it puts so much in perspective - if the link doesn't work search on dear mom posted by Robert and Echo

    I'll leave it to the very many experienced sugar kitty parents to give you the expert advice on technical matters but just to say thinking of you both - you will get there.

    Gill :bighug:
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
  19. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Thank you, JT and Gill -- my sisters keep telling me this but I feel like I am failing him.

    We saw his regular vet yesterday and I gave him Comet's initial bloodwork and analysis. He liked the Lantus, said it was the very best insulin option, and thought the dose was appropriate. He thought Comet looked pretty good. Recommended Fancy Feast Classic, a different prescription cat food (Purina Pro DM), Sheba, etc. Said we were doing all the right things and to keep doing them. It was such a relief talking to him that I actually had an appetite when we got home.

    Today is another day. Comet ate some at the right time after not having anything since last night, but not enough for a full dose. I have a call into the new vet place, where he is supposed to go back tomorrow. I am anxious and nervous and agonizing over things. Just want him to feel good and to be eating enough. He is walking around now and checking things out and just jumped up on the bed to walk over to a windowsill that he likes. When he does that, it reassures me, but the not eating enough makes my brain melt a bit. Ugh.

    I have so much respect for all of you, who have been dealing with all this and more for years. You love your kitties so much and take such good care of them, and they know you do.
  20. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    So we have had a completely frightening time of it. We had a checkup with the new place set for 2:30 yesterday. I ran out at 1:00 to do a couple of errands. Comet looked great when I left, was walking around and doing stuff. Came back and my other cat ran up to the door to meet me and was talking the whole time, and I saw puke on the floor. Found Comet huddled behind the bed. Scooped him up and ran the three blocks to the clinic. They tested him and he was hypoglycemic. They gave him water and dextrose and got him back up so that he was having consecutive good blood glucose readings at 6:00. They felt it would be wise to keep him overnight. His BG was 400 this morning; they took him off the water and dextrose and started with the insulin again. He was at 200 at 5:00 this evening and came home with me.

    When the vet came out to talk with me yesterday to tell me that he was hypoglycemic, I was crying. What did I do wrong, I asked. She actually gave me a partial hug. You did nothing wrong, she said. You have been doing everything exactly right, it's just that it takes time to get the dosing and the food and everything else right.

    I talked with another vet there today. Who was enthusiastic about me starting again at a unit tonight. I am petrified.

    I have worked with four different vets at this point, the three at this clinic and his regular vet. Each time I have asked about doing blood glucose testing at home. Each one of them has said it's not necessary. Even his regular vet said oh, no, you'll just bring him in for curve testing once in a while.

    This seems insane to me. It's insane, right?

    I have no idea how we will manage it. His ears are dark and very furry, so drawing the blood will be no fun. He is going to hate it and maybe not let me do it. I am going to want to throw up. But I think I need to do it.

    A woman who was waiting for her cat when I brought him in yesterday told me that she'd had a diabetic cat for seventeen years, and she had never done home BG testing, and he'd done really well.

    The vet I saw today said that the food changes had been too dramatic for him and that she doesn't feel like he was doing well on them. Which is something that I told to each vet, that I didn't think he was eating enough overall. So she prescribed Purina Pro DM wet and dry. He is to eat the wet before shots and the dry at small intervals inbetween.

    So I am relieved that he is home, and shaking because this happened, and I feel miserable that I did this to him. I need to get testing supplies, right? It sounds like a lot of people here use human meters; are they better? How do I do this? How do I start? How do I not lose my mind?
    jt and trouble (GA) likes this.
  21. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    Wow, you have been through the wringer.

    A couple of questions.
    1. What did Comet eat before the diagnosis?
    2. What were the hypoglycemic numbers taken at the vet?
  22. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    He ate a bit over half a can from a couple of different cans. I called the clinic to make sure it was okay to give him the full unit and they said yes.

    I asked for them and they said that they would email them to me but never did.

    Editing to note that he ate about half a can total from a combination of a couple different cans, in case that wasn't clear.
  23. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    You poor thing! I want to strangle your vets. We will help you. Testing at home will prevent another symptomatic hypo provided your follow one of our methods. It’s good that there is almost always help all hours just a click away. Where do you live? Which time zone?
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  24. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I am so sorry you and Comet had this terrible experience and yes it IS insane to shoot insulin into your cat without knowing its safe or not. I wont say what I am really thinking.
  25. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    tiffmaxee, thank you. I live in NYC.

    I think I misread Red's question -- pre-diagnosis, he split a small can of wet food twice a day (Wellness, some Fancy Feast) and free-fed dry (Science Diet= Oral Care). They moved him to canned only and a prescription he didn't like.
    jt and trouble (GA) likes this.
  26. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    jt, don't hold back. What are you really thinking?
  27. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
  28. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Thanks, Red, I will print these out at Staples. Just started reading the first one. He did not show any of these symptoms. I am kicking myself for leaving to run errands, maybe he started showing some while I was gone.
  29. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    Would any of them think the same thing if it was their child? No.

    2 units was a huge starting dose. It is recommended that a starting dose be no more than 1 unit.

    After today's hypo (again, did they mention any numbers?) and all the food switches, likes and dislikes, and no glucometer, I would give no more than 0.5 units until you get a glucometer. Some cats are sensitive to insulin after a hypo.

    A lot of people in the US (waving from Canada) use the Relion Prime from Walmart. It has very affordable strips. We can help you negotiate testing.
    One or more of the vets may recommend or insist on the AlphaTrak pet meter. The strips are $1/strip and you will be going through more strips than you can imagine. Tell the vet you cannot afford it. Before companies saw a market for pet meters, every vet used a human meter.

    Science Diet Oral Care
    INGREDIENTS: Chicken, Brown Rice, Corn Gluten Meal, Chicken Fat, Powdered Cellulose, Wheat Gluten, Chicken Meal, …
    The second and third ingredient are carbs. Eep!

    Eliminating this food alone would have made a huge difference in glucose numbers. Changing to a low carb diet can change the glucose numbers for the better by up to 100 points.
    And one of two possible reasons for the low numbers. The other being too high a dose.

    Fancy Feast Classic pate is low carb, as are a few of the Wellness (not sure which ones you give).

    The Purina DM canned is low carb but many cats do not like it or go off of the taste rather quickly.
    The DM dry is too high in carbs – over 15% (which is considered high carb).

    Some people use programmed autofeeders to feed their cats while they are at work. You can freeze wet food first so that it will not go bad during the day.
    If you find that Comet just won't switch to wet food, there are only two dry foods that are considered low enough in carbs. Dr. Elsey's Clean Protein and Young Again (Young Again will mail you a sample if you request).

    She's extremely fortunate that her cat did not die. You've seen what can happen.

    I think that's enough to digest for now. We can help you every step of the way.

    @J.J. and Phoebe Squeak are in NYC. Maybe they can give you a vet recommendation.
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  30. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Thank you, Red, I really appreciate all the time you've taken to put this together.

    No, they didn't mention any numbers. I asked for them and they said they would email them to me, but haven't.

    He just ate over half a big can of the Purina Pro PM.

    I will go ahead and order the Relion Prime now. None of these vets have advised on this so far, I don't want to wait until they are persuaded. What size lancet is best or does it come with a recommended size?
  31. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    I called the emergency nurse to see if she could give me the hypo numbers, but she doesn't have access to them. She said a doctor can get them to me in the morning.
    Critter Mom and Red & Rover (GA) like this.
  32. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    The lancets that come with are too small to start off with. I'm not in the US and cannot get the Relion. I believe it comes with 30g lancets. Most people find them too small to start off with. Order a separate box of 26g or 28g lancets. The larger the gauge number, the smaller it is.

    Box of 100 extra test strips
    Cotton cosmetic rounds to go behind the ear
    Neosporin ointment with pain relief (it must be the ointment)
  33. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Okay, have ordered everything, will get here Tuesday. We will muddle through until then somehow.
    JanetNJ and Critter Mom like this.
  34. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    I'm so sorry this happened to you and Comet.
    All the vets told you no need for you to test at home, I would have told them ,well look just what happened to my kitty.
    I won't say what I would have said to them
    Most of us use the Relion Prime from Walmart, 9 bucks and 17.88 for 100 strips, at least you can always run there to pick up more and not have to wait for them to be delivered.
    That poor baby, so scary
    You might want to pick up some Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers high and medium carb just in case Comet drops too low and you have to bring his BG up and some honey
    Gill & Mac (UK) and Critter Mom like this.
  35. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers Gourmet Beef Feast in Gravy 20% High Carbs

    Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers Gourmet Chicken Feast in Gravy. 15% Med Carbs

    Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers Turkey Feast in Gravy. 15% Med Carbs

    Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers Chicken and Beef Feast in Gravy 15% Med Carbs

    Good to have these on hand, it's really only the Gravy you would need to feed him, or just a teaspoon of the food.
    Always good to have honey in hand
    Gill & Mac (UK) likes this.
  36. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Hi Jenny,

    I'm so sorry to hear what yourself and Comet have been through. Terrifying! :bighug:

    Please don't be so hard on yourself, Jenny. A cat can be in low numbers and act completely fine one minute, and then become symptomatic the next.

    Sometimes a cat may be lethargic when first starting insulin. Lethargy may also be a symptom of a hypo.

    In both cases, the only way to know the cat's BG is low is to test. That's why we do it.

    I'm very glad you're both OK. :bighug:

    When you've managed to start breathing normally again it would be great if you could confirm the dose of Lantus that you were gving Comet before his episode so that people replying to your thread will have a little bit clearer picture of this important information.

    (((Jenny and Comet)))

  37. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Oh wow.... just read through all of this and my heart nearly stopped when poor Comet had his hypo! So glad you were able to get him to the vet and that he's OK!!! Also:

    Give your other kitty a big hug and a scritch, they were looking out for their buddy! :cat:

    I'm so glad you're going to get started on home testing. We will be here to help in the learning process, every step of the way.

    :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: to you after a terrifying day-- so glad you were there for your little guy!
    Critter Mom likes this.
  38. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Seeing as how I may never breathe normally again, I thought I shouldn't wait for that! I had given him 1 unit as per the vet he was seeing later that day.
  39. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hi Jenny I bite my tongue a LOT. Every time I read how ignorant, self important vets believe one size shoe fits all. I have heard everything from, "your cat will hate you" to, "its not necessary just come here for curves":rolleyes: when it comes to testing:eek:
    In my book its MALPRACTICE and the ONLY reason I can gather is MONEY.:mad: It cost enough money for that first visit but thats not enough for them. AND if your cat does hypo? That just means more dollars in their pocket. :stop:

    NOW I know ALL vets are not like that. Mine wasnt. My vet admitted first off she didnt know enough about feline diabetes. Her own cat had it. I sent her to FDMB and she was SO excited to have found this resource. WE LEARNED TOGETHER. :bookworm:

    Theres a wealth of information to feline diabetes and beyond here Use it.;)

    ok off soap box.

    I apologize if this upsets anyone here.
  40. J.J. and Phoebe Squeak

    J.J. and Phoebe Squeak Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2019
    @J.J. and Phoebe Squeak are in NYC. Maybe they can give you a vet recommendation.[/QUOTE]
    Hi, so sorry to hear what you are going through!
    I am in NYC and I am on vet #5 to help with Phoebe Squeak's diabetes. Please start a conversation with me if you'd like to discuss. But I will tell you that I've learned more from the folks here than from any vet. My current vet actually asked me to help another client learn how to use calipers.
    Hang in there! It really does get easier.
  41. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Have you given Comet any insulin since? If yes, then what dose?

    jt and trouble (GA) likes this.
  42. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    So he was in the hospital Saturday night. I got him back Sunday evening. The vet then told me to give him 1 unit if he ate half of a big can of DM. After seeing Red's advice, I gave him half a unit. He got half a unit this morning after I called the vet to tell them how he was doing/eating. No idea about tonight. He liked the the DM less this morning than last night (going off it already?). Not sure what to do tonight about feeding him. Start with the DM and see if that works? Try something else entirely? I just want to make sure that he eats something, and a good amount of it. I don't know if I should do a shot at all. Will of course wait to see how he eats first then cry a bit and probably talk to vet and come to board.

    I have to say it is really hard for me to believe my own gut over what the vet says. I see you all doing it successfully, and you have really become terrific advocates for your cats. But part of me is still stuck at "But why don't you know? You have the degree! The training! The years of experience!" All I have is my love for this cat, and my knowledge of how he is, and what's normal for him.

    I forgot to note that they sent me home with an appetite stimulant for him. He can get a quarter of a pill every third day as needed. Tomorrow would be the first day I could administer it. I have never pilled a cat before, so that will probably be an adventure if it happens!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
    Reason for edit: changed "wold" to "would"
  43. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    oh dear ummm you wouldnt happen to have any "PillPockets" would you? You ca always try wraping it in a small bit of America cheese. Pilling a cat is both an art and simple. Your vet usually shows ya how to do that but I'm guessing you arent even allowed in the building. :(
    Jenny and Comet (GA) likes this.
  44. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Hmm, let's try tempting him with yummy food before going to an appetite stimulant that you have to pill.

    Was he having trouble eating before, or is it just now that you are trying him on the new food? Honestly, if it were me, I'd probably go ahead and let him eat his old carb-y food if he wants it, just for a little while until you are comfortable with testing.

    Of course, if he has truly become inappetant, then you'll have to consider things like meds, but let's try some different foods first.
  45. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    You guess correctly. Not allowed in building. I was told to tilt his head up like he is singing at the ceiling and drop it down his throat.:( Or that I could hide it in a bit of something he likes.
  46. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    The vet tonight told me that she expects him to eat a lot of the DM. So we'll try that first. She also said to get some chicken baby food to tempt him if he needed tempting. My father also sent me a case of FF that my parents' cats like. I also have other stuff I could give him. I would much rather tempt him with food than have to use another med on him. I just worry that none of it will be enough for him to have another shot.
    jt and trouble (GA) likes this.
  47. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Is that fancy feast pate? It made all the difference for Trouble I hope it will for Comet too.
    Nan & Amber (GA) likes this.
  48. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Have a look at this video from about 04:45. The vet gives a really good demonstration of how to move a kitty's head into the right position to pill, and how to open its mouth, ready to receive the medication. She gives a really good talk-through of the technique.

    If you kneel on the floor with your knees apart to make a V shape with your thighs, then seat your kitty into the V with head facing away from you it will help keep him still without the need for any real restraint.

    When you open your kitty's mouth and look in, the back of the tongue usually makes a U shape and that's the spot you need to drop the pill into.

    Approaching the task with a very confident, matter-of-fact air can help both you and your cat. Chat to him in a reassuring, positive tone. You don't need to feel positive, just pretend! :)

    After you have given the pill, make sure he drinks straight away, or get him to eat a small amount so that the pill will go straight down into his tummy.

    Jenny and Comet (GA) likes this.
  49. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    I have a video in my signature showing how I test my cat CC. She really doesn't mind it at all. You will just poke the very outter edge of the ear.
  50. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    We had a rough night.

    I had talked to the vet at 4:30 p.m.. She said she thought Comet would eat a lot of the DM for his evening meal and that I could give him a full unit; I wasn't so sure. She said to offer him chicken baby food if he didn't. Ran out to get some. She said the important thing was to get him to eat.

    So offered him food at the regular time. He was not interested. Offered different food. Still not interested. Offered chicken baby food. Still not interested. Offered water. Sniffed but didn't drink.

    He'd had a couple of stinky, pretty soft poops earlier in the afternoon (because of the DM/diet change?); I thought maybe his belly was upset and that's why he wasn't interested. Called the emergency nurse and confirmed that we had not done and should not do a shot. They said to keep trying on the food front, and that if he still didn't eat anything overnight to bring him in in the morning, and to call again if things got worse.

    Well, at 10:50, he threw up. I was horrified. But... it was a hairball! A pretty considerable one. And then he drank some water, and ate a quarter of a can of FF, followed by more water. Had a small pee and poop around midnight. Put down a jar of chicken baby food around 4:00; he ate with interest but not all at once. When I checked around 6:00 it was gone; I put out a small pouch of salmon and tuna, which he ate with his brother -- he had several bites.

    He seems so much better now.

    Waiting for the clinic to open at 8:00 so I can call and work out a plan for the day and see if he should go in. I am not sure if he should get insulin at his regular morning time or a reduced dose or if timing and dose should be adjusted somehow or put off further. Feeling cautious. I just want what is best for him. Next shot would normally be at 10:00, but since he missed last night's, I would guess today's first shot timing would be more flexible?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    Critter Mom and JanetNJ like this.
  51. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    since you skipped last night, yes, just do the shot whenever is most convienent. Glad it was just a hairball bothering him. My cats are getting a lot of hairballs this time of year too.
    Jenny and Comet (GA) likes this.
  52. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    OMG how many times has this happened to me!!! I'm sorry but that made me LOL told hubby and he did the same:p
    Jenny and Comet (GA) likes this.
  53. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    So talked to nurse at clinic at 8:38. She said to feed him at 9:30 and call her at 10:00 and we would determine dose. So I put down a can of FF. He ate 1/4? Maybe 1/3? Was interested an happy to do it, but then came over to sit at the foot of the bed next to his brother. I am channeling "Go eat more!" thoughts at him. Maybe with what he has had since the hairball that would be enough for a dose? Or since he got the baby food at 4:00-something? I don't know.
    jt and trouble (GA) likes this.
  54. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Your testing equipment won't arrive until sometime today, correct?

    One possibility is that he's in better numbers than he was before and feeling better, and his hunger is lessened so he doesn't feel like eating as much at one sitting. It's hard to say, though, until you can test.

    It's a good sign that he's eating and happy to eat, even if he isn't eating as much as you'd like at one sitting. Also, Lantus doesn't really kick in until a couple hours post-shot, so he has time to finish his meal before then.
  55. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    Yes, it is supposed to arrive today.

    He ate a few bites more and then peed right before I had to call the nurse again. Ketones negative, glucose brown. She talked with the vet and they said to give the full unit and monitor him. I told them I was worried about him going hypo with a full unit and she said he would be fine, that he had gotten enough in earlier combined with what he had eaten now. I was to take away what was left of his food and feed him something small later/mid-day. The vet he saw yesterday will call me at two once she gets in.

    I hate this time of day now. He and his brother are usually napping. Now I am always worried, "Is it really a nap? Is he dropping too low?" So I go over and check on him, or call his name or make a noise to see if how alertly he reacts. Hardly restful for him.
    jt and trouble (GA) likes this.
  56. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Cats are resilient. They are the only animals I've ever had that can go from 0 to 60 in an instant and the reverse of that!:p
  57. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    If it were me, I would leave food down for Comet all day, except for the two hours before he's due his next dose (assuming your meter arrives and you will be able to check his preshot BG level this evening). Even during those two hours I'd watch him like a hawk and if he sought food I'd give it to him straight away.

    I have done exactly the same thing. :D He'll forgive you for interrupting his beauty sleep. ;)

    In case you haven't yet seen these in the FAQs:

    Home Testing Links and Tips

    Testing and Injection Tips (good diagram of where to test on the ear in this one)

    Also, here is the information you'll need to get Comet's spreadsheet going:

    FDMB Spreadsheet Instructions

    Understanding the Spreadsheet Grid

    If you need help setting up the spreadsheet give a shout and we'll find someone to help you.

  58. Jenny and Comet (GA)

    Jenny and Comet (GA) Member

    Sep 6, 2020
    I just put a small pouch of food down and he ate about a third of it. Hoping he'll eat more.

    Thank you for reposting these. I feel like I watched/look at some of these when I first got here but have not retained anything because stress brain. Keeping my fingers crossed that testing materials get here soon!
  59. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Just read through this thread. More vets to strangle and I’m not a violent person! There’s so much to learn. I printed out several and used a yellow marker like I did when in school. As you can see Max was a black and white. I poked from the inside. How’s it going now with the appetite?
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