Monday's Condo Good Morning everyone! Happy Tuesday and welcome back to work after the US celebrated Labor Day with a day off work. Oh Luci... I'm patiently waiting for her to let go of that lemon tree...and maybe not take such dramatic dives either. Today I'll set an alarm for DH so when I'm busy downstairs he can get a REMINDER to test her...otherwise I'll just have to remind myself! I hope you all have a good day and your kitties surf safely!
She’s addicted mom and she can’t help it, she loves her lemon tree, gonna take time for to say goodbye Try not to work to hard today Have a great day
Thanks! You too! Boy, you can really hear the crickets over here on the T-forum...chirp, chirp, know, when it's really quiet and all you can hear area few crickets chirping...LOL!
Either crickets, or the drip drip drip of a leaky faucet I guess the next assessment point will be the beginning of October, to see if the second half of September looks any different than the first half. Sam took around two weeks to start reacting, and peeking at Zeke's SS right now, it was around the two month mark (although the severe bounces stopped pretty much immediately) that he really started showing off some mighty fine surfing skills. I wish Tresiba would have worked faster for Luci; I know it can be a downer seeing numbers run basically the same (or a bit higher) with the change-over Not only does Luci love her lemon tree -- that lemon tree is apparently next to a cliff, and Luci's practicing for a gold medal at cliff diving. If she'd only dive a little slower, you could try a preemptive snack of MC, but as far as I can see, there's nearly no warning. I went to go stare at the table from the Japanese study again. It still gives me hope of improvement on a month to month basis
I hear ya! She doesn't want me to forget about her gold-medal earning diving skills! Silly girl! We're usually more on the ball around here...but sometimes life happens...and no test at 2+...she slipped away from us...and now today, we're testing and she's loafing...typical cat huh? I look back a lot at the transition to Lev...she was a slow poke for that just takes her a while to catch on... I'm hoping you're right about that one month mark...but remember Luci can't tell time or read (the calendar)... But fingers and paws crossed for some better numbers soon