ADVICE NEEDED: shot time 20-25 min late ok, then backtracking in evening?..

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by kitten68, Jun 13, 2024.

  1. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    well life happens.. didnt hear alarms and missed feeding time by about 20 min to shot (food picked up min 2 hrs before.. after making time 2 hrs before to provide a meal.. he needs to eat rn otherwise is really hungry and stressed.. wakes me up a lot too which might be why didnt wake up when meant to.. ex. shot time last night 7:50-55.. woke AM 6:06.. last bit of food around 6:15.. intended schedule was to feed around/before 5:40 so can also test beforehand..)

    Also too after getting back to a good time……

    know food is best stopped 2 hrs before.. always keeping to this. but it ok to just test around 8:10 and then gets shot, so that schedule isnt too messed up today (food was 1 hr 55 min prior..)?..

    how close do u have to adhere to 2 hrs no food?.. is there a 5-10 min leeway before.. after?..

    how does 12/12 schedule work or get back on track when late a little bit? can just test/give shot around 8:10-8:15, then just go back to 8:00 in evening, 7:45 next morning, etc?.. (know its a little more than 15 min. but honestly dont think that big a deal.. have ended up doing this slightly no problem far as can tell..)

    This ok??…

    always trying to be as precise as possible. ugh.
  2. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    You don’t have to be that precise. Shooting 30 minutes early or late within 24 hours usually will not effect the bg. As for picking up food 2 hours before shot time once you have data it’s not necessary. At this point I would only stall if the preshot bg is a lot lower than usual if the food was not picked up. There is a sticky on getting back on schedule. I’ll link it for you.
    kitten68 likes this.
  3. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    thank u!.. :) and oh dear me.. well pick up the food also to make sure that he eats for shot time.. but thats really good to hear; in case cant get home or something for a bit prior. i did not know this…. Its not said anywhere; stickies really stress picking up food 2 hrs prior... so he can pretty much eat up until then?? :) (if do i seee will just watch out for low bg in that case :cat:)

    hmmm… and thank u! yes got things from there.. so for tonite, ok to just backtrack 15 minutes again? 15 minutes next, etc etc.. to get back our time? (think its all right.. :bookworm:?)
  4. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    You can move the time by 15 minutes each cycle or 30 minutes all at once every 24 hours. It’s up to you. When you have an idea of how much the bg rises with food you can shoot even though Pudge eats within the 2 hour window. That’s why some +1 tests help figure that out. For Max that was never an issue because I usually stopped feeding him after +6-7 at the latest. He was one of those cats where the duration of Lantus would decrease if I fed too late in the cycle. If the bg is low at shot time and you know he ate within the hour before shot time you might decide to delay the shot to see if it’s headed up. If you can monitor I would not be too concerned if he eats some lc within the two hour window. I hope this makes sense.
    kitten68 likes this.

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