? 5/20 Mrs. Jones AMPS 396 +6 275 Question About Spike Yesterday

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by MissyCat6, May 20, 2024.

  1. MissyCat6

    MissyCat6 Member

    Mar 22, 2024
    Hello! Mrs. Jones had an unusual spike yesterday. Prior, we were reasonably happy with the numbers after the last dental. She started a lower phos, although higher carb food on Wednesday night. We've had to move dosing for 0.75 back to 1.0. I started Weruva Phos Focus wet yesterday (mixed in with her lower carb dry food). Any thoughts on the spike? She is on a pain med 2x per day now and had her monthly Solensia shot last night. I look forward to your insight. Although slightly disheartened with the spike, I am quite pleased about being able to add Weruva! :)

    Mrs. Jones is doing well recovering from her dental. Pain med is 1 time per day now with noted gluc drop after med administered. We suspect pain is making her gluc go up. Well managed pain equals decent numbers during the day. Tonight, she was at 165 and we noticed some fluctuations showing 129 while eating in her eating window. I shot 0.5 again because this was even lower than Sunday morning when we also decided to shoot low. Spreadsheet is up to date. Can we graduate to a 0.75 shot AM and PM with the pain med? Thanks so much! :)
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...3JynRDdhRNU1mI_oIHMoSaho7R5tpqfhRClxd/pubhtml
      Tuesday at 7:34 PMEditReport
    2. [​IMG]
      Diane Tyler's Mom
      Sep 21, 2018
      Hi Natashya
      We always like to link our previous post to the new post on the Lantus forum. I hope she's not in that much pain
      Your previous post

      So if you post tomorrow which we like to post everyday you will link your 5-14 post to tomorrow's :cat:

      Tyler’s Spreadsheet
      Tuesday at 9:16 PMReport

    3. [​IMG]
      Diane Tyler's Mom
      Sep 21, 2018

      Mrs. Jones is doing well recovering from her dental. Pain med is 1 time per day now with noted gluc drop after med administered. We suspect pain is making her gluc go up. Well managed pain equals decent numbers during the day. Tonight, she was at 165 and we noticed some fluctuations showing 129 while eating in her eating window. I shot 0.5 again because this was even lower than Sunday morning when we also decided to shoot low. Spreadsheet is up to date. Can we graduate to a 0.75 shot AM and PM with the pain med? Thanks so much! :)

      Tyler’s Spreadsheet
      Tuesday at 9:19 PMReport

    4. [​IMG]
      Diane Tyler's Mom
      Sep 21, 2018
      Hi Natashya ,I saw you asked Shelly and Fistuk on her post
      I copied it
      Hi Shelley and Fistuk, my kitty also has very early CKD. Did you and your vet make a decision on how to proceed? We are looking at Hill's Science Diet 11+ as a reasonable option.

      The Hills Science Diet 11+ dry cat food is
      about 29.9 % carbs too high for a diabetic kitty.
      Will Mrs Jones eat wet food?

      if you tap on this link and look at post #32 I listed some Weruva pates for another member that's low carb/ low phosphorus.

      I think its available in Canada

      Last edited: Tuesday at 10:01 PM
      Tyler’s Spreadsheet
      Tuesday at 9:48 PMReport

    5. [​IMG]
      Feb 28, 2012
      @@Diane Tyler's Mom The Weruva pates are available in Canada.

      About day 7-10 is where you might start noticing numbers improve after a dental. She's right on schedule.

      That 81 is too low for SLGS. Time for something a little higher carb than her usual, as it's so early in the cycle.

      Neko's 2016 SS SS has tab w/links to older SS, Neko was an acrocat, do not copy dosing
      Neko's Profile FD Dx Dec 2011; IAA and Acromegaly Dx July 2012, SRT completed August 9/12 and again Nov 18/15, CKD 2015, 2nd degree heart block and IBD/lymphoma May 26/2016, transient HCM/CHF (reversible myocarditis) May 30/2016, CHF, chest taps for fluid and air November 2016, GA 12/6/16 Tribute Video
      Caninsulin for 2 months, Lantus/TR to Sept 2013, then Levemir/TR
      Tuesday at 11:29 PMReport

    6. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024
      Thanks so much! Mrs. Jones will not eat wet food. However, perhaps I will try the Weruva and coat her dry food with it. I have read the post on transitioning from kibble to wet. I have tried in the past but will give it another go. Thanks again!

      Wednesday at 3:35 PMEditDeleteReport
    7. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024

      Hi Natashya
      We always like to link our previous post to the new post on the Lantus forum. I hope she's not in that much pain
      Your previous post

      So if you post tomorrow which we like to post everyday you will link your 5-14 post to tomorrow's :cat:
      Hello again, very good and will do so now. Thanks again!

      Wednesday at 3:36 PMEditDeleteReport
    8. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024

      @@Diane Tyler's Mom The Weruva pates are available in Canada.

      About day 7-10 is where you might start noticing numbers improve after a dental. She's right on schedule.

      That 81 is too low for SLGS. Time for something a little higher carb than her usual, as it's so early in the cycle.
      Good to know this is normal for post-dental. We don't like the 81 either. I'm going to post with her new numbers and maybe she's earned a reduction? Thanks!

      Wednesday at 3:38 PMEditDeleteReport
    9. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024
      Mrs. Jones' spreadsheet is up to date. She had a 97 at 9pm last night. Given that she dropped so low even after the evening feed yesterday and depending on her number this evening, can she earn a decrease to 0.75 tonight? Numbers are pretty decent today. I wonder if they will drop again around feeding time. She had a pain med in the morning at 10 AM. We are moving to a pain med every 12 hours. She is getting her Solensia on Friday (and every 30 days). Perhaps with the dental and nearing the new Solensia injection, she is uncomfortable. However, she is still her feisty, affectionate, and playful self:) Thanks every one as always for your help. Did I link it properly this time?

      Wednesday at 3:49 PMEditDeleteReport
    10. [​IMG]
      Feb 28, 2012
      She's definitely earned a reduction down to 0.75 units.

      Neko's 2016 SS SS has tab w/links to older SS, Neko was an acrocat, do not copy dosing
      Neko's Profile FD Dx Dec 2011; IAA and Acromegaly Dx July 2012, SRT completed August 9/12 and again Nov 18/15, CKD 2015, 2nd degree heart block and IBD/lymphoma May 26/2016, transient HCM/CHF (reversible myocarditis) May 30/2016, CHF, chest taps for fluid and air November 2016, GA 12/6/16 Tribute Video
      Caninsulin for 2 months, Lantus/TR to Sept 2013, then Levemir/TR
      Wednesday at 3:49 PMReport

    11. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024
      Thanks for the reply! Super exciting!!! It is really amazing the things we get excited about now:cat::cat::cat:

      Wednesday at 3:57 PMEditDeleteReport
    12. [​IMG]
      Diane Tyler's Mom
      Sep 21, 2018
      Congrats on the reduction for tonight :cat:
      Can you add Freestyle Libre to your spreadsheet up top please underneath where you have SLGS :cat:

      Last edited: Wednesday at 7:24 PM
      Tyler’s Spreadsheet
      Wednesday at 7:17 PMReport

    13. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024
      Done and thanks!

      Thursday at 7:53 AMEditDeleteReport
      Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
    14. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024
      She's still doing great! We shot 0.75 last night and this morning. Spreadsheet is up to date. Continue with 0.75 iu for tonight? We're doing pain med twice daily now. Thanks!

      Thursday at 4:29 PMEditDeleteReport
    15. [​IMG]
      Mar 22, 2024
      Good Day! We had an early sensor change on Friday. We also started the Hill's 11+ Indoor Dry at the rec of our vet to manage kidney functioning. She and I are both watching to see if gluc goes up when we intro this food. Noted, from the forums that this food is higher in carbs. Spreadsheet indicates that when we mixed this food in with the Power Cat Carb Control, she hovered around 18 on Saturday. However, last night and this morning, I mixed with her dry food, FF Turkey and Giblets. She ate it! She is not a wet food eater but I think we've had a breakthrough. I'm picking up the Weruva Chicken today (low phos, low carb) and will mix it in with her dry food. Any recommendations on the transition? Thanks so much!

  2. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
  3. MissyCat6

    MissyCat6 Member

    Mar 22, 2024
  4. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    What time of day did you see an unusual spike? I just see numbers in the 200's and 300's the last three days. Numbers can wobble around during a bounce.

    Are you feeding the Hill's 11+ indoor? It's good to note changes on the Remarks part of the spreadsheet, so we can see if there are any correlations between food and BG. The Hills is pretty high carb food.
  5. MissyCat6

    MissyCat6 Member

    Mar 22, 2024
    Hello and thanks for your reply. It seemed to be stubbornly high in the afternoon (late afternoon). Today's numbers are better. I did not feed her the Hill's today, just PowerCat kibble mixed with Weruva WX. I made a note on the spreadsheet now and updated my signature (yesterday). Do you think that integrating PowerCat and Weruva this week is the way to go? I don't feel good about the Hill's and Weruva Wx is apparently low carbs and ok for the kidneys due to Phos Focus. What do you think caused a bounce? Thanks!
  6. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Today was a bounce breaking cycle where the numbers came down to blues. Walk back 7 cycles and what do you see? Another blue, followed by 6 cycles of bounce. Bounces can take 6 cycles to resolve and numbers wobble around during those bounce cycles. The Hill's high carb food probably also contributed to higher numbers.

    A couple comments on the spreadsheet. First, you've done away with the row at top that has the +1, +2, etc. We all use that row to refer to times on the spreadsheet. Instead of actual clock times. As we are located all around the world we talk in +times. The reason I noticed that is I saw a 17.4 on your spreadsheet, that needs to be converted to 311. I think that's at +10 - but you made me count. ;)

    The second reason for talking +times is if for some reason you have to change shot times, such as having to delay the shot for some reason. Then having the actual clock times becomes incorrect. We always talk number of hours since the shot.
  7. MissyCat6

    MissyCat6 Member

    Mar 22, 2024
    Reply: Ohhhhhh! A bounce! Ok…. Thank you for noticing the pattern. How can I prevent a bounce? I don’t know how I accidentally changed the +1 but I will update the spreadsheet tomorrow. I also meant to convert the 17.4 but had to start work, I will update that too. Thanks again for all your support. I am truly grateful!☺️
  8. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    You don't want to do that. The solution to preventing bounces is to keep them in high numbers all the time. Which is bad for them. Bounces happen when they see numbers they aren't used to. But you want her to see normal blood glucose numbers, or even ones close to it. After she's seen enough normal BG numbers, she'll be used to it and slow down the bouncing. Almost all cats bounce, ones newly diagnosed even more so.

    We all hate bounces. It helped me to think of bounces as the result of insulin starting to work and lowering the numbers where I wanted them to be. In that sense, they are a good thing. They are also a self defence mechanism of the cat's body.

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