5/9 - Alphyne PMPS @ 198 / +3 @ 101 / +4 @ 95 / +6 @ 122 - thoughts about dosing

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by bobjoh, May 9, 2021.

  1. bobjoh

    bobjoh Member

    Jan 23, 2021
    (previous) https://felinediabetes.com/FDMB/thr...170-alphyne-amps-282-3-260-any-advice.246915/

    Alphyne is doing much better at the increased dose of 1.25U. But, she won't stay at this dose long, as she's already getting lower numbers.

    My question is how to handle the decrease. This will be the 4th time we've gone back and forth between 1.25U and 1U. 1.25 is too much and her numbers drop quickly; 1 is not enough and her numbers end up back in the 300s.

    I've been trying to feed the curve more consistently this time to keep her at safe (and green) numbers longer, but it seems that when she drops at 1.25U, she drops super fast. In the past I didnt always catch it in time before she got really low, and earned a reduction.

    Any thoughts on how to handle this dance between the two doses? I know SLGS says increase or decrease by .25 each time. But .25 seems to make a difference between too high or too low in Alphyne's case. I'm having a hard time keeping her in green (or even low blue).

    Any thoughts? Thank you!
  2. Hercule's mum

    Hercule's mum Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2020
    Hi Bobbi, I totally understand how frustrating this position is. I am afraid that besides being a hawk and feeding the curve there isn't much else I know that can be done. The "trick" at which I fail consistently, is trying to spot the patterns and feed before the drop has happened. Hercules lately (he doesn't hold apattern very often) have been dropping between 3 and 4 hours after injection, so I have started feeding MC at +1 or +2. What food schedule are you using? maybe play around with the time of feeding to see if you can keep the 1.25 dose?
    bobjoh likes this.
  3. bobjoh

    bobjoh Member

    Jan 23, 2021
    I've been trying to front load after shots, so feeding at about 2 hours after the shots. I'll try bumping up to +1 also...maybe that will help. Thank you!!
    Hercule's mum likes this.
  4. Hercule's mum

    Hercule's mum Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2020
    you probably have also tried this, but perhaps upping the carb amount of what you serve at +1 or +2?
    bobjoh likes this.
  5. bobjoh

    bobjoh Member

    Jan 23, 2021
    That is the tough part...as you know...cats. Picky. ;)

    I can usually get her to eat higher low carb (~8%) when her BG goes low, but I have to put Fortiflora on it.

    If adding food at +1 (and +3) doesn't work, I'll just have to stock up on the Fortiflora. Ha!!
  6. Hercule's mum

    Hercule's mum Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2020
    Would she notice a drop of honey or Karo mixed in?
    bobjoh likes this.
  7. bobjoh

    bobjoh Member

    Jan 23, 2021
    I never thought of that! Great idea! :bighug:
  8. Hercule's mum

    Hercule's mum Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2020
    Hope it works for you. Just try a drop and see what it does....adjust as necessary.
    bobjoh likes this.

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