5/29 Pete (AMPS 146 / +3 129 / +6 98 / +9 137 / PMPS 151) Hold or change?

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by CrazyKaitLady, May 29, 2024.

  1. CrazyKaitLady

    CrazyKaitLady Member

    Apr 25, 2024

    Tonight was the 10th cycle post-fur-shot for Pete's current 3.5u dose on TR. We've had a couple really nice days of blue pre-shot and green nadirs on this dose but also a few wonky cycles. Yesterday was a small bounce.

    Wondering if I continue to hold this dose longer to see if he stabilizes and can hold these blue-green curves without bounce days? Or am I targeting to get him lower than he currently is and I should try an increased dose?
  2. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    He did drop to 59 on this dose a couple of days back. I would see what he does tonight and tomorrow and then take a call whether to increase the day after.

    Does he get snacks in the first part of the cycle? You want to see if you manipulate/flatten the curve with food. That can help reduce bouncing to some extent.
    CrazyKaitLady likes this.
  3. CrazyKaitLady

    CrazyKaitLady Member

    Apr 25, 2024
    That sounds good, thank you!

    Yes, he gets a full 3oz can of food with his shots and half can snacks at +3s and +6s on a timed feeder (total of 4 cans a day). I could try adjusting the proportion or timing of the meals if that might help, just not sure what kind of distribution would be better so I'm open to suggestions there if you have any.
    Bandit's Mom likes this.
  4. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    You could try feeding at +2 and +4 instead and see how he does on that? Will he be okay without food after +4?
  5. CrazyKaitLady

    CrazyKaitLady Member

    Apr 25, 2024
    Petey is a former street cat who thinks any time he doesn't have food is a trajedy, but I'm sure he will survive lol. I will try that starting tomorrow and see how he does over a few days. Thanks!

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