6/15 Pudge AMPS 273 +4 209 +6 179 +8 183

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by kitten68, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024

    hi :cat:

    well staying in some blues today !! o_O:woot:

    was suggested to increase dose this AM.. didn't get msg til late but was was considering, did want to hold a day or two more tho (was said to be ok too), but today ended up thinking might have to be away from home stuff came up so didn't think could anyway; so current dose was still kept for today.. :woot: but dipping, and seemingly staying!, in some blues today.. pretty good (?) maybe can share insight on what.
    but think will try .25 increase tmw.. will do best, so so small. :blackeye:

    also.. my kitty is my kitty, but he not fully himself..... :( assuming the higher sugars and slogging through for some months now could be it? :( testings and shots.. a lot has changed for time being. he's also got a few other things.. tryin to help him w those too. idk what.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2024
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Moved my answer to today. We try to keep all the post on a day in the thread for that day. It gets confusing with answers on multiple days threads.

    High blues today - he's still not seeing multiple nadirs in the 90-149 range. He needs that increase. With SLGS, reduce immediately if under 90, hold if nadirs (plural) in the 90-149 range, otherwise increase.

    TR you want nadirs ideally in the 50-80 range, though under 100 OK too. And you don't want them under 50, if a newly diagnosed diabetic.

    So was I talking about a kitty on insulin. Vomiting isn't a factor in and by itself.
    kitten68 likes this.
  3. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    In what way? We are always interested in what we call the 5 P's (peeing, pooing, preening, playing, purring). How is he doing on those? Any other concerning items you see? A cat is much more than just their numbers.
    kitten68 likes this.
  4. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    np! :cat:
  5. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Replying on today's thread, when you asked:
    The choice of TR or SLGS is a personal choice, based on your lifestyle and goals for the cat. The only restrictions is that a cat on dry food or high carb food must follow SLGS, and TR requires at least two tests per cycle.

    As far as what you do, it depends again. A bile vomit because they haven't eaten for a while may mean feeding a bit of food ASAP. Getting rid of a hairball may make them feel better and want to eat right away. A cat that did scarf and barf needs to be slowed down when eating and you'd want to wait before feeding again (and maybe invest in a slow feeding bowl). A food vomit from allergy may mean waiting for a while to feel better, then feeding something else. There are multiple types of vomit. :blackeye:
    kitten68 likes this.
  6. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    they sure are :cat: i think so too.. why im a bit sad. im doing what i can for him rn.. and have been doing what can. he's doing everything ok, but playing is so so and he does purr sometimes.. but i don't think he feels good at times throughout the day. he's generally all right mostly.. just.. i notice his eye sight isn't like it used to be, tho vet said he could see and he does see.. has a little bit stuffy nose that came back. :/ he's also hungry still all the time... especially hen numbers are high. there have also been a lot of changes right.. things have changed ten fold since everything. nothing is what it usually is rn. he was never one to be fussed with, but with this he's such a good baby he lets me do what needs to be done.. and i notice when the numbers are good his spirits seem better. he's been a yowler, i guess is the word, over the years sometimes, just yowling for various reasons.. to play, cause he needs me/doesn't see me, when drinking water.. but he's been doing it occasionally now throughout the day. :/ we're just trying to hang in there while things get better.. got him some of those supplements right to see if helps.. got a new bottle of fish oil. trying to find out about the milk thistle.. am seeing. *sigh things are settling back to normal, a sort of adjusted normal right for the moment, and will be trying to have things has normal as possible..... tbh this has sucked and just glad it doesn't as bad as before.. :blackeye:

    i do notice on the Lantus he's feeling better later in cycles.. today he's up and chilling w me :joyful:

    and right just speaking on puking generally :cat: ~ like if on on insulin, is it important to get food back in as soon as possible.. or when able, etc. figure once regulated/normalized would just treat it regularly like normal, but while getting regulated, if food needs to be put back in asap, etc.

    and cool about TR! at least 2, outside of PS? that's doable here.. how about SLGS?..
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2024
  7. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    With Lantus, the insulin doesn't onset or start to take effect until on average a couple hours after the shot. So you do have time to get food in him if he vomits or otherwise snubs food initially. It's also a much gentler insulin than Vetsulin. We have cats here who graze and do fine.

    Testing with SLGS, we suggest testing the preshots and ideally at least one other per cycle, and the curve if needed.
    kitten68 likes this.
  8. kitten68

    kitten68 Member

    Apr 19, 2024
    great to know.. :) mine gets multiple small meals a day, plus bigger ones for medicine times.. he's hungry a lot. :( also, what if vomiting occurs later in the cycle? just try to get a bit of food back in when able? thanks for letting me know on testing..

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