4/25 Charlie AMPS 148, + 1 289, +2 311

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Katy and Charlie, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Katy and Charlie

    Katy and Charlie Member

    Nov 29, 2023
    Yesterday's post

    I was so excited yesterday. He stayed at a good level all day. Now I have no idea what's going on. :confused: Maybe I did a furshot this morning. Will update at + 6.

    This disease gives me emotional whiplash.
    Hendrick Cuddleclaw likes this.
  2. Hendrick Cuddleclaw

    Hendrick Cuddleclaw Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
    Don't despair, this is all part of the process. It's not necessarily a furshot -- look back at 4/19 -- PMPS was nearly identical, you shot 3.25U and his +1 and +2 numbers were almost exactly the same as today's. Insulin cycles sometimes sort of take a day off and you don't see much downward momentum in the BGs. We call this an in-active cycle. Then other times, during an active cycle, you might have a similar AMPS and shoot the same dose and whoooooooooooooosssssssh down go the BGs!

    It is of course also possible that the dose was reduced so quickly we bypassed the right dose and went down too far -- but it is far far better, as Wendy has said, to work your way back up carefully and cautiously then to be repeatedly shooting a dose which brings him too low.

    Charlie is doing GREAT. And so are you! Remember to give yourself a treat or two along with the Bean. :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:
  3. Katy and Charlie

    Katy and Charlie Member

    Nov 29, 2023
    Ugh, Kyle, you are the sweetest. I seriously feel so crappy this morning because of seeing those higher numbers. Your message was so sweet and almost made me tear up a bit. I have a hard time with the unpredictability. I never know what's going to happen next and my brain doesn't like that. I have to remember we still have made a lot of progress. Looking at his spreadsheet there is a lot less red and black so we are on the right track. Thanks for always being so supportive!:bighug:
  4. Hendrick Cuddleclaw

    Hendrick Cuddleclaw Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
    I'd also like to point out that this is the first time you've been able to shoot the same dose for more than 3 cycles in a row since you were shooting 4.25U!

    Based on the greens yesterday, this might even be the right dose for Charlie right now, but only time will tell. if I recall correctly TR says hold for 10 cycles if you see green so I think the guidance from folks like Wendy, Elise or Suzzane is likely to be hold 2.25 for a few more days as long as he doesn't go diving again! But let's see what they say
  5. Katy and Charlie

    Katy and Charlie Member

    Nov 29, 2023
    Yes, I remember Wendy saying to hold for 10 cycles after first green. I know I am so bad at being too hard on myself and you help me remember to celebrate the little victories! So yay for being able to hold a dose!!

    I just tested him on my lunch break and got 182. So I would say it wasn't a fur shot just an inactive cycle or something. That relieves some of my anxiety about it!
  6. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Could have been a mini protest by Charlie's body - trying to get a tiny bounce in. It's fantastic that's he's resolving them so much quicker now.

    I'm thrilled Charlie let you shoot the same dose for 6 cycles now. That'll mean following the larger depot is depleted and it'll be so much easier where to go next with the dose. We do hold doses with green nadirs for 10 cycles.
  7. Hendrick Cuddleclaw

    Hendrick Cuddleclaw Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
    a near-green PMPS! Man, Charlie just keeps on keepin' on!

    Shoot low to stay low, they say. Hopefully nothing super low tonight.
    Katy and Charlie likes this.
  8. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I jinxed it. :banghead::banghead: For most cats I wouldn't suggest this, but I think Charlie needs to try 1.75 units next. I'd much rather you be a little low on the dose than take a smaller reduction and risk those very low numbers he's so fond of. Charlie's going completely off book. :rolleyes:
    Katy and Charlie likes this.
  9. Hendrick Cuddleclaw

    Hendrick Cuddleclaw Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
    shoot, guess you missed Wendy's advice. Please go down to 1.75 for the evening shot though!
    Katy and Charlie likes this.
  10. Katy and Charlie

    Katy and Charlie Member

    Nov 29, 2023
    Geez, Charlie is sure taking us for a wild ride! :confused:

    I didn't see this before shooting this morning! I should have checked first. I went with 2 units but it looks likes he is bouncing so I don't think it will hurt. I'll go with 1.75 units tonight. And hopefully we don't get another crazy drop. But thank goodness it's a weekend, I can stay up late and keep an eye on him!!
    Hendrick Cuddleclaw likes this.

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