12/10 Minner AMPS 246 +2 235 +4 218 +5 219 PMPS 271 +2 290 +5 260

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by MinnerPip, Dec 10, 2024.

  1. MinnerPip

    MinnerPip Member

    Jul 6, 2024
    Prior Post

    Sigh. All yellow today. 3rd and 4th cycles at 6U. PM numbers high yellow (?). +2 being higher than pmps is unusual. I saw that when on dry food, but rarely since then. I question my injection technique, too deep maybe. Sometimes I think injecting on her right side yields better results.
    Staci & Ivy and Tim & Pookey like this.
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    That higher +2 is still within meter variance of PMPS.

    Someone likes sunshine yellow! A little bouncy too.
    MinnerPip likes this.
  3. MinnerPip

    MinnerPip Member

    Jul 6, 2024
    Thanks Wendy. Yes, it did seem a bit like a bounce within yellow. Could a semi stressful event in the house late morning drive this kind of increase in PM cycle? We have two other cats in our home, but they live in separate areas of house and never interact directly with Minner. One of them, Mellow, was trapped last year, kitten of feral mom, so he is skittish cat. He had vet visit and it’s an ordeal getting him in carrier. He is very vocal and scared. This disturbance while getting him transported out of house visibly scared Minner. She was on high alert for hours, hovering under table. She stayed there most of day and returned to normal napping spots a few hours before pmps. I actually thought to myself that this commotion was going to drive up her levels … and then we see the 271 and 290. Or it’s self fulfilling prophecy. Or it’s just me searching for logic (ha!). I’m already up for 12/11 amps and thankfully she did not continue to rise much overnight, or if she did it came back down. 268. More to come in this saga as the day unfolds.

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