11/22: Jude: AMPS 354 +4 332 +6 299 PMPS 389 +2 344 +4 377

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Marielle, Nov 22, 2024.

  1. Marielle

    Marielle Member

    Mar 26, 2024
  2. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Hoping Jude is going to show some blues tonight. Did you increase last night or today? I know you’re able to monitor this weekend, but it’s worth commenting that when following SLGS doses are held for a week before considering an increase. We didn’t really have a lot of mid-cycle data on how 2.25u was working, and usually when considering an increase you want to ask yourself, how low is this current dose taking the kitty? Just a few observations :)
  3. Marielle

    Marielle Member

    Mar 26, 2024
    Thank you for weighing in. I increased Jude's dose to 2.50 last night. He's marginally come down in the last week, at least from the 400s, and is hanging in the 300s with a dip into the 200s, and that one recent drop to the 100s. I think we might have started him at a dose too low; hence, he stayed in the 300/400 range for so long. I worry for him when he is that high, and I've been anxious to get him down. I hope I'm doing right by him. I'll test more frequently tomorrow. Your feed back is valued.
  4. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    You’re welcome :). Thank you for being open to some feedback, although it’s also meant as general clarification about the SLGS dosing guideline to those folks out there who perhaps read and don’t post for help about their kitties themselves.
    Marielle likes this.
  5. Marielle

    Marielle Member

    Mar 26, 2024
    Christie, should I have held him at the dosage for seven days even when his numbers were so high? The vet said six cycles, so I was going with three days. What are your thoughts given that we didn't start him at a very high dose (we started him at .25).
  6. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Good question, I think given that Jude went into remission so quickly, and it looks like an infection brought him out of remission, I might have given him a starting dose as if he were a newly diagnosed cat. I’ve seen a few members with kitties who have come out of remission ease back into it, so while 0.25u might have been a little low to start, it looks like you didn’t stick around there for too long.

    As for more recently, he did get to mid 150s on 2.25 units on the pm cycle of Nov.20th, and otherwise we didn’t see any tests during the other cycles other than preshots. So from that aspect, it’s hard to say we know how low the 2.25u dose was taking him.

    It’s often the case that kitties who fall out of remission are harder to get back to remission, so I do understand wanting to achieve better numbers as quickly as possible, it’s just a good reminder than you want to have the right number of tests in addition to preshots to be sure that Jude isn’t sneaking into greens somewhere then bouncing.

    Is he still dealing with a UTI or has that completely resolved now? It may explain the continued higher numbers if he’s not quite over the UTI.

    If you are primarily following the vet’s advice on increases and dosing, that’s okay, you may just want to make note of that.

    Hope this helps.
    Marielle likes this.
  7. Marielle

    Marielle Member

    Mar 26, 2024
    I did check his urine following the most recent round of antibiotics, and he was clean. Your comment about the bouncing is noted. I'll try to get more tests on him this weekend (his poor ears!). Thank you for your advice!!

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