6/15 Tessa AMPS 284 +2 266 +5 215 +6 210 +8 216 PMPS 262 +2 299 +3 306 confused and frustrated

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by tessa's mom, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Previous: https://felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/6-12-tessa-amps-286-5-205-8-186.291055/

    Tessa dropped to 115 on cycle 2 of this 2.25 and possibly dropped to a similar number in cycle 3 but since then I haven't even seen a hint of blue. The cycle tonight looks like a "bounce" kind of cycle but she stayed in yellows all day today unless I missed some crazy drop between +2 and +5. Or maybe low yellows are making her bounce now? Ugh I hope that's not the case. :(

    I am so confused as to why this is happening. I guess she needs more insulin. I can increase in the morning unless her numbers are somehow magically lower.

    Another thought is maybe her insulin has gone bad? This pen did go with her to the vet on 6/5 and they said they refrigerated it but maybe it got dropped or something? Doesn't explain why it worked and then suddenly didn't though. Maybe I'll give 2.25 another day and just try a new pen. I can go back to the old one if there's no difference.

    Or maybe her food schedule isn't helping? Maybe I should stop food at +3 instead of +4?

    It could also be her mouth bothering her more than usual. We're still working on getting her extractions scheduled, they put us down for July 3rd originally but said that they may be able to do June 25th which would be ideal since that day is my husband's day off so he won't have to worry about getting time off approved (unlikely on a holiday week). The vet who would be doing the surgery is out of town for a conference right now but we're supposed to get an answer when she gets back on Tuesday.

    Sorry for the wall of text and the rant, I'm just feeling a little down today. :(
    Jason - Kona's Dad likes this.
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    First question, did you sniff the injection site and make sure there wasn't any Lantus smell tonight? Another thing to consider, is that fast drops can also cause bounces and I found them sometimes worse than the low numbers ones. PM of the 13th was a pretty steep drop in one hour from +2 to +3. And last thought, it could be tonight is the "high before the low" when she breaks the bounce tomorrow morning. If still higher in the AM, you might want to wait one cycle before increasing, in case she decides tomorrow AM is bounce break cycle.

    Her nadir is later than +3, I don't think you need to stop food that early.
    tessa's mom likes this.
  3. Jason - Kona's Dad

    Jason - Kona's Dad Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2023
    In my experience, for just over a year now... I've dropped pens, I've left pens out on the counter for hours, I've used pens to the very last drop when they're months old.... and it never seems to phase the effects of the insulin. You're *supposed* to keep them refrigerated and the manufacturer says to throw them out after 28 days, but those same pens I wasn't perfect with have put my cat into the greens no problem. I stopped worrying about the insulin when I make these mistakes every once in awhile, I personally think it's pretty resilient. Just my little anecdote, take with a grain of salt of course.
    tessa's mom likes this.
  4. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Thank you! I didn't think to check for a possible fur shot tonight. My husband gives the PM shot and he always feels around for wetness but doesn't get down and sniff her. I'll ask him to start doing that.
  5. tessa's mom

    tessa's mom Member

    Nov 22, 2022
    Thank you! This makes me feel a lot better about the insulin. :)

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