Mac - Question on Feeding schedule

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by jillnc1, Jun 19, 2024.

  1. jillnc1

    jillnc1 Member

    Feb 11, 2022

    Mac is back - looking to shoot tonight

    Could you direct me to the post that discusses feeding schedules while giving insulin. Mac was a free feeding kitty but now given his inappetence I will be able to control to certain timeframes if that is needed.

    I have looked around but I couldn’t find it yet and I am going to be shooting tonight so wanted to hold off feeding him if I am suppose to.

    I guess I should ask is it ok to start his first shot in the evening instead of waiting for the morning. I am thinking he won’t go too low this first night and I can check at regularly until about midnight.

    Thanks to all

  2. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    You can start Lantus tonight. Usually it takes 5-7 days to see how the initial dose is working but occasionally a cat will have a huge response to the first couple of shots. So if you cannot monitor the first 2-5 hours you might want to start in the morning. It’s up to you. As you might remember a +2-3 if dropping a lot means there could be an active cycle.

    How often you feed depends on the cat. I used to feed the curve with small amounts at +2 and 3-4. I would stop feeding except for maybe a snack in the second half of the cycle unless in low numbers. I don’t think we have a sticky on this but I’ll link something on feeding the curve. Once he’s eating better you can free feed but at the beginning luck up any food 2 hours before the shot so it’s not food influenced.
  3. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
  4. jillnc1

    jillnc1 Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    I am definitely going to monitor from 6:30 pm -midnight tonight or later if needed. Would not do it if I could not. Thanks for the feeding information! I will review. I appreciate the re-initiation time. :bighug:

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