supplements and meds.. any advice appreciated :)

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by kitten68, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    thinking of starting my kitty on Milk Thistle as it was suggested to me from a a few sources to do so to help w possible liver issues, cuz he supposedly might have some due to high liver enzymes.. (to see more of what was going on outside of bloodwork was to get a $600 scan.. terrible. now a bit prohibitive atm.. :()

    he is currently also on Revolution for any bugs, a Proviable probiotic, and also Nordic Naturals fish oil.. if anyone might have some knowledge/idea if all these things are ok to take together.. plz lmk.

    would space them out in between shots (also on Lantus..)

    will be consulting a few places to see also what they say.. :bookworm: thinking of universities, etc. maybe manufacturers..

    (and so glad to hear Proviable is ok! didnt realize that probiotics could have carbs in there….. makes sense. :facepalm:…..)
  2. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
  3. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
  4. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    You might want to see if there's a reputable holistic vet in your area. I suspect that most university based clinics don't focus on supplements. The manufacturers are likely going to give you a good deal of PR vs science.
    kitten68 likes this.
  5. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    will look some up :woot:.. tried looking and looks like slim pickings but maybe can find one. and i was going to call the colleges, the departments. haha. talk to a big professor lol.. couldnt hurt (?)
  6. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    If you're going to call a vet school or university, remember, they are likely on summer break.
    kitten68 likes this.
  7. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    some places have summer classes ~ but true! will keep in mind. :cat: just trying to find some help w this.. cuz the vet keeps harping on it and blah blah.. :/ and it was suggested to start Milk Thistle and many also say how much it has helped anything w liver.. eh. need to go through my threads..

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