Good morning everyone! OMG Look at that! A.N.O.T.H.E.R. blue pre-shot!!! Am I celebrating too soon? IS this what it looks like when the duration is finally long enough to carry over from one shot to the next? Oh please, I'm saying it OUT LOUD here - Oh Please let this be a trend for Miss Luci. @Sam & Esse - yes I'd thought about a F1 - kinda to see if she could tolerate a little tiny bit more, but darn her and those crazy dives - she gave me pause on that! Figured I'd better put those patience pants on and let her do what she needed to do...and not try to push things. @Olive & Paula - I'm feeding Luci pretty much on Luci's schedule - whenever she gets a test, she gets a dab of food - sometimes a quarter can (of those small FF cans)...sometimes a half container of Sheba - all low carb unless she's down there dancing with some really low numbers (like between 50-60)...she'll get a teaspoon of LC with a tiny drop of MC on top...I'm using every trick in the book to try to keep her numbers as steady as possible... But as we all know, Miss Luci is in charge of how this goes...I'm doing my best to support her as she sorts it out...but I'm so hopeful that the Tresiba is finally kicking in...and we have a nice blue beach with a bit of surfing in the day ahead. Have a wonderful day everyone! I hope your kitties surf safely!
This is extremely positive!! All of my fingers and Butters' paws are crossed that this is Luci starting to respond to the Tresiba. Have a great day, Sue!
I’m so happy to seeee this blue whoooo hoooo go Luci!! Or maybe u shouldn’t read this to her lol Have a great day Sue
Surf safe, Luci! Stay out of the deep end Yeah, those dives are crazy scary I don't have a single pair of patience pants -- but lots of worn out pairs of impatience shorts...
Go Luci! Sue, I keep pondering Luci, and wishing I could find a solution. Random thoughts keep coming. This morning, I thought of a pump. Just comparing human to cat - some people have basal rates that vary depending on time of day, sometimes by quite a bit. Those folks can be better controlled by a pump that is programmed for different insulin rates/needs during a cycle. I do well enough on long lasting insulin, that I quit pumping. Pumps give tiny bits of fast acting insulin throughout the day. When pumping, my rates would vary between .45 and .65 units per hour. All that to say Luci might be extra special, and won't fit into that easier place. I can't stop thinking of food timing either. For example, if I tested Tina at +3 and she was not low enough (under 100-120) I'd wait another hour to give a snack. Even LC raises BG, so I'd wait for a good number before feeding. Another human comparison - if I'm higher than 150, I will wait to eat until at a normal number. One last thing - its said to stay under 10% carbs. I always use dry matter basis and stay under 4% carbs. You may already do that. When Tina was on insulin, I would also notice a difference in her numbers when feeding 2% vs 4%. Sending best wishes for Tresiba and leveling out. Hugs sent Hoping Luci quits the diving! Oh, site can make a difference - sides can cause faster absorption than scruff IMO. What a puzzle, but Luci is worth it!
Oh wow!! Luci is looking great today -- please wee one, do NOT run way up before PMPS - do what you did yesterday! If you gave a very small snack with that 65 at +8 . . . she should NOT go past 150 for PMPS - Luci - please obey, lol!! With no snack I wonder how she'd go . . . Anyway you are doing a great job with her Sue
I saw the note I'd be so tempted to wait until +3 or +4 for tonight's test; if you don't see a yellow, it didn't happen, right? Rooting that Luci stays blue tonight
@tiffmaxee told me about your trial and I am very excited to see how your sweetie does as my boys is a expert diver-last night 500 this morning 93 His constipation doesn't help-we are starting cisapride as soon as it gets here! Dre is 21 and these crazy swings can't be good I am rooting for you!