6/15 Kuro AMPS 338 +2.5 314 +4 205 +6 182 +8 163 +10 228 PMPS 237

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Kuro, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. Kuro

    Kuro Member

    Jun 7, 2024

    She's high today. Running the 12-hour curve as planned, and figuring we're going to be bumping back up to at least 0.5U. Gave her 0.25U AM as I have been. +2 came in 30 min late which I hope isn't a huge deal. Planning the subsequent time points based on AMPS, not on this delay. Updates to follow.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2024
    Reason for edit: typo
  2. Kuro

    Kuro Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    AMPS: 338
    +2: 314
    +4: 205
    +6: 182
  3. Kuro

    Kuro Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    Nearing the end of our 12-hour curve: +8 163, +10 228.

    Assuming 163 is our nadir, do we increase her dose back to 0.5? I'm tempted to stay at our current 0.25U because our AT3 163 is probably pretty close to the human meter 150 mentioned in the SLGS guidelines, and we've had a couple of unshootably low PMPSes this week and I want to keep her on a 12h schedule as much as possible. Would appreciate any feedback! Posting this about 2h before PMPS / cat dinner.
  4. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    We have no way of knowing what the AT means in relation to a human meter. We've had people do side by side comparisons and no obvious way of saying what it would be. The AT is usually higher, but not always, especially in lower numbers where than can also be quite close. Besides, the 150 on a human meter is still a very safe range.

    The most important question is deciding whether or not you are going to increase is letting us know what dosing method you are following. Please put SLGS in your signature. I know it's on the spreadsheet, but not all people open spreadsheets - though they should.

    When following SLGS, you hold the dose for 7 days. Today is day 4. No need to rush the decision. See what happens the next 3 days. You want nadirs (plural) in the 90-149 range and you've only seen one so far. Plus, with the skips in there, the depot is not fully established yet. Her numbers may get better with a few more cycles at this dose.
    Kuro likes this.
  5. Kuro

    Kuro Member

    Jun 7, 2024

    Dang that's frustrating. Between this and the lightness I'm feeling in my wallet after ordering AT consumables today I'm wondering if we made a mistake not just buying a human meter at the drug store. At least this gives us numbers the vet wants to see...

    Okay great, we're holding at 0.25 then. Appreciate the feedback!
  6. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    At some point, you may wish to invest in a human meter. It's always good to have a backup anyway. I could tell you funny stories of very tired people microwaving the meter instead of the rice sock :p or kitty flicking the meter into a fountain with his tail.
  7. Kuro

    Kuro Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    Oh NO!! Maybe I should learn from your example and move our fountain a little further from our feeding / testing / dosing station :nailbiting:

    PMPS 237. Just gave her 0.25U, concluding our first full curve.
  8. Kuro

    Kuro Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    One more update: she finally fell for the decoy litter box so we were able to get a ketone reading! Showed up somewhere between the "negative" and 5 mg/dL colors on the bottle.
    Bandit's Mom likes this.

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