3/1 AMPS: 335 (feeling frustrated this morning)

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by TankNRK, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. TankNRK

    TankNRK Member

    Dec 1, 2022
    Previous Post:

    Had to poke Mr. Lando 6 times this morning to get a reading, which is frustrating for both of us since I rarely have that issue anymore.
    I've been using my True Metrix Air for awhile, I bought the relion but wanted to finish with the strips I had before transitioning over to a cheaper one.
    Since I was struggling to get a reading for 3 strips on my Metrix, I tried my Relion and got a freaking 411. To double test it, I did it again, same number. Then did the true metrix (which I've been using for the last week or so) and got a 335, more in line with the tests I've been getting this week, so opted to put that in my sheet today.

    It made me frustrated though. I know, "pick one meter and stick to it or you'll drive yourself crazy!" Lol.

    I know there's a 20% -/+ to the numbers, but that's such a huge difference in my eyes.
    I haven't been able to find Lando's Nadir yet since I haven't been off to test enough. I've been testing before bed at +4 to his PM cycle and I've noticed more often then not it's the same as his preshot, is that normal? Been making me feel defeated, expecting a lower number already at +4.

    We've officially done 4 cycles at 1.25u and I just don't see the numbers I want, but I know I need to wait another day or two... Just wish we could see some pretty blues and figure out where the nadir is.

    I'm going to spend today in my free time re-reading about the Lantus Depo and just remember to be patient. Sigh. Lol.
  2. Deb and Sylvester

    Deb and Sylvester Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2023
    Give it time, you only switched to Lantus a short while ago. Keep going and you will start to see the results!!

    I understand the frustration, and it's ok to feel that way, just don't let it take the driver seat!
    TankNRK likes this.
  3. TankNRK

    TankNRK Member

    Dec 1, 2022
    Thank you, I'm just feeling a little grumpy and defeated today with my currently whacky schedule. Not knowing when or what his Nadir is sure is making dosing hard. I do think he's gonna go back up to 1.5u. seems like from what I've seen with him the first day on a new dose hits him harder then he levels out, just like day 1 on Lantus with the greens we got! I want to slowly start working my way towards TR once I have the data to back it up.

    I'm thinking on Saturday since I'll be off I'm going to bump him to 1.5u and can run a full hourly curve to see exactly what's happening and I'll be home to monitor all day.
    Deb and Sylvester likes this.
  4. TankNRK

    TankNRK Member

    Dec 1, 2022
    I know I can at least be thankful that I'm seeing some consistency! Every morning and evening I'm seeing a similar number for his preshot, so that's good I haven't seen much variation bouncing around. That's a start! Just need to be thankful for that. And Lando HAS been a teeny bit more playful and is moving around more. He's not crying for food hourly, now it's about every 2 hours (even if it's never enough snack in one sitting!) I'm happy to feed him frequently but we have to watch our portion sizes because he's only got 3 legs and becoming overweight can be a serious issue for him.... But so is diabetic neuropathy because he only has 3 legs to stand on :( it all makes it feel so complicated!
    Mikanmama and Deb and Sylvester like this.
  5. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Hang in there. It takes time to find a good dose. All you can do is the best you can with working around your schedule. Lando is lucky to have someone who cares enough to test him and take care of him. :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  6. Deb and Sylvester

    Deb and Sylvester Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2023
    I understand, Sly is a chubby monkey, and I'm trying to make sure he doesn't gain anything.

    The less ravenous hunger is a very good thing! Stick with 1 meter, the AT2 was the one I used in the past, but I'm liking the human meter better myself.

    You're doing great! Lando is blessed to have a Mom like you!!

    Slow and steady wins the race!
    TankNRK likes this.
  7. Deb and Sylvester

    Deb and Sylvester Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2023

    It's hard when you first start to get to right dose. My last guy made it easy for me the first 2 years, he was regulated fast.

    Sly is a dry food cat, and he's a challenge, but I won't give up until I find his perfect dose.

    Smile, Spring is coming!
    TankNRK and Mikanmama like this.
  8. TankNRK

    TankNRK Member

    Dec 1, 2022
    Thank you! I wonder how to navigate when I switch over from true metrix air to relion permanently. Seeing numbers go from low 300s to 400s just gives me anxiety and thinking about the final switch and seeing those numbers look so different!
    Deb and Sylvester likes this.
  9. TankNRK

    TankNRK Member

    Dec 1, 2022
    Thank you for the encouragement<3 the outpouring love from everyone every single day gives me the strength to continue on hard days. Sometimes it's a heavy weight on top of everything else life throws at us.
    One day at a time <3 slow progress is still progress and it takes time to learn new things. I'm doing the best I can and will keep doing so.
  10. Deb and Sylvester

    Deb and Sylvester Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2023
    It CAN get overwhelming. And you are doing BETTER than your best, believe that!!

    Honestly, I wasn't expecting to have another sugar baby, at least not so soon! My last guy crossed the bridge in August, and he was a wild ride for his entire life (13 years). He was quite poorly for many years, and the last 2 were very draining for me on so many levels.

    When Sly was diagnosed, I only came back here to start looking for suggestions, ( I trolled this forum for 4 years with Luigi).

    Once I really started reading the posts, and saw the community outpouring, I decided to do the spreadsheet and start posting. It has made a world of a difference for me, in terms of support and guidance.
    Even my Vet is impressed with Sly's numbers, she checks his SS once a week. She's even suggested the Young Again food to some of her other dry food diabetic patients.

    Have a great day!!
    TankNRK likes this.
  11. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi Tank , Hang in there I know it's frustrating, but like other members have said you have just started using lantus
    You don't have to poke Lando every hour to do the curve
    From the Lantus Sticky
    Hold the dose for at least a week:
    • Unless your cat won’t eat or you suspect hypoglycemia
    • Unless your kitty falls below 90 mg/dL (5 mmol/L). If kitty falls below 90 mg/dL (5 mmol/L) decrease the dose by 0.25 unit immediately.
    After 1 week at a given dose perform a 12 hour curve, testing every 2 hours OR perform an 18 hour curve, testing every 3 hours. Note: Random spot checks are often helpful to "fill in the blanks" on kitty's spreadsheet. The goal is to learn how low the current dose is dropping kitty prior to making dose adjustments.
    • If nadirs are more than 150 mg/dl (8.3 mmol/L), increase the dose by 0.25 unit
    • If nadirs are between 90 (5 mmol/L) and 149 mg/dl (8.2 mmol/L), maintain the same dose
    • If nadirs are below 90 mg/dl (5mmol/L), decrease the dose by 0.25 unit

    You're doing a great job with him :bighug::cat:

    Or ask for advice about increasing after you do the curve :cat:
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2023
    TankNRK likes this.
  12. TankNRK

    TankNRK Member

    Dec 1, 2022
    Thank you Diane :) should I still hold it for 7 full days if I'm trying to transition to TR? If I did the curve Saturday I'm mainly hoping to see where the nadir is... And it'll have been 10 cycles on the new dose, is that not enough time to decide on an increase? I'll definitely post the results here for suggestions.
  13. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi Tank going by what the sticky says you would hold the dose for one week (7 days) I would post and ask about it after you do the curve . Lando has the cutest face and looks adorable in his little hat .:cat: What happened to him that he had to have his leg amputated. . I feel bad for him. How does he get along
  14. sandysh66

    sandysh66 Member

    Jan 15, 2023
    Lando is so adorable! :cat:
  15. Margaret (and Pearl)

    Margaret (and Pearl) Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    What do you mean by trying to transition to TR? And if I might encourage you, I was trying for a long time too. It’s either SLGS or TR. anything else is custom dosing which isn’t standard or advocated for much, and I would ask Bhooma about it if you really feel you need it, but TR really is super great. Sometimes I had to make decisions to not shoot super low numbers bc my health wouldn’t let me stay up at night to monitor, so if you have any of those types of concerns I would message and explain limitations and ask for guidance.

    Hang in there! It’s a marathon, and you will get there!
    TankNRK and Bandit's Mom like this.
  16. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    I know you are frustrated by the lack of clarity or predictability :bighug: It's actually hard to tell patterns in unregulated cats since their numbers can be all over the place - what with bouncing and bounce clearing. And it does not help that the cat leads this dance. As soon as you master one form, the cat will decide it wants to try a different one.

    You are testing enough for TR. I know you would like to get more tests and are worried about keeping him safe. What is your work schedule going to be over the next few days? Is it going to be the same gone after AMPS and back at +9?
    TankNRK likes this.
  17. Lando demando

    Lando demando Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
    Everyone seems to be giving great advice. Hang in there, it will become easier in no time. You will find your zone!
    Lots of well wishes from one lando to another!!
    TankNRK likes this.
  18. TankNRK

    TankNRK Member

    Dec 1, 2022
    I'm a 6a-2p shift every day! Just haven't had a day off yet. We typically shoot at 5a-5p, and I'm only about 15 minutes from work :) I on average have Tuesday and Saturday off, so I can often get mid cycle tests every 2-3 days but since we started him on Lantus I haven't had a day off yet lol! I'll be off this Saturday though so I'm going to run a curve to get more information on his nadir and how low he's going.
    It's been spooky starting Lantus and not getting any mid cycle tests, so I'm just trying to hang tight and be safe and patient. My partner has been trying to help but he's not great at it, and I've tried to drive home to poke Lando but I only get a 30 minute break so I gotta putt-putt quickly back to work :facepalm:

    However last night I set an alarm for Lando's +6.5.... it went off, I was tired and didn't wanna get up and almost didn't but glad I did! We had some BLUE! And we're in the low 200s this morning! WHAAAAAT!

    He heard my plea! :cat:

    I'm trying to study more about TR to be comfortable with the switch. I want to do it, but I'm studying and trying to work out kinks with my schedule that could make it hard on my body and work. Wanna get myself a good game plan so I know how to handle situations when they arise!

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