Another skipped dose this morning. I skipped last night because I really needed to get solid sleep for my long commute this morning. And skipped this morning because my mom is watching Emmett today and she wasn’t comfortable with him getting insulin at so low a preshot number given his history. He’s been remarkably stable after 3 (!!) skipped doses though. Hopefully he doesn’t get thrown completely off track for tonight.
Maverick just tapped me on the shoulder and said, what’s Emmett doing tonight? and wants to know if Emmett wants to borrow his snorkel gear?
I was late home from work so late updating still in the green after 48 hours since his last shot! My mom also told me he got some medium carb food today, so I wonder if that’s why he finally left the 4’s lol
The cats go on hunger strikes when I’m away so she tries to stick to the diet but sometimes they get whatever they’ll eat haha
We do have a dose we call 0.1 units - there is a picture in the Insulin and Syringe Info Sticky Note. I'm surprised how much lower the FSL is that the AT3. That's 50%! Typically human and AT are a little closer in low numbers. Just an observation, not meaning you have to do anything different.
Would that likely be the next appropriate dose for him? And yeah, I’m surprised too. That’s why I started testing on both on the lower numbers. But the comparative numbers have been pretty consistent.
Emmett has told you that 0.25 units is too much. There is just the one dose left, 0.1 units, to try next. After that, he just has to look at the syringe.