6/21 Tessa AMPS 202 +3 115 +4 108 +5 135 +6 152 PMPS 261 +2 187 +3 101 +4 70 +5 83

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by tessa's mom, Jun 21, 2024 at 10:17 AM.

  1. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Previous: https://felinediabetes.com/FDMB/thr...8-10-5-180-pmps-190-1-183-2-168-3-161.291187/

    Seeing a pretty big drop so far today. I did have a little trouble getting her ear to bleed so there's a chance that the number is artificially low. I'll test her again at +4 to see if there's a difference.

    If it's accurate then she's still dropping pretty fast despite getting meals at PS, +1, +2, +3, and +4. Maybe her +1 and +2 meals need to be a little bigger? Right now they're each about 1/4 of a can of Fancy Feast. She gets 1/2 of a can at PS, then I split an entire can between the next 4 meals. Maybe I could instead do 1/3 of a can for each of the first 3 meals and then do 1/4 can each for the last 2 meals?
  2. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    108 at +4 so the +3 wasn't a fluke. I wonder if we'll see a green or if Mr. Liver will panic and bounce before we get there.
  3. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Darn you Mr. Liver! :banghead:
  4. Angela & Cleo

    Angela & Cleo Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2022
    Nice cycle so far! Looks like you had enough blood after all :cat:.
    tessa's mom likes this.
  5. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Yeah, definitely a good cycle so far, it's nice to see a streak of blue after so much yellow. I was hoping for a green but you can't always get what you want haha. I just hope she doesn't bounce too high or for too long.

    I'm bummed we had a fur shot the other night because that restarted the cycle count. She has her dental surgery coming up very soon and I am nervous about increasing right before it but it looks like we're probably going to have to unless we hold her current dose for far longer than the 5 days we're supposed to hold it but maybe that would be the right call. When she got her last extractions done, her numbers were lower during the 3 days afterwards when the injectable pain reliever and nerve block were still in her system and maybe that will happen again. I'm hopeful that getting these teeth out is the ticket to getting her regulated but who knows what will actually happen.
    Angela & Cleo likes this.
  6. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    I asked for greens, looks like I might get them but my word - 2 active cycles back to back with a huge drop from PMPS to +3?! She's keeping me on my toes tonight.

    I did start the larger meals idea I had earlier in the thread, not sure if it's doing any good. Is there any good way to slow down these fast drops? My only thought is adding a small amount of medium carb food to her earlier meals - is that acceptable?
  7. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
  8. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Wendy&Neko likes this.
  9. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    So basically I can try to feed a little bit of MC at +2 since that seems to be when her big drops happen? How much would you recommend I start with - like half a teaspoon?
  10. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    It depends how carb sensitive the cat is. Try 1/2 tsp for a few times and see how it does.
    tessa's mom likes this.
  11. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    And I assume I only do this if her +2 is lower than PS?
  12. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Just tested her and she's at 73 at +3.5. I guess I got what I asked for lol.
    Wendy&Neko likes this.
  13. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    70 at +4, hopefully that means she's gonna surf or come back up. She's eating her last meal of the PM cycle now, it's 1/4 can of Fancy Feast pate.
    Angela & Cleo likes this.
  14. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    That's a bit ECID. There is a range where cats onset - Neko was more like +3. You may want to do a few tests around +1.5 and see if that's a better indictor. She's definitely going down by +2. Ideally you'd have fresh carbs on board before she drops. So if she drops at +2, feed at +1.5. If she drops at +1.5, feed at +1.
    tessa's mom likes this.
  15. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Okay, thanks! I'll try to get some +1 and +1.5 tests over the next few days. But the general idea would be if she's having a high flat day, I wouldn't give any MC food, right? It's just for when she's having an active cycle?
  16. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Is it safe to head to bed? Her numbers have stopped dropping, it's been 1 hour since her last meal though so food could still be influencing things.
  17. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Just tested at 96 @ +5.5 so I am heading to bed. I gave her a Churu for putting up with all the extra tests and she was super excited. :cat:

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