? Does anyone have any experience with mini TIAs?

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Dyana, Jun 15, 2024 at 2:20 PM.

  1. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Sorry for the long post. Please bear with me. I have no experience with seizures. But they are so scary.

    This is copied from a post I put on Facebook earlier today:
    I had a bad scare yesterday. Ginger too.
    I was about done with my work shift, when Ginger decided to jump off my desk. Normally she doesn't do that. Normally when climbing up, she jumps onto a big stuffed ottoman, then onto an end table, then onto my desk, and that's how she gets off too..
    I usually have two thick crate pads in front of my desk just in case she tries to jump directly down from my desk as I fear for her old bones.
    She had peed on those crates pads (which are very close to her litter box (but stilll), and she had just finished a round of antibiotics since she had some elevated white blood cells) and the crate pads were still hanging to dry after being washed twice, down in the basement.
    I had two people on the phone, a lady who had just had surgery and wanted a ride home (on hold) and the dispatcher trying to get her a ride (who had me on hold). I saw Ginger jump down (onto the harder (just carpet) surface) and then saw her laying on her side and looked like she was jerking. Was she having a seizure? She was laying on her left side, and her right (top) front claw was stuck in the carpet, so maybe that's why she was jerking. When I got her unstuck, and up, she was very very wobbliy and her head was bent far to the left. I called the vet on my cell phone, while waiting for the dispatcher to find this lady a ride, so I had 3 phone calls going at once. Ginger went to her water bowl and her head was still bent. She drank some water, and then seemed fine.
    I finished with the 2 work calls, between talking to the vet receptionist who said I could bring her in as an emergency call, or wait and see how she does.
    I said "can I talk to a nurse or doctor" and she said they were all busy, but one would call me back.
    Meanwhile, Ginger is acting normal again, checking out her food bowl, but still wobbled a little and almost fell down while standing in front of it.
    I then called my boss to let her know I am leaving, and hyperventilating, when the dispatcher calls me back to ask a question and the vet nurse calls me back at the same time on my cell phone. I said, I'm coming in.
    We got to the vet in record time (normally a 25 minute ride through the countryside). They called us into a room right away, but then had to wait (for what seemed like a longish time to me) for the doctor to finish another appointment.
    Ginger was on the floor trying to get back into her carrier and rubbing her face on it, then jumped up on the bench next to me. While nervously waiting I got up to watch the birds and chipmonks at the bird feeders outside and tried to get Ginger to look. Ginger jumped off the bench and back to trying to get back into her carrier, and eventually she jumped back onto the bench where I joined her.
    I told the vet her head was bent for what seemed like a minute but was probably closer to 20 to 30 seconds. It was probably more like 5 to 10 seconds, but so scary! The vet did a bunch of tests on her eyes and legs and coordination, telling me what each test was for, and said she is fine.
    There was a huge thunder storm starting with very strong winds whipping about as we were driving home. So, I carried her rather than letting her walk on her leash from my car to the house. She went directly to her water bowl and had a good long drink of water and then went to her food bowl and ate a whole can of Fancy Feast (she never eats a whole can in one sitting).
    She is acting fine, and normal last night and now, but what a scare.

    Today, we were sitting outside on a beautiful spring morning and Ginger was acting just fine.
    Then, it happened again. She was having a nice time, and then she was cunvulsing and I immediatedly called my vet's office and they said take a video of it.
    Well, I am not well versed in smart phones and could not figure out how to take a video while talking on the phone and it lasted another 1/2 minute. I was able to take a video a couple of minutes after.|

    I took her to the vet (after closing time) today, and saw a new vet we have never seen before. He said her weight was up to 9lbs 5oz (which is good), her last weight was 9lbs 1oz, but he said he heard an immediate heart murmur (he said grade 2 to 3), and she has never had a heart murmur before.
    He said it could be a small clot, and to give her a 1/4 (every 3 days) of a baby aspirin.

    She is scheduled to be dropped off on Monday for a full work up.

    She just turned 20 and 1 month, yesterday. I hope she makes it a couple more years.
  2. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    That must have been very scary Dyana.
    I personally have not had experience with cat seizures (but have with a dog). But my daughter Amanda’s cat has had seizures (not severe) and after testing they thought it was due to toxoplasmosis from eating raw meat that had not been frozen first. She had a long course of an antibiotic and has been ok since. Just a thought. I hope you can get to the bottom of it :bighug:
    Dyana likes this.
  3. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Dyana likes this.
  4. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Ginger is happy to be home.
    She spent the day at the vets. I was told she did not eat any food, and only meowed when she first was left in the cage, but was relaxed and calm after that, contrary to how she was last August when I dropped her off with that horrible abscess.
    She peed on her blankie that I brought for her, so they washed it. She probably said this is mine, and that litter box here is not!

    They are thinking it is mini TIAs and not seizures. She was given 1/4 of a baby aspirin on Saturday, and has not had an episode since.

    I did have her checked for Lyme disease and it was negative.

    Now, I just have to figure out how to remember to give her the aspirin every 3 days. She currently gets fluids 3 times a week, but she is a bit upset by that still, even though we have been giving them since January. Ug to juggling meds!

    Good news is my vet said she did not hear any heart murmur today.

    I am so happy I work from home, and am with her all day, every day.
    Bron and Sheba (GA) likes this.
  5. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    That’s interesting what the vet thinks. Let us know how things go.
    Dyana likes this.

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