7/4 Ruby PMPS 118/+1 106/+2 103/+3 89/+4 95

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Katherine&Ruby, Jul 4, 2021.

  1. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    Yesterday on Ruby Gets Libred! :cat:

    Ruby ran high into pinks yesterday for much of the AM cycle and then was in blues the rest of the day. Not eating much this morning, waiting for the Cerenia and pred to kick in. Found lots of little smeary poos in the box this morning, so I think the lactulose is working a little too well. May go back to 3/16 of a spoon of Miralax to see if we can find some good in between and make my girl a little more comfortable.

    Increased Ruby's dose to .75 u this morning.

    Have a great Sunday everyone! :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
    Tomlin and Our Dolly Girl (GA) like this.
  2. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    I hope Ruby feels better and eats for you today. Sending prayers. :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Katherine&Ruby likes this.
  3. Our Dolly Girl (GA)

    Our Dolly Girl (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2019
    Good morning Katherine. Her numbers look so much better today, yay Ruby-doo :joyful:. I hope you can get her miralax to work but not too well :nailbiting:. Is she eating yet? How is Olive this morning? I hope this turns into a nice relaxing day for all. Girls, eat and keep your food in your tummy’s. :p Give your mom some peace of mind. Get your poop to the right consistency but don’t stop altogether. You know the drill. Check on you all later. Have a good day. Sending hugs:bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Katherine&Ruby likes this.
  4. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    Ruby ate a little bit but she's definitely not gobbling up her food like she has been. I have to be out all afternoon so will leave some food out for her and hope that she eats it. Listen to Auntie Adrienne about your poops, Ruby! Olive is back to her normal hyperactive self. :) Thanks for checking in on us, Adrienne! :bighug:
    Our Dolly Girl (GA) likes this.
  5. Our Dolly Girl (GA)

    Our Dolly Girl (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2019
    Glad you are getting out today. Hope it is for something fun, you need that Katherine. :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  6. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hey Katherine I see Ruby is back to beautiful blues!
    Please eat your food Ruby while mom is gone.
    I hope you can relax a little whatever you do Katherine ♥:bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Katherine&Ruby likes this.
  7. Pamela & Amethyst

    Pamela & Amethyst Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
  8. Our Dolly Girl (GA)

    Our Dolly Girl (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2019
    Katherine&Ruby likes this.
  9. Kathy and tiger

    Kathy and tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2021
  10. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    The Libre is posing challenges in terms of getting really precise readings when we’re not home or sleeping and not scanning. Ruby was surfing in greens from sometime after 2 PM until shortly after 6 PM, but really hard to know where, but I’m guessing it’s somewhere between 80 and 90. Here is the graph I was able to get from the Reader.
    Kathy and tiger likes this.
  11. Our Dolly Girl (GA)

    Our Dolly Girl (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2019
    Her numbers are so much better. Hope you are enjoying your evening out. You and Frank deserve some cat-free, leave the worries behind :facepalm: (if only that was possible) get drunk :p have fun :woot::woot: PARTY:joyful::joyful:
    Sending party hardy hugs :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Katherine&Ruby likes this.
  12. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    We did have a nice afternoon out and came back to some hungry kitties. The fireworks just ended, but no one freaked out while they were happening. Yay. Hope you're having a great 4th of July, Adrienne!
    Our Dolly Girl (GA) likes this.
  13. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    You can't change the scale? That stinks. No raw data?

    Interestingly enough, the pixels on your screen in that pic almost overlay to make the minor plot lines. I suppose best you could do is make your own grid and keep it in a blank doc, and when you need to screenshot the Libre, put that in there and overlay. Sounds like a pain though... hopefully someone else comes along and has a magic fix!
    Katherine&Ruby likes this.
  14. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    Sadly the Libre 2 is newish and so the app for Mac iOS that I used before with the original 14 day Libre has not been "approved" for use yet, so I'm relying on these tiny graphs. The gray band going across is a target range I set (50-100) so I can see when Ruby actually dips below 100, but it's really hard to tell 99 from 59. I understand that having a CGM is about looking at overall trends rather than specific numbers, but this is a little incompatible, I think, with TR, a dosing strategy based on static readings where you'd hold a dose if you get a nadir of say 58, but might consider an increase if nadirs are at 78. I am of course happy that she dipped below 100 for so long this afternoon and that the sensor was able to give me this information even though I was not at home.
    FrostD likes this.
  15. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    Never mind. I figured out how to download raw data. :rolleyes: Will input into spreadsheet tomorrow.
  16. Tomlin

    Tomlin Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2019
    As I have shared with you, using LibreView when you download the info onto the computer will help vs trying to use the reader for that info- Daily View will give you larger graphs that will be easy to read & to show you if you are going below the range you set for yourself and then need to decrease the dose as per the TR protocol you follow. The advanatage of Libre2 is you will be able to see if that drop was transient vs sustained.
    A transient drop or even a couple of transient drops that aren’t significant often result in issues if you lower the dose. I’m not saying not to lower it—by all means follow your protocol for safety, but it is an example of how the CGM helps. If you are taking a BG, you will not catch some of the information you catch with the CGM with respect to transient lower glucose event(s).

    I will post a picture…
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
  17. Tomlin

    Tomlin Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2019
    This is a picture of a graph for one day that I cropped from the Daily Log within the
    LibreView Report/Info that you are able to look at online. I cropped it so you can see how easy it is to spot when glucose is going below any threshold # you set for it. My low end of the range for the report is set for 50. Note: reader range has a limited low threshold setting of 70 vs the LibreView Report setting, however, you can still see where the 50 is and it becomes pretty easy to see if there is a drop below it once you get used to the reader :). However, if it is an issue given the readers size—just go to there Daily Log :cool:.

    As you can clearly see from the picture below, whether I scan the sensor or not, anything
    below the shaded box is below 50.

    I will post the instructions for LibreView (how to download and how to set the thresholds/access reports, etc) in ThinkTank this week. The U settings and some clinics will have it set up and ready to go but it is good to know how to navigate it all if you are on your own with it. In addition, the U settings or endos have actual accounts and send invites via email so you are connected and they can watch the data as well :) (super nice if you have the option of an endo to be a co pilot :rolleyes:). Some Clinics are also now offering this—they can always set up an account so I encourage local vets to do it so they can be of help (if they are interested).

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
  18. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    Thanks for all of this, Amy. The graph I posted above is exactly the way you had described it to me, and I could see from it that Ruby never dipped below 50 yesterday. I was able to download the raw data from the sensor (how did I miss the big "download" button on the screen?) and have filled in all of yesterday's data.
  19. Tomlin

    Tomlin Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2019
    This is great news :)! Easy thing to do when you are trying to do it for the first time :D.

    Additional helpful pieces of data come from the AGP report where you can actually see the exact time spent in glucose ranges. For example, Low (54-69) what % of time AND the precise # of hours and minutes spent in that range vs Very Low (<54). The Target Range for the AGP “Time in Ranges” will be based off the range set on the reader.
    Imagine how this can make dosing easier. If you are able to see that shift in hours and minutes within a range you are looking to be in, you know if you are in the right direction with dosing or is it trending in the wrong direction? It takes more of the guesswork out of the situation.

    Within Snapshot in the report you can see info about Low Glucose Events (# and average duration). While this is a little limited based on the range used for low glucose events, the graph data is useful because you will see any events below 50. More importantly, you are able to see the time, depth and duration of the events. Again, was it a very short, transient event OR multiple transient events that are an issue. I am going to attach 2 pics of T’s graphs…one from April 28-May 11 and another from May 17-May 30. You will see the difference between the two. Again, glucose changes fast and unfortunately, we may miss transient lows with BG. It is not so much of an issue if they are limited but if they are happening throughout a day, it adds up & is more of an issue.


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