12/26, Sam, AMPS 101, +2 56

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by chuckstables, Jan 26, 2023.

  1. chuckstables

    chuckstables Member

    Sep 11, 2022
    Yesterday https://felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/1-25-sam-amps-104-2-47-2-3-51-3-56.273453/#post-3039067

    AMPS 101, not super interested in food, ate a bit. He had just pooped it seemed and had puked a bit, small amount in the living room, likely from the hairball he has after I groomed like a pound of hair off of him.

    +2 56, fed one can of fancy feast chicken pate, as he wasn't into the turkey/giblets this morning. He was also ravenous, likely from the blood sugar being that low/dropping so quickly.

    I haven't replaced his insulin in about 3 months now; still using the same vial of Lantus. It looks fine still, I read you can use them for up to 6 months, it's been in the fridge; it just seems weird that he's responding so fast to the insulin now. Though he was already dropping based on the +8 PMPS I got this morning.
    Chrispooky12 likes this.

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