5/7, Binie AMPS 500, +3 500, +6 491, new dose

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Heike & BInie, May 7, 2024.

  1. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Last post: https://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB...rom-clinic-changing-dose.289692/#post-3176928

    Good evening,

    Binies bg on the new dose is really horribly high. I hope that does not make the ketones get up again.
    The day started positive with Binie eating on her own and being much more agile. I started with 3 IU this morning and her bg stayed high all day after a high night. I really hope it is going down tonight.

    I was very nervous testing ketones today. But I pricked her ear many times and now blood came. The vet finally managed and the ketones at +10 have been 0,4 mg/dl. Not good but also not so bad. I hope they don't go up more.

    The vet was very pleased to see that Binie is eating again and had no temperature. I asked her for ondansetron in case Binie stops eating again. As Binie was highly stressed in the clinic we decided to postpone the ultrasound and x-ray and see if the positive trend continous. She told me to measure ketones and bring her for infusions if they go too much up again.

    I am feeling very much conflicted at the moment how much diagnostics I want to put Binie trough. She suffered quite a lot the last month and I hope she can have some rest now. I really pray the 3 IU will do their job.

    Hope everyone is having a relaxed and safe night! :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  2. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Heike, I’m so glad Binie was eating better today and it sounds like in less pain.

    Im sending you prayers for her to heal well and feel better with no bad ketones.
    Your plan sounds reasonable and as the vet said she could get more fluids if needed.
    Hoping she can spend some time at home recovering, where she is more relaxed and happy, with you.
    I hope you have a restful night with your sweet kitty :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Heike & BInie likes this.
  3. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2024

    Thanks for your support Staci! :bighug::bighug::bighug: Sleeping was difficult as I was so nervous about being away a lot in the next three days. My job requires that and I am a single caretaker for Binie. I hope everything goes well and she doesn't neet infusions. But if it's like that, we have to deal with it somehow. I hope for you and Ivy everything came back to normal!
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  4. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Prayers that she will do well and feel good while you have to be away, Heike!!! :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Heike & BInie likes this.
  5. Diane Tyler's Mom GA

    Diane Tyler's Mom GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Sending prayers for sweet Binie , come on sweetie work that increase .:bighug::bighug::bighug::cat:
    Heike & BInie likes this.
  6. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Thank you so much Staci! So far everything went well... even though she is still not well...my poor baby...:(
  7. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Thank you Diane! So far I see too much black and red in the spreadsheet but it seems to change now and at the moment she goes down nicely. So your prayers helped! :bighug::bighug::bighug:

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