Duplicate Post - Ignore/Delete

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Rachel P, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. Rachel P

    Rachel P Member

    Feb 1, 2022
    Lowest preshot and lowest reading of all time time today! Go Gizmo!

    The reading at +3 was higher than AMPS. Could this be based on how much food was consumed? She ate a lot more than she normally does this morning - a can and a half over the course of an hour or more. This usually happens when she poops and makes some room. Do you think that’s just a post bit meal #? How does that work?
    FrostD likes this.
  2. Rachel P

    Rachel P Member

    Feb 1, 2022
    Sorry this is here twice, I had a internet loading issue and the page reloaded and I think I hit post again. Ignore or delete if someone can :/
  3. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    When you get a chance just change the thread title to "Duplicate Post, Ignore/Delete". I'll go reply in the other one

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