4/11, Susie, 233 AMPS, 256 @+2, 238 @+6, 283 @+8

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Summer and Susie (GA), Apr 11, 2021.

  1. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020

    Thanks to all for your support yesterday. The event was a surprise to me and so totally unexpected. It is hard for me to believe that it wasn't a shock to Susie's system. It is one thing to have a nice, slow, incremental drop but to drop like a rock, out of the blue (or should I say yellow), is quite another. A good learning experience and a reminder to me to buy more HC Fancy Feast to have around. I have several MC cans. Susie seemed a little spacy this morning so I am going to keep an eye on her. Didn't eat all her breakfast but ate most of it. A big increase between +3.50 and 5.50 last night.
  2. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    I'm going to guess she's bouncing...based on history she clears them pretty quickly, so she may be back down by tonight. I understand the dropping like a rock, ours came out of nowhere too!

    I'd suggest getting a +11 and +11.5 if you can, that way you'll know if she's rising or falling coming into shot time (possibly breaking a bounce) - and have time to ask for help here if you need it.

    Mr Kitty broke a bounce pretty hard last week and was in the 50s by the time we caught it.

    Another thing to consider, you previously mentioned wanting to keep Susie in the 80-120 range. If she comes back down tonight and seems to stay down the next few cycles, you probably want to switch to SLGS since it has the higher threshold for reductions.
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  3. Margaret (and Pearl)

    Margaret (and Pearl) Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Susie has had 2 things recently that may be affecting her Green last night - the possible vet visit interfering with the BG, and the new dose. I would continue to keep close watch her, because it is possible the new dose is pulling her numbers down quite a bit. ECID and you don't know yet.

    The drop last night would likely cause a bounce because she isn't used to Green (but not bad at all - today she is in normal yellow numbers for her), so when this clears (if a bounce) you don't know if she will want to go Green again. This AM is only Cycle 4 since you increased. The depot will continue filling with the new dose up to 6 cycles, and then after that she will really start adjusting to the full strength increase. So, the jury is out on her Green and how she got to it last night, and I would keep close watch to track her patterns and notice any new patterns arising (with Pearl, new patterns happen all.the.time). I hope this helps you.
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  4. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  5. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    It's possible the convenia has made her feel better and that contributed to the drop yesterday. I hope she comes back down slowly for you.
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  6. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Thank you. I will see how she does and will definitely consider going back to SLGS if she stays uncomfortably low. It is also a good idea to test at +11, if needed, before you prepare the shot and the food to give you time to also ask for help. I think she is in a bounce. Was pretty high at +8.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  7. Butters & Lyla

    Butters & Lyla Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
    Nice to see Susie in some healing numbers:D. Now How about a nice, slow drop next time:cat:. I hope she is feeling better.
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  8. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Yes, she had a third thing yesterday. The antibiotic. Will watch her closely. She is pretty high at +8 (283) so I don't think I am going to experience the same event as last night. Thank you, Margaret. I didn't realize it can take up to 6 cycles before a new dose is really reflected in a cat. Cycle 6 would be tonight, right, if she started at 2.25 the morning of 4/9. Is it also reasonable to believe that if her +3 is higher than her PMPS than I am safe to go to bed? I need some sleep tonight after last night.
  9. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Honestly, I have read this info before and I don't really understand the depot except that shots of Lantus stay in the body longer than a single cycle so cycles can be influenced by previous injections. You would think that would help to keep numbers low but that is not what is stated. How do you know how much is in the depot and how should that influence you going forward? That just boggles my mind.
  10. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    I would love it if that were true, Carla. I have been so paranoid about the Convenia.
  11. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    For your lips to God's ears, Lyla. Next time - a nice slow drop. She is feeling better. When I first awoke she seemed a little spacy but she has been just fine for many hours.
    Thank you, Lyla. I am praying that your Butters is feeling better. I also know about kitties that finish their late night snacks a little too late to get a good BG reading at AMPS.
    Butters & Lyla likes this.
  12. Butters & Lyla

    Butters & Lyla Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
    Lol. Right!:rolleyes: In the past, I might've pulled the snack @+10 eaten or not, but not right now!
    Thank you for the prayers for Butters:bighug:
    And I'm so glad to hear Susie seems to be feeling better!
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  13. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Mr Kitty also had Convenia and numbers dropped. So far he's ok!

    As for the PMPS +3...I'm not sure. Historically it looks like the +3 is a good indicator even when she breaks bounces, so you may be ok. Perhaps set an alarm for +5/6 too, even if she's fairly flat?
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  14. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    342 @ +10. Definite bounce. I wonder what the bouncing is actually doing to our kitties. It can't be good for them. Go low, go high - chaos. It is sad. We can put a man on the moon but can't figure out how to safely treat these kitties, without the constant ups and downs, for diabetes. I guess I will sleep tonight. Will check again at +3 tonight but doubt I will have a big enough drop to be concerned.
  15. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    I'm glad I am not the only one who is using the Convenia. Please let me know if there is any indication of a bad result from this med. I'm glad Mr. Kitty is doing well. Mr. Kitty is really coming around nicely to this dose, Melissa.
  16. Margaret (and Pearl)

    Margaret (and Pearl) Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Yes tonight is Cycle 6. I think the general rule of thumb is that you're safe is there isn't a big difference (drop) at the +3, but it does depend on the cat and whether she usually has early or late NADIRs. With Pearl this is safe because Pearl drops early if she is going to drop. But lots of cats have a late NADIR. I personally - before I had tons of data knowing what Pearl would do at what numbers - would advise setting an alarm for middle of the night and checking at like +6 for awhile. At the same time, others might see this differently, if your cat is pretty high in the yellows they might just say to go to bed. Her drop yesterday is what has me concerned, because you don't yet know if she is going to do it again or not. So for me, if it was my cat, I would set the alarm and check. It builds your data bank too, which will help you over time.
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.
  17. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    My only concern is this might not be a typical cycle - if she breaks the bounce, the usual "if +3 is flat or higher you're good" rule doesn't necessarily apply
    Summer and Susie (GA) likes this.

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