Cadmium at 53 this morning, awake and alert and ate breakfast. +1: 120, +2: 214

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by apollonia-artemisia, Sep 3, 2023.

  1. apollonia-artemisia

    apollonia-artemisia Member

    Nov 11, 2022
    Unsure if 911, as Cadmium was far lower than expected this morning, but he does not show much for symptoms. He is awake and alert, and ate his normal food for breakfast without issues. No dose yet. I am thinking of checking on his readings over the next couple of hours to see if he will need a dose of insulin or not.

    Some additional context for the past month while I make sure I log any readings I forgot to add to his chart:
    He was having elevated readings for a while, but that could have been due to a number of factors. I have been recovering from two surgeries so my partner has been helping me take care of him for a bit when I couldnt function as well, I was needing to use topical steroids so he might have been exposed to those, and he had overgrown thick claws with stubborn claw sheds that seemed to be causing him pain. I have been doing my best to trim them and help the stuck ones shed and encouraging him to scratch on scratching posts/play and that improved a lot. I temporarily did increase his dose to try and get the readings down.
    Update: +1: 120, +2: 214
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2023
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  2. apollonia-artemisia

    apollonia-artemisia Member

    Nov 11, 2022
    1 hour later with no insulin he is at 120 and ate most of his food without any issue. 2 hours later still no insulin, small amount of food left and a treat, at 214.
    @Suzanne & Darcy what do you think, skip shot completely or give him a small dose? It would be 2 hours late at this point
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  3. apollonia-artemisia

    apollonia-artemisia Member

    Nov 11, 2022
    His 6 hour reading with no insulin is 359 and I'm thinking that tonight he just goes back to 0.75 again at the usual time. Depends on if his bounce settles or not.
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  4. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Sorry. Just seeing this. I was going to PM you last week just to see how you are doing! I’m so sorry that you had surgeries. I hope you’re better now. Let me read through all your notes and look at the spreadsheet.
  5. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    I think the main problem is that last night, with the mid-blue preshot, the 1 skinny was too much for him. In the past when he had a mid-blue preshot, you shot a reduced dose. This morning, I can see how the 53 really came as a shock. At least he didn’t hit a lime green ( that we know of anyway.)

    This morning, by the time he hit 120, I would have shot. Perhaps after the “scare/surprise” I would have shot a reduced dose, but some insulin to keep him from going too high- maybe .5

    As I have recently been reminded, a strategy to shoot more consistently with the same dose of ProZinc, as opposed to shooting lower, is to get a +10 test and, if the number looks like it’s going to be low at preshot time, go ahead and feed the cat in order to bring up the numbers to a level where hopefully you can shoot the normal dose. This will work for some people and their schedules (including sleep schedules in the p.m. (overnight) cycle. For others it would be impossible.
    apollonia-artemisia likes this.
  6. apollonia-artemisia

    apollonia-artemisia Member

    Nov 11, 2022
    I knew it was a bit higher than I normally would have but I was under the impression that he was having rather stubborn highs because of all the reasons i explained and that it was leveling out still from a recent dose change, so didn't want to throw him further out of wack. Mostly because for a while there, he was getting mid cycle blues on 0.75, until i had to use topical steroids again. He also doesnt respond too well to rapid dose fluctuations at time so I was hesitating on that front :(

    Unfortunately that would be impossible for me, but good to be aware of!! I thought of doing the 0.5 this morning too, just didnt know if he would drop suddenly again. I think its likely his high mid of 359 is a rebound reaction, so I definitely want to see if it might settle a little for tonight
  7. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Yes. He may even have a really high PMPS because of a bounce and also lack of insulin. I wanted to check before bed, but it is still too early there.
  8. apollonia-artemisia

    apollonia-artemisia Member

    Nov 11, 2022
    Sorry it was actually that my phone was out of battery so I couldn't log the reading!! He was at 459 and I gave him 0.75. I know he would have been fine with the full unit as long as I do conditional reductions like before. Didn't want another green morning to surprise me even though it would be unlikely- but I stopped needing to use my topical steroids! So any potential exposure to them will be working their way out of his system soon.
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  9. apollonia-artemisia

    apollonia-artemisia Member

    Nov 11, 2022
    Today his preshot was 170, so I gave him the reduced dose of 0.5u. He ate half of his breakfast and saved the other half for when he got hungry again, and boy did he make sure we knew! His +4.5 reading before I gave the other half was 51. Will be keeping an eye on him. The only symptoms I noticed was a bit of a wobble going down the stairs, and him doing his scolding meow of "why isn't there any food!!!" that is typical for him to do, especially before meals.

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