20Nov24 Mav AMPS 70, +5 52, PMPS 135, +6 202

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Christie & Maverick, Nov 20, 2024.

  1. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    It's been quite a long while since I posted a condo for Mav, I almost forgot how to do it :rolleyes:. As far as the WCR, Maverick has been doing well, still playful and his usual super cuddle bug self. He decided to do a little swimming with the sharks yesterday when I came home from work to check on him (yesterday AMPS 88, +6.5 45) so of course I anticipated the bounce coming. Looks like he grabbed his speedos and his snorkel gear last night and hopped right back into the lagoon and gave me the pleasant surprise of AMPS 70.


    I had him in for a vetty visit last Friday, since he's been drinking more water lately and I already had a couple of things I was keeping a close eye on. Poor Mav gets so stressed at the vet's; actually the drive there and back is unpleasant for both of us too, but the good news is he put on a little weight, and labs looked good, which was a relief.

    Maverick misses a lot of his old pals who are no longer here on the forum, but it seems he's happily making new friends on the forum these days, since he's a bit of a social butterfly :p. He's often found hanging out in the rose bushes, as well as in the lemon tree picking lemons, with the occasional spot under a beach umbrella, and of course like the last few days, paddling around in the lagoon :cat:
    Tim & Pookey likes this.
  2. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    @Wendy&Neko - can you move my condo to LLB? Apparently I wasn't paying attention as to where I posted :rolleyes:
  3. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    7 years a diabetic gives the cat the right to do pretty much what he wants. Dunno why I bothered trying to open a SS for this year. ;)

    Any idea why the more water? Maybe just winter and more forced air in the house?
    Christie & Maverick likes this.
  4. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Hi Wendy - thank you for moving me over! Ha, very true, I figured you'd peek ;). Pick a year, any year, that's Mav lol. My labs are up to date tho :p. Not really sure, I was worried about hyper-T or kidney issues, but that didn't seem to be of concern from latest lab work. I wondered about some cause for slight dehydration, since I also noticed he's been a little constipated. Started giving him some dried egg yolk powder that I made, so that helped but good thinking on maybe just winter and it being more dry. Or, we just lost a bit of regulation over the last several months since I've had to go back to the office, unfortunately.

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