12/8 Shooter AMPS 199, +6 59, +7 53, +8 59, +9 64, PMPS 95 | Feline Diabetes Message Board - FDMB Good morning! Shooter had a GREAT streak of greens yesterday but only because I fed him CONSTANTLY. lol Of course now today he is bouncing. Hopefully it is short lived. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to rearrange my mornings because I am spending more and more time on here going through everyone's posts and then I'm RUSHING around to not be late for work. So, I'm unsure if I'm gonna post and run and try to get back on later in the day to see how everyone is doing or just wait until later in the day/night to do everything. So anyway, if you don't see or hear from me first thing in the morning as usual, you know why. Happy Monday and safe surfing!!!
Wow, Shooter had quite a day yesterday. I guess he earned that bounce. good luck revising your morning. Thanks for the heads up so we won’t worry about you, Heather. Good luck altering your schedule. I hope Shooter has a gentle slide back down again. Have a good day.
Great numbers yesterday! I hope he slides down safely now. You made me laugh, I do the same, I always come check how everybody is doing and then I'm late!
Glad Shooter stayed safe yesterday. I hope he comes back down soon. Good luck rearranging your schedule.