6/17 Mikan AMPS 191, +2 222, +4 211, +5 115, +7 128, +9 228: PMPS 211, +2 161, +4 55, +5 91

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Mikanmama, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Mikanmama

    Mikanmama Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2023

    Good morning.

    A :cool: start, after suffering from the :mad: record-high PMPS last night.
    I wish Mikan could tell me what on earth is going on.:rolleyes:

    I knew it was no use, but I still kept thinking, "Why? What does this mean?" during the family get-together I was hosting last night. It's still difficult for me to stay on top of my emotions when something like this happens. o_O

    Wishing you all a wonderful Monday! :bighug:
    Carole & Indigo and Staci & Ivy like this.
  2. Heather82372

    Heather82372 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Yikes! She does like to throw in a splash of red once in a while, doesn't she? Hopefully you'll get a nice smooth downward trend today and tonight.
    Mikanmama likes this.
  3. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Good morning, Kit. I hope your family gathering was a nice one.
    It's so hard to stay focused while we are dealing with all this medical stuff, isn’t it? I know how you feel:bighug:

    Maybe Mikan dropped to a much lower number than we know and she was reacting with a red ps. Who knows;)
    At least she’s back to blue today and hoping she continues on a nicer color path today:)

    Wishing you and your sweet girl a calmer, more :cool::D day ahead. Sending you :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Mikanmama likes this.
  4. Mikanmama

    Mikanmama Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2023
    I know! It's not often but when she goes, she goes :rolleyes: Very upsetting. But she's doing better today.
    Let's see if she can get down a bit more.
    Heather82372 likes this.
  5. Mikanmama

    Mikanmama Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2023
    Hi Staci,
    The evening with the family was very nice. I was preoccupied but I don't think they noticed :p
    Maybe she was trying to tell me not to worry about her - of course, that completely backfired!
    But I am glad to see her starting with the blue. She seems to have a bit of food bump at +2 but she could have an active cycle. Paws crossed!
    Thanks for :bighug:s. I needed them. Returning with extra :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  6. Alicia & Kit cat

    Alicia & Kit cat Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    I'm glad to see a blue start for her. I hope that after her little bit of maybe food bump, she gently comes down to some lovely numbers.
    Ya year that Mikan? No dives. No limes. Just some lovely coasting in dark greens. Come hang with Kit cat!
    Staci & Ivy and Mikanmama like this.
  7. Mikanmama

    Mikanmama Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2023
    Thanks Alicia.
    Mikan decided to go flat (or is this a permanent food bump? :rolleyes:) - at least no dive so far.
    Let's see if she can flex a bit more to get down! :bighug:
  8. Alicia & Kit cat

    Alicia & Kit cat Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    I hope you see some action at some point today. Do you think you'll do the thing if you don't see some more active-y action?:bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
  9. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Glad you had a nice night, Kit! They probably didn't notice your head was elsewhere (they never do I think)

    Mikan seems pretty flat today, probably just tired from the household activities. We just need them to stay in nice, safe numbers, not the lows and highs...will we ever see that? :cool:
    We can hope, right?
    Hugs, again :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Mikanmama likes this.

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