7/21/21 - Squeaky! AMPS = 124 +5=77 +6=72 PMPS = 275 +8.5 = 262

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Jan D & Squeaky, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Jan D & Squeaky

    Jan D & Squeaky Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2020
    https://felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/7-16-21-squeaky-amps-322-6-488-pmps-430-8-316.249944/ HAHA missed days; lots to report

    Question: What’s a cat’s favorite subject in school?
    Answer: Hisss-tory!

    Hi Gang, we had our practice camping overnight on Saturday night, which is why you haven't heard from me for a few days. Had to bail out around 12:30 due to unforeseen circumstances. Some things actually went well, other things...... First, I tripped over Squeaky's playpen big time, landed on my left hip on the sidewalk. That cement is hard! And I'm not as young as I used to be.... Second, Squeaky did pretty well but of course. Some people in the neighborhood decided to set off some fireworks around midnight..... Squeaky got scared and was hiding under the steering wheel. I finally decided with a scared cat and me in increasing pain, good idea to bail out!

    Surely this was NOT a fiasco but just a learning experience. Also I'm hoping that the blow to my hip is the chiropractic adjustment I need to resolve my scoliosis.

    Anyway, I think Squeaky was okay with the experience (lots of purring when we got in bed, obviously no permanent damage), and the fun thing is lately he's really getting into taking walks with his halter and leash in the outdoors, so I'm still going to keep moving in the direction of camping. After my hip heals. I've been sleeping a lot.... hobbling around.....

    Enough from me, hoping you are all doing GREAT and WELL and sending hugs and purrs! How are you and kitties doing? :):cat:

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