10/10 Callie AMPS 233, +2 180

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Jessica A, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Jessica A

    Jessica A Member

    Jul 19, 2021
    Previous: https://felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/10-6-callie-amps-362.253910/#post-2862070

    This am was our 14th cycle at 4U (not including the fs.)

    We were going to increase yesterday morning but Callie cleared the bounce and threw us a surprise 128 AMPS so we held to see what would happen. She spent some more time in the blues yesterday, getting as low as 102. Then she bounced :arghh: but seems to be clearing it pretty quickly, as she's now back in blues.

    Does it make sense to hold this dose as long as Callie's nadirs are in the low 100s? Or is it time for an increase? I've been trying to juggle avoiding more glucose toxicity with avoiding extreme and long bounces ... prob not really succeeding at either....

    I know that greens are healing -- is that also true of mid-low blues? Or am I hurting her by not increasing to try and push her numbers below 100 more quickly?

    Hope all of the kitties surf safely today. Sending healing thoughts to all those who aren't feeling well. :cat:
    Holly and Sunny Bear likes this.
  2. Holly and Sunny Bear

    Holly and Sunny Bear Member

    May 3, 2021
    Following bc I have wondered the same thing
    Jessica A likes this.
  3. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    She is clearing the bounce quickly but that big drop might very well lead to another bounce. Are you feeding her anything at +1? If not you want want to start giving a little lc then to slow her down a little.

    The goal with TR is to get her into normal bg, 50-120 as much of the time as possible. She hasn’t seen green in a lot time and not at all on this dose. It’s time to increase if you don’t see green today. If you do see green then hold the dose for 10 cycles.

    Mid blues are under renal threshold and a big improvement but if you want her tightly controlled you want to see lots of green, especially if your goal is to hopeful reach remission. If your goal is to get her tightly controlled you want her in blue and green. The bouncing should stop at that point or at least clear quickly. That being said some cats just continue to bounce.
  4. Jessica A

    Jessica A Member

    Jul 19, 2021
    Okay, makes sense. We don't usually feed at +1 and will try that to see if it helps at all with the drops/ bounces.

    At this point, our goal is remission if at all possible (and tight control if not) so we'll increase to 4.25 tonight if no green today. Thanks, Elise!
    Holly and Sunny Bear likes this.
  5. Summer and Susie (GA)

    Summer and Susie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Good luck with the increase, Jessica :)
    Jessica A likes this.

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