Starting very soon!! dosing, any advice/answers to questions appreciated!! :)

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by kitten68, May 27, 2024.

  1. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024

    hiii!! :) previous thread above; read on the board after 25 to make a new thread so here goes.. sorry if incorrect lmk ~ :cat::cat:

    well, the day is approaching soon. :) finally able and have picked this Wednesday.. yay. will be going with SLGS method.. (its also quite similar -appears anyway- to the Vetsulin method.. so yeah..) sorry if a bit long, but trying to get this in early enough before the day.. (will be going back over my threads and grabbing all the good info received as well.. thanks so so much..)

    do have some newish questions and concerns if anyone is able to maybe advise:

    1) dosing.. was advised think 1.5 to 1.75 based off SS and insulin history (I think, ty!!).. but am thinking to start really conservatively and do maybe just 1 U to start.. maybe even .5/.75?... im nervous lol. but also don't want to lose what ground there has been. any thoughts? :) and in terms of syringe, half units left side, full units right side? (and will be shooting physically less amounts because more concentrated, yes?)

    2) with Lantus, understand there's a depot and that it also takes 5-7 days to see how things are.. in addition to seeing things normalize potentially taking time. does this mean his sugars will be high during this time?.... tried reading the sticky and still not clear on that.. like does it actually work immediately, but its also building up in the system? or what can I expect? he's been on Vetsulin since mid April..

    3) im finding that the usual area where I shoot is starting to become tender (ReALLY hope I didn't create some scar tissues.. or maybe hit muscle by accident idkk.) which is a bit lower on the back past the shoulder blades.. today I was able to shoot and it not hurt but it was a bit close to the shoulder blades.. IS THIS OK?.. I understand the scruff and of course there's other places are the way, but.. the back and neck for us is much easier. any advice on the optimum spots much in this area appreciated.. tho for us where I can grab enough skin and not pick up muscle around there, that prolly where it gonna go.. :/

    4) is the Basics page on Lantus the only place that has info on method/numbers/etc? Vetsulin seems to have TWO pages.. (Intro to Canin, and Beginners to, etc) ~ what other pages are there to get into?

    5) I bought some nice turkey necks to stew/boil some fresh meat for Pudge.. and maybe give some broth. he could use it (broth esp) cause he's needing some hydration (aside been adding water to meals).. any thoughts or tips on this, or anyone do this? (the vet was useless on this subject.. said just give him the cat food) anyhow, Ive really been wanting and thought it'd be nice to have some nice fresh homemade protein and broth added to meals/as treats.. was also thinking of making bone broth with the bones after (if not too small, etc.. never cooked turkey neck before so will see haha..) was contemplating initial cook of just low boiling water and dropping in, or lightly searing with some itty bitty amount of olive oil and then adding water, boiling, etc. ~ thoughts? (gonna take a look at Dr. Pierson's page.. but just wanting to do a very basic meat/broth thing.. give pieces/add broth to meals..)

    tysm. :) we appreciate it!!!

    @Wendy&Neko @Shell @Sienne and Gabby (GA) @Diane Tyler's Mom @Suzanne & Darcy @Bron and Sheba (GA) @Bandit's Mom @Don Degludec :woot:
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  2. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    well.. this baby was 176 at +4 hours.. and then came home +8 saw 134 (!!!).. today was the lowest I've seen ~ is maybe getting regulated on the Vetsulin or even better? interesting..

    should still change to Lantus tho right? planning to do so tmw.. :)
  3. Alicia & Kit cat

    Alicia & Kit cat Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    Hi there -

    It's actually a new thread each day - sometimes daily threads will get over 25 replies, but keeping it as a new thread each day helps folks stay caught up without a lot of scrolling. It's also preferred if your thread title lists the date (to help track when the thread was posted), the kitty's name, and what the daily tests were. If you look over other threads currently posted, it'll give you a good template.

    The decision between Lantus and Vetsulin is up to you - I switched to Lantus (and to a different vet because I wasn't impressed with the current one) almost immediately, so I can't really say much about Vetsulin. Lantus does have a much smoother curve, which is what I wanted.

    Good luck with your decision! :bighug:
    kitten68 likes this.
  4. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    hiiii!!! :) :)

    thanks for clarifying! will try to remember and follow ~ im having the same sentiments.. and have been really excited to start it (Lantus).. wish it had been the first insulin we used... so I will do this. :)

    also, SO impressed at how much data u have!! we try over here, but wow! (and sorry to hear your kitty out of remission.. :()

    tysm!! :)
  5. Alicia & Kit cat

    Alicia & Kit cat Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    She's pretty used to all the pokes at this point, and is pretty good about it, so it's easy to test a lot. I might also be a bit obsessive. And it gets easier (for the most part) to get more data. Usually the cat starts to be better about being good for shots, and you find times when you can fit in a poke or two. There are definitely weeks that I don't get as many tests, but I'm lucky that my work allows me to work from home as needed, or to pop home to test.
    kitten68 likes this.

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