Sunday's Condo Good Morning Everyone! And Happy Labor Day for those of us here in the states....a day off! Luci is being really stubborn with these yellows...I suppose she's reading my notes here and probably senses that I'd like for her to give those up, hence the stubborn attitude..she's going to cling to her lemony yellow nest as long as possible... At least she appears to have stopped her famous dives - and that's something to be grateful for...she does spend a lot of time relaxing in that beach chair - probably sipping cat-tinis with @Sonia & Leo - he was famous for relaxing on the beach for long stretches of time. Probably @Bellasmom - Bella has the Tiki Hut up and running...we haven't seen a pic of that in a long time - and there are a lot of newbies - maybe you could share that with us? I'd love to see it myself! And I have the DAY OFF!! Woot woot!!! I'm going to relax and do a whole bunch of nothing - well that is until I get antsy and feel like I need to do something - but I'm hoping it won't be anything related to work..The weather isn't looking very great this morning - rain in the area - but maybe going outside for a walk around the place will happen when things clear up a bit. I hope you all have a wonderful day and that your kitties surf safely!
You sure don't have to scroll very far (or at all, actually!) in this forum to find your last condo. I hope the Tresiba shakes Luci right out of that nest for good. Time will tell. Have a great day, Sue.
Well, I KNEW Luci was reading my posts here! So she does one of her famous dives! Sheesh... DH forgot to check her an hour ago...he said he had it on his 'radar' but then forgot... I was downstairs...tied up...and he just doesn't seem to have the same internal clock that I do...just can't remember...rrrrrggghhh...I'll be setting a timer next time... She's had a little gravy let's see what the T is going to do for her now that she's in the lagoon...will it last???
Oh my goodness! Even with Luci's past history with Lev, I wasn't expecting that number Can I ask when Luci's usual feeding times are? I'm just wondering if a sputtering pancreas could account for any of these early dives. With Sam, I had to get in a +9-+10 feeding to lower his pre-shot, once I realized his pancreas wanted in on the action. I want to yelp, "That's not the way Tresiba works!" but it's clear this is how Luci's currently working Tresiba lol! Happy Labor Day!
Luci typically eats every time she gets a test - unless the numbers are obviously going up, up and away...she's got wet food in her dish right now, but she's decided she doesn't want it's there and sometimes I come back to find it gone, sometimes not (I have to toss it) she pretty much free feeds. At night we leave her snacks in an auto-feeder at 8+ - and sometimes she eats it, sometimes not... Luci hasn't read the rules on how Tresiba is 'supposed' to work...and well, you know cats. She's going to do exactly what she wants and how she wants to do it...that's why I'm just here to go with the flow...she's definitely in charge... Right now I'm just hoping she can surf for the rest of the day! That's my goal currently...let's see what's happening later but right now she appears to be climbing back up the beach - possibly headed toward her old friend the lemon tree.. At this point if I could just get her to stay away from those lemony bookends, that'll a major step for her royal highness... Let's see what she's got in store for the rest of the day...
Yes, I'm pretty much going with the TR dosing method at this point...she obviously hasn't gotten the long duration thing figured out yet...or the overlapping half life...hence those yellow bookends...same old dipping curve - lemons - beach - maybe lagoon - beach - lemons...rinse/repeat... I keep hoping she'll show us that she's getting the hang of this new stuff...right...