Link to previous post @Deb & Wink & @JanetNJ So she's surfing, even though I lowered her AM shot today. That's interesting. Now at +7 she's lower.. she should have hit her lowest at +5/+6 I find it SO frustrating that I can't figure out what she's doing. It's like she is doing everything the wrong way, and doing the opposite of what she should be doing. Can someone please tell my cat how this is supposed to be? Huge anti-jinx here... silly enough I'm hoping this is her way of telling me that she wants off the juice... gosh I hope so. I'm not expecting it, cause if I am she'll do the opposite I hope you made it through the storm, Deb hopefully safe and warm without broken bones! We are in our second, or my third lockdown.. and I've decided to skip Christmas with my grandparents. I'm looking forward to a new year, hopefully without disease, death, pandemics and hoarding... A little less excitement would be great
Surf away Mauer, surf away. About a foot of snow, heavy but manageable. Long driveway plowed twice. Snow may look nice, but it's hard to shovel so much. My aching shoulders!!!
Snow looks light as a feather, but it's really not! Has it stopped snowing? Mauer seemed low this morning, so I was hoping for a blue AMPS. And then she freaking blew our nice yellow string through the roof! She must have gone a lot lower after the blue last night, don't you think?
She very likely did drop lower than that 193 BG from last night, 12/17/20. That looks like a bounce to me this morning 12/18/20, from those low greens yesterday morning or from her possibly dropping lower overnight. My old camera card died, so I can't share pictures from the snow storm. It did stop snowing overnight. Only a couple more inches to clear this morning, and then had to put some salt down, so I would not slip and fall on the icy spots. Some snow piles along the driveway are a good 8 feet high, where the snow got plowed up and out of the way.
I think so too. She went up fast again. We had such a good time with the yellow pre-shots! Holy moly! I'm glad you didn't get snowed in! You know I have ADHD, so I take Adderall/Ritalin... last night for Mauers +5 BG test I must have been very very confused. I apparently thought it was morning already, so I took my pill.. witch I normally can't sleep on!!! When the alarm went off a second time, I looked at the clock. And it was 3 in the morning Gosh I hated myself in that moment! Well, thankfully I could sleep.. but lightly. It was so stupid Mauer has some nasty stuff in her eye..
Her eye is looking better after a few times of saline! She was 0.1mmol from having a blue PMPS! I got to see the twins today, gosh I needed that! Ended staying a bit longer than I planned.. I stayed while their mom and dad got their dinner. It's been 5 months since they've eaten dinner from start to finish, and had warm food. So I had some one on one time with Emma and Oskar So now I'm recharged and ready for Christmas! Now a shower and bedtime! Hope you didn't get too much snow, dear Deb.
A bit of saline for Mauer's eye sounds like a good idea. Maybe gently using a cotton swab, wet with a bit of saline to remove any "gunk" (junk, bad looking stuff) in the corner of the eye would help too. Sounds like that visit to see the twins was a visit that really lifted your spirits. p.s. Nice low blue BG's for Mauer today.
Used a cotton swab too. I remove gunk from her eyes daily, she and the dog makes a lot of it. Miver has absolutely nothing. It's always been like that, usually it's black now it's brown yellow ish. She HATES getting her eye dripped with saline. Seriously I can poke her ears, give her injections.. but saline in her eye? Hell no.... It really lifted my spirits! Gosh they've gotten big! I promised cake when Oskar is weighing more than Mauer I'm bringing cake next time! He is a fat cute baby Yeah right? I didn't expect that, or I wouldn't have gone to see the twins. She even went down there on snacks and food! And she kept going down late in her cycle.. My sister didn't think it was necessary to get the +7, but I had a feeling. She even went down on a 2.50U last night. Hopefully she didn't bounce right back up, but I'll know in an hour. And today is weighing day! Fingers crossed
Any kind of return policy on an old kitty? First RED amps in December Not just pink, yellow or even blue... no...freaking red. And she gained weight. Now she went in the litter box so hopefully she didn't gain that much anyway. Now our perfect december is ruined
A full bladder can add a couple of ounces to a cat's weight. Remember, those reds after lows the cycle or 2 before are usually bounces. p.s. I'd send you some Snickerdoodle cookies if I could.
115 grams since yesterday! Yeah! Don't know about the bladder situation but she made a nice big poop And yes, I can tell the difference. Mauer doesn't cover hers up, she believes everyone needs to smell that she's been there.. And we're back in the yellows! Oh my, snickerdoodles sounds delicious! I had to Google yum! Is it a Christmas thing, or just an everyday cookie? How is your snow situation going, Deb?
Gosh I didn't see that coming! I tested at +3, she went down fast, fed her and went over to my mom - she lives across the street, home after after one and a half hour and she's 50. 0.1 mmol from going neon! Hypo-kit activated! Thought it might be a faulty test, so retested after 5 minutes and after a spoon of HC, got a 2.9 instead of 2.8, so no faulty test here. She seems just fine. Not more alert than usual. @JanetNJ what is my next step? Testing ever 30 to make sure she stays up?
I wouldn't change tonights shot unless the preshot is low (under like 190). Do the 2.75. You might also do 2.75 tomorrow if you want to lower it.
And a bounce. But that I did see coming! Wow what a day! Thank God I was there... I knew something was up when her +3 was more than a 50% drop. But then I had the awesome idea of vacuum cleaning my mom's place... took longer than I planned on. I was wondering... when is a low a hypo? Like a real hypo?
When you see symptoms, even mild hypo symptoms. Wink always got more vocal, and his eyes would dilate and be non-reactive to light. We like to prevent those symptomatic hypoglycemic episodes. That is why we advise feeding when your cat hits low BG numbers, like Mauer did today. A little bit of food, even some of her regular food can help to even out those BG levels. It does take a bit of time, for the food to get from the stomach into the bloodstream. Which is why testing in 20-30 minutes best. Remember this mantra: "Feed the 40's", to prevent those symptomatic hypos. Mauer doesn't cover up her poops? I have the opposite problem. My cat Dancer covers her poops and pees so much, she ends up breaking up the pee clumps in the litter box, and often ends up flinging the litter out of the low entry of the box. So a couple of nice soft litter mats take care of that. p.s. So nice of you to vacuum for your mom. I vacuumed my upstairs today. Great minds think alike! And chopped ice off the driveway, lots and lots of ice. Rewarded myself for all that hard work by cooking myself some chocolate pudding with dried cherries sprinkled on top. Got warm enough today to melt some of the snow, but there is plenty left in the woods and along the sides of my driveway. Expecting warmer temperatures, 2" (5 cm) of rain Christmas Eve into Christmas day along with high winds, so some of the snow will melt, but not all of it. Snickerdoodles are a holiday tradition. They are basically a sugar cookie, rolled in cinnamon and sugar before baking, and they flatten out into a nice flat cookie, and crisp up after cooling down. I froze 2 dozen for later. Plus I froze some of the chocolate pudding/dried cherry graham cracker crumb tarts. Another tradition is Christmas Eve dinner of a large plate of tidbits. Cheese, crackers, pickles, olives, sliced meats, fresh and canned fruits like mandarin oranges and pineapple, fresh veggies like radishes and carrots, and whatever else I have on hand. Truthfully, I could eat a plate of those tapas type items for just about every dinner and be happy.
So no specific number that defines a hypo? I fed her before I went to my mom's, exactly to prevent and slow things down. Apparently Mauer didn't agree with me on that one How annoying! Have you tried some other kind of litter? Well... I know all about the flying litter..anywhere else than in the box itself. Mauer always pees right inside the box, so close to the edge and then she goes crazy and the litter starts flying Witch mats are you using? I haven't found any good ones. Well, her Christmas present is being delayed so I thought it would be nice to do something for her. And I got my exercise! Today I'm doing my own place, started the washer with my bedding sheets, watered some orchids, doing the dishes and vacuuming. Sounds like a delicious reward you gave yourself! Gosh you're still dealing with snow?! You could be a champ and ship me some! It doesn't feel like Christmas without snow. Gosh it sounds delicious! I'm glad we aren't the diabetic ones! Sounds like our new years eve tradition, crackers and lots of different kinds of cheese. On Christmas eve we get duck, different kinds of pork, potatoes - regular and brown ones. The brown ones is small already cooked potatoes from a jar, and then we melt butter on a pan with white sugar and let them get caramelized... it tastes awesome!! And potato chips also And a sauce made of the melted fats from the pork and duck.. Let's just say, no one gets skinny of our Christmas traditions Mauer was almost blue this morning. She hadn't moved much since her +5 in her PM cycle. I gave her a 2.5U, since she was lower than yesterday and I don't wanna repeat yesterday's AM cycle I'm excited to see if that was the right call.. Since you won't be on until late, I wish you a merry Christmas! I hope you and Dancer get an wonderful evening with lots of good food! Try to enjoy the snow a little bit for me
Well... could have gone to 2.75U. I'll try that tomorrow, unless you think otherwise, Deb? Besides the fact she went the wrong way today, she has been quite flat. Uneventful day, thankfully. I'm nauseous and dizzy Migraine is something the devil invented.... I'll sleep it off and check in at +5 Hugs
Sometimes those flat BG's can indicate a bounce is breaking. No, there is no specific BG number that says a hypo is occurring. ECID Every Cat is Different. Best I can do for now, with sharing the snow with you. 1. Gray squirrel on my back deck, 2. front screened porch looking down the hill and across the salt marsh, 3. back deck looking off into my back woods. p.s. Another storm headed my way for Thursday night and Friday. Lots of rain this time, but high winds too. Potential for widespread power outages. Hope not here, but if it happens, I won't be able to log on to the message board. Simply wanted to give you a "heads up."
Gosh we don't have squirrels like you do, I love it! You live in the woods?! ALONE?! What a wonderful Christmas... went early to bed the 23 and the 24 cause I had insane migraine Mauer reached blue today! She's been blue every night since her hypo. Was it a hypo? Oh well... If 3U is too much and a fat 2.75U is too little... then what? Any suggestions on how we get our mojo back? Keep the dosage for a few days? I think her PM dose seems fine, she's going blue but not too low. Hope the storm missed you, Deb! And that you had a wonderful Christmas with awesome tapas like foods
I don't know what to tell you on this question Sasha. We've already discussed your many options. Different insulin, Letting Mauer drop into those greens more often being the 2 main options. Umm, yes I'm surrounded by woods, but there are neighbors on either side of me, within a couple of hundred feet. It's not as isolated as you may think. Plus, I love the solitude and watching the birds at my feeders. There is a commuter train rail line that runs back behind the property, about 1000 feet back from my home. There are a lot of trees here, hundreds of them on my little 2+ acres. Storm did not miss us, but it was very rainy with torrential downpours and high wind, 2.2 inches of rain. Did not lose power which is fantastic, but I do worry about that since with no power there is no heat and no electricity to run the submersible pump for my water well. Almost all the snow is melted now, except for the piles along the sides of the road and driveway where the snowplow pushed the snow. Look back at post #22 and you can see some of the differences. 1. White-breasted Nuthatch 2. Back deck looking into woods 3. Upper driveway 4. Dancer with her new Yeoww catnip banana 5. Screened porch looking over marsh (that is water, not snow across the road) 6. No squirrel today, but no snow either. It's mostly melted.
I'm happy to let her drop into the greens more often, I'd just like if she didn't skydived downthere and almost went neon green. Looks amazing Deb! I think I see what you mean about your steep driveway I would like the solitude too, but I'm a chicken when it comes to darkness. Then I'll need a dog a lot bigger and scarier than him I have now Aaaaw Dancer is cute! Mine loves catnip too. They go absolutely crazy and drooling all over I love your screened porch! We don't have those here. And only rarely screened windows. It's a serious pain in the butt during the summer... buzzing mosquitoes and flies Yikes!
Now, if you could just get Mauer to cooperate, and drop to the tree green color range, but not the neon green lows, you'd be all set. Mauer, are you listening? No more skydiving please. To me, the morning cycle on 12/22/20 looks really nice. If you could hold the dose steadier, say at 2.75U for at least 4-5 cycles (probably more time), you might see better numbers across the board. Mauer does take time to react to a dose change, plus the dose is changing so much with almost every cycle, it's really hard to see any sort of pattern in the BG numbers. No fat doses, no skinny doses, no increasing the dose, no reduction in the dose. Only a reduced dose for a single cycle IF the BG pre-shot is <150. Then go right back up to the normal dose in the next cycle. If you see blues in the middle of the cycle, do not reduce the next dose. Unless the next pre-shot test is <150. If you see greens in the middle of the cycle, do not reduce the next dose. Unless the next pre-shot test is <150. p.s. Mosquito repellent is my friend, during the spring, summer and fall when the freshwater and saltwater mosquitoes are biting, plus there are plenty of ticks here. So my socks and pants get sprayed so I can garden with less risk. Without window screens, I'd never open my windows in bug season.
So new dose is 2.75U AM and PM, no fats and no skinnys, no chances unless I get a pre-shot lower than 150. Got ya! If she goes below 150, what do I reduce to? I'll give her time to settle into the 2.75U like I did with the 3U. I'm envious on your mosquito repellent! I don't think we have anything useful here. And to be honest I'm terrified of ticks and spiders I don't go to the woods in tick season.. I also panic if my dog has a tick. It's awful I know I told you to ship me some snow, but you didn't need to send me the high winds! I have a picture for you! Mauer says "do I look fat?!" I was convinced today was Monday... I got a free Sunday!
That kind of depends on how low Mauer goes, and what the stalling shows you. If the BG is <100, that is a big difference than if the BG is >100 but <150. You've given Mauer 2.25U before on a pre-shot of 140 and Mauer stayed pretty steady. So try that dose. If the pre-shot BG is <100, jump up and down with joy, then STALL some more. Mauer, you look very relaxed. Can Sasha feel your ribs when she runs her hands over them?
Sure I can feel her ribs! Not that difficult when I know what I'm looking for. But it does look like I'm doing CPR on her Allright enough joking She doesn't like being weighed on Mondays apparently. On Mondays she has gained weight, and when I repeat on Tuesday she has lost weight And what the .... happened last night? 16.1 PMPS +5 16.3 15.4 AMPS Did she make some juice on her own? What else can explain that?
Right now I'm annoyed that I promised not to reduce unless she was under 150. 169 and 2.75U and I'm nervous. Did a retest and it said the same thing... If my gut feeling is right, I'm going to have a loooooooooong night!
Sasha, the promise you made was to yourself. To help Mauer feel better. I think you made that promise, knowing you needed to learn to shoot lower pre-shots.
You're so right, dear Deb So right. And it went just fine. Big jump up and then down to where we started. Did a +10 today, I'm so curious I might have stressed her out during the night. I've been sleeping with one eye open. Coco my dog has diarrhea and vomited twice, and had an accident inside on his vetbed. Talked to a vet last night, on FirstVet- an app where one video chat with the vet. She said everything was fine, as long as he was himself and I was doing everything right. Then he went out spraying the garden in diarrhea five times, like a freaking volcano.. And the smell!!!!! Yikes! I hate it when everything is wrong at the same time But it's so typical! In January the day before my eye surgery, 5 out of 6 pets went sick at the same time because I was stressed out. And I think I'm hiding my worries and feelings, yeah right
PM +10 11.6 AMPS 11.1 - and it's blue!!! I know it's not blue in US, but it is in world, and I'm taking that win! Is something starting to work on it's own? She lost weight again on a Tuesday. I think ill start weighing her on Tuesday's from now on I shot 15 minutes earlier today, and will do so again tonight.
A win it is, in any country. Sending healing thoughts and well wishes to your dog Coco. Hope the diarrhea goes away fast. Does Coco eat the same raw food that Mauer and Miver eat?
The same brand, but different recipes. What are you thinking, Deb? Now he's eating fish and rice cooked to death, and some supplements for his tummy. No accidents since and I got my sleep He might be stressed due to the fireworks. Fireworks are only allowed from December 27 to January 1. Hopefully it's over soon!
I was thinking that if Coco got into the cats food, that may have upset his stomach and caused the diarrhea.
Not really possible. They eat raw, Mauer in the window and eats up right away. Miver eats on the cattree on the highest platform where only he can get up, and eat a little many times during the day. You're on early today! My 10 night? Forgot the AM/PM thing again. I'm SO close to running out of teststips. I have 20 left, and a bought a new meter with 5 strips- they told me there would be 10... I've ordered some, but they didn't ship out today, and my pharmacy doest have my brand.... I need to avoid any hypos and close by hypos...... I think I'll stick with the pre-shot and the +5 in each cycle and that's it, unless her behavior or BG the +5 tells me otherwise. What do you think about that, Deb? And happy new year! Am I ahead of you in time? 25 hours we'll be in 2021!
Then hoard those test strips if you are running low. Will be 2021 in 29 hours for me. On early, since the sunset tonight was so nice, and I can watch out my window from my desk.
I ordered 200 Oh how lovely with the sunset! Hope 2021 brings a lot more of those, along with sunshine and good gardening weather!
Happy new year to you too, dear Deb thank you for all your help and support, I really couldn't have done it without you
I was about to do the "Deb this isn't working!!!!!!-dance" but then it did!! I did do a tiny reduction, she was 0.2 mmol from being blue, I reduced last time on the same number and she stayed down there, so hopefully she will again. I regretted my reduction when I shot her.... but rather a little bit too little than a little bit too much.
Patience Sasha, patience. It paid off this time. Took Mauer a long time to get used to that lower dose of 2.75U for both the morning (AM) and the evening (PM). Now, it may be time to keep Mauer at the 2.5U dose for a while.
You mean reduce to 2.50? I was sure she'd be pink amps, but surprise she's yellow. I'm trying with the 2.50 for a while and see where it's taking us. I have a dentist appointment today. I'm not sure I should be going.. I'm sneezing more than usual and my nose is running more... When in doubt I'm canceling!
Yes, I meant for you to try reducing the dose to 2.5U and see if Mauer can do ok on that lower dose. I'm guessing she may run high for a few cycles, especially at pre-shot tests. But then I expect her BG levels to come back down. Your dentist's office will appreciate you staying home when you are sick. These days, it's difficult to distinguish between a cold, allergies, the flu and covid19. Better safe than sorry.
Deb, I think you might be a true Mauer whisperer! I don't understand any of what's going on, but I'm glad to see she's improving her BG levels! She lost 115 grams from last week, it's a good number, my vet has told me 100 grams a week - and it would be a lot for any other cat, but she has a lot to loose and her joints need less weight. We're getting snow tomorrow! 3-10 centimeters! YAY! And new restrictions... cancel anything, only gather 5 persons and not the usual 10. I got my dentist appointment moved to the 13... But let's see about that
A Mauer whisperer huh? New nickname for me, but I'll take it. Good news on her weight loss. Slow and steady is good. A nice green BG for Mauer today, and several lower blue BG readings. She hasn't bounced too severely from those lows. But it's always a possibility. HOld the dose steady, and let the bounce clear. (Do I sound like a broken record yet? ) Enjoy the snow tomorrow! We only got a light dusting of snow today, but it was cold and cloudy most of the day. Ocean effect snow, with the wind coming off the water and moving the moisture inland. Stay safe Sasha. New restrictions help, but they can't cover all circumstances where you could catch the virus. Asymptomatic spreaders and this new more infectious variant from the UK is scary. Already here in the US, and I read in Denmark too. This thread is getting close to our desired thread length of 50 posts. So, would you start a new thread please, and link this old one at the top for history. Please and thank you.