? 6/18 Rudy AMPS 306 Very off behaviors this morning

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by SweetGreyRudy, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024

    Lower numbers this morning than yesterday, but Rudy is acting very off. he vomited twice, had diarrhea last night, and showed no interest in eating breakfast which is VERY unlike him. He is shakey as well. We're waiting for him to use the litter box to test for ketones. Any ideas of what's going on? @Wendy&Neko @tiffmaxee @Bandit's Mom

    Plan is to continue testing/monitoring, but is there possibility something else is going on?
  2. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Definitely get the ketones check when you can. Has he ever done this before?
  3. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    He’s within meter variance.
  4. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    Nope, never done this. We're taking him into the vet now. This is really unlike him.
  5. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Check for pancreatitis just in case. Also make sure to get cerenia and ondansetron for nausea. Both good to have on hand. Keep us posted. :bighug:
    SweetGreyRudy likes this.
  6. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    Pancreatitis :( He's getting treatment until end of the clinic day today, we'll monitor him overnight and then bring him back in the morning.
  7. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    :bighug::bighug::bighug: Glad you could get him into the vet today.

    Pain relief and fluids too for you to give him at home. A Primer On Pancreatitis
  8. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    You can treat at home. Less stressful. What Wendy said plus cerenia and ondansetron for nausea.
  9. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Awww. Poor baby. I hope Rudy feels much better soon :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  10. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    Thanks all, We're scheduled to bring him in for one more day of IV fluids. We're pretty spooked so just want to make sure he's all good. He had a good appetite and thirst again tonight, hasn't used the litter box yet and is super loopy seeming but getting more himself by the hour. We ruled out any other health issues he might be having as well with a blood panel and imaging.

    Makes sense that he was super high again tonight with the day- would ya'll suggest that we keep him at 5U for a few more days for him to recover? Or should we increase to 5.5U? Also, we once again heard from vet that he shouldn't be eating multiple small meals throughout the day, should we try just feeding at 10am/10pm when he's feeling better?
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  11. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Max had chronic pancreatitis before becoming diabetic even and my internist said to feed small meals more often. He said that as he felt better eating too much at a time would make him feel yucky. Eating small meals also helps level the BG and prevent big drops. I completely disagree with your vet. I would go ahead with the increase provided he’s eating and you can monitor.
  12. SweetGreyRudy

    SweetGreyRudy Member

    Mar 20, 2024
    I tend to agree with that logic of eating smaller meals throughout the day, but it's hard when you're getting told different things :arghh: Rudy is doing much better today! He was sent home with sub q fluids, anti-nausea meds and a probiotic to help with digestion and inflammation. Since his AMPS is 318, I am shooting 5.5U today and will monitor.
    tiffmaxee likes this.

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