Hello! I just got home from work (so no mid cycle tests today) and Emmett’s PMPS is 81. I’m not sure if it’s safe to give him insulin? Should I delay? He’s already about 30 minutes late for insulin because of my commute home. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks! edit: I should also note that the 81 is on the alpha trak 3
Sorry nobody was around to help. Looks like you skipped. Put NS in the units column. Looks like he likes Lantus.
I didn’t end up skipping in the end. I delayed and I’m going to be up all night monitoring like crazy. I’ve seen how he does at slightly higher numbers and he did well, so hopefully it wasn’t the wrong choice.
Not at all wrong to inject. How long ago did he get insulin? So was the bg unchanged at +1? Get a +2 and feed a little lc.
Ok. Keep him hungry in case he starts dropping so feed small amounts to keep him surfing and not dropping. The higher depot is still effecting the bg I think.
I’m all stocked up on his favourite foods. He will be thrilled. I did wonder that about the depot. I’m also kind of paranoid because he had a history on Prozinc of having his dose rapidly decrease, and then suddenly become unresponsive to the decreased dose, and I’m really trying to keep his Lantus dose more consistent, if possible.
Let’s feed hi to prevent him dropping under 68. That might mean slightly higher carbs or even mc or hc. With TR you don’t do back to back reductions. Here’s your last thread for continuity. https://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/11-11-emmett-amps-128-2-70-3-103.295630/#post-3219837
It could be the higher dose wearing off. Btw why did you reduce to 2.25 instead of sticking with 2.5? He also might bounce back no clue when he dropped into green because you were at work. Is that why the bugger reduction?
I think I just missed inputting another test in there? I tend to do that when I do more than one test an hour because I am lazy and hate editing it. He dropped into lime green two days in a row. I’ve read through the TR guidelines a couple times now (still taking in everything) and I see it mentions shaving the dose down in smaller increments so I guess I should have done that instead? Unless I’m misreading some stuff. I have to translate all these numbers in my head both to mmol/L and pet monitor haha
You should not have to translate with the pet monitor as the ss should do it for you I think. I used a human meter. After a reduction try and feed higher carbs if the bg starts to go too low within 4 cycles of a reduction so you don’t need to take another one going forward. If you can’t prevent it go for the second reduction though. Safety first.
Sorry, I meant translating the numbers when I read through the guidelines, not so much with the spreadsheet. And thanks, that is good advice. I will do that from now on. I don’t know why I didn’t consider the previous larger dose still affecting it. But I’m still getting used to Lantus.
Lantus works differently for sure. Do you recall which cycle he had another lime? If not don5 worry about it.
It was on the 17th. Let me go back through the monitor history and find it. It was right after the 4.1/74. Oh, it was 3.8, which I guess technically still counts as a green. (I get paranoid when he’s in the low 4’s because he seems to really hate it. He just starts to get spacey).
I’m editing his spreadsheet. Sorry, I got so confused going through his monitor because the times on them are all off and the clock is telling me it’s five months in the past and four and a half hours in the future lol. No idea what happened to reset that lol
Bless my coworker who gave me a bunch of test strips for the freestyle lite because I’m about to run out of strips for the AT3