5/18 Fistuk AMPS 130 (bad reading), +1 106, +3.5 86, +5 74, +9.5 65 PMPS 86

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Fistuk & Shelly, May 18, 2024.

  1. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023

    Happy Caturday :)
    (edit at the end)

    DH took the morning test and I'm quite positive it's a bad reading. I took a +1 which normally I expect Fistuk to go quite up but 106 tells me his morning PS was probably in the 70's or low 80's.

    Fisruk had an interesting week. For a few days he wasn't so keen on eating. Often I had to syringe feed him, which luckily he took with pleasure but that's time consuming. When he's not enthusiastic about eating I get very worried.

    But for the past couple of days he turned a corner and he's eating so nicely. Really by himself, not even with a spoon or holding the plate for him and he's eating good quantities and with pleasure. Phew, that was a relief.

    Vet came by to measure his blood pressure. She took 5 measurements so the average is 153/103. She said is a bit elevated but in her view not a cause for medication. She's aware that high blood pressure advances kidneys damage.

    I'm happy for any feedback you have about his blood pressure.

    What I love about this vet is that she can say something like "post it on the forum and see what they say". Her professional ego or self esteem is not threatened by the knowledge or questions I pick up here and share with her. She's aiming to stick a balanced between his conditions and medication because any meds will also put a strain on the kidneys.

    Fistuk's BG was mostly green in the past week with below 80 nadir but not on the lime edge. Last 59 was on may 12th.

    What does it mean to give a fat dose? I read here sometimes folks who give a fat 25. I'd like to see if I give him just a drop more than 2.5 these blues will be taken care if.
    @Bandit's Mom @Angela & Cleo @tiffmaxee

    I started giving him a tiny tiny snack at +1 and +2. perhaps that helps to flatten the curve?

    Also, yesterday I gave him solencia. After three shots I couldn't see much improvement in his movement so I decided to stop. But in the past week I've noticed sensitivity around the spine and recalled the vet's comment when she visited after the first shot that his sensitivity around the spine has relaxed. I think it's good for him even if it doesn't get him more mobile I think it makes him more comfortable and in less pain.

    I also still feel good about the Renax tablet for the kidneys but I give 2 a day not 3 (which would be the right according to his weight).

    On the whole I'm feeling quite happy and relaxed about Fistuk's state at the moment which doesn't happen to me often :banghead: :p

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend :bighug:

    I wanted to ask about Prince who has tufted hair on his back around the lower half of the spine. He used to have that more often but since we changed to no dry food and low carb he hasn't had that.
    I changed his food about a month-ish ago because he wouldn't eat Fistuk's. It's low carb but has more fat and he eats that happily.

    It's also true that now the weather is warmer he spend a lot of time on the balcony outside. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

    Anyone has ideas what that could be?
    Thanks! :bighug:

    Last edited: May 18, 2024
  2. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    I Ruth :) So happy to hear from you :bighug: I haven't been able to post daily since I started working.
    I finished my probation time successfully and have been asked to start offering some training to teachers and stuff so - more fun and also more work ;)
    Fistuk had me a bit worried in the past week but normally he eats no matter how bad things are. But I'm happy he started showing his enthusiasm for food again. That's such a trade mark of his :p
    I need to ask @Staci & Ivy for the details of her nutritionist. I know she has someone she appreciates and think the both of us fuss around our furry one with the same meticulous care so I can relax into her judgment of the quality that person offers. that ways I'll have control over everything that goes in, as you say.
    I'm sorry you're wrapped up with goose down. When do you expect some sun. Shall Fistuk and I do the sun dance for you? :cat: He loves dancing.
    The work continues for a long time. Do you do a big job in the basement?
    I hope you'll be able to relax into more sunny days soon. Fistuk and I sending you hugs and kisses:kiss: :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  3. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Shelly, well, it sounds like there’s some ups and downs with fistic lately but overall he sounds like he’s doing very well. His numbers certainly are :D

    Very glad to hear you got him eating well again that’s great news.:)
    I’ll be curious to see what others say about the blood pressure, too since that’s an issue for me. I can’t seem to get my current vet to take a reading since she thinks it will be inaccurate due to Ivy’s hyper nature.
    ( I’m taking her to another vet this coming week and that is one of the things I want to see if I can get them to do)
    He looks so happy in your pictures with his feather. He sure does love those. He’s so curious and sweet:)

    I hope things are getting easier at your job and that you are not as tired or getting sick as often. Hopefully everything there will settle down.
    Are you still using a Pet Sitter to help out?
    Wishing you a peaceful and calm weekend with many hugs from me and Ivy:bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Fistuk & Shelly likes this.
  4. cecile & bella

    cecile & bella Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2021
    Hello Shelly! Nice to read you :)
    It's good to see that Fistuk is eating better. Bella has/had those weird movements around her spine too, I call that fasciculations. They wre also improved by the Adequan. Maybe it's a pain manifestation.
    I hope you can enjoy a nice weekend.
    I'll be near Lausanne very soon, in a few weeks!
    Fistuk & Shelly likes this.
  5. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Hi Cecile :)
    Nice to know you'll be close soon :cat:
    @cecile & bella, do you know what a fat dose means? I think you mentioned once that you gave Bella.:bighug:
  6. cecile & bella

    cecile & bella Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2021
    I think it's when you are just past the mark on the syringe or callipers. You could also do a custom dose with the chart you printed. i did that with Bella, gave her 1.8 instead of 1.75 when I was decreasing.
    Fistuk & Shelly likes this.
  7. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Hi Staci :)

    Fistuk’s BG has been really great. I will try what Cecile suggested to see if it’ll take care of the blues. I hope too that I’ll get some feedback on the blood pressure.
    The good thing is that our vet comes for house visits. In fact when she came on Friday I was not at home. I left her a key and she let herself in. She found Fistuk on the bed and just took his blood pressure. It’s true that Fistuk is rather a comfortable cat. Unless you take blood from him or take him to a veterinary clinic. There he’s really really tough to handle. This vet is real treasure and she so nice and open. I think I’ll never move from here just because I’d want to stay close to her :woot:

    I’d gotten used to the working hours but you know, our energies are limited and I do get tired after a full day working with the kids. I am very happy to that’s a good thing. And it help with (the ever growing) costs of supporting Fistuk.

    The cat sitter still comes. we had a bit of a weird WhatsApp chat about syringe feeding. She wrote something about if it’s ethical. I won’t go into the long story and her English is not great so often things are lost in translation. And my German in not good enough to communicative that with her. But in short I told her that if I let Fistuk eat only what he wants he’ll basically die because he’s not eating enough. So I hope we’re still in good term and she’s happy to keep on supporting him. I haven’t yet found another person to support him that is available to our time table needs.

    I’ll hop over to you soon to catch up :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  8. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    That’s a great idea, thanks. I’ll try that
  9. Mikanmama

    Mikanmama Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2023
    Hi Shelly,
    I'm sorry about the food issues - so distressing when cats don't eat well. Hope it works out with your sitter so Fistuk gets what he needs.
    Sounds like a good plan to give a tiny extra to deal with the blues.
    Is he producing goods regularly as well?
    I love the pictures :kiss: He looks so inquisitive! :)
    Wishing you a lovely weekend, Shelly :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Fistuk & Shelly likes this.
  10. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi Shelly, what adorable pics of Fistuk :cat:
    I'm happy he's been eating good for you .
    About the fat doses, I used to give them to Tyler way back in the beginning.
    I also agree with what Cecile said about what it is.
    Let's say I was giving Tyler 2 units I would then just move the syringe a tiny bit past the 2 units and called it a fat dose.
    I had a member helping me in the beginning but she hasn't been on in many years . Loving all those greens on his SS
    I hope you and Fistuk have a peaceful night :bighug::bighug::bighug::cat:
    Fistuk & Shelly likes this.
  11. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Hi Kit :)
    yes, Fistuk produces goods very regularly now. Don't know what that was but I focus on the fact that he started eating more passionately.
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  12. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Hi Diane :)
    Thanks for the guidance on a fat does. I'll need to print out the ruler I have so I'll have to wait to Tuesday when I'm at work.
    I'm curious to try it and see what it will do for him.
    I'm really happy with his greens.
    Wishing you and Tyler a wonderful weekend :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  13. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Staci. I got a feedback from the CKD forum and was told that for a CKD cat the aim is under 160.

    Did you consider buying a blood pressure machine to measure Ivy at home? I'm planning to buy one so I can get his measure regularly and also to have an measure that is not influenced by the stress that comes with the vet :bighug:
  14. Jack & Mopem'sMom

    Jack & Mopem'sMom Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    :bighug: I wish I had some advice or insight for you--know I am sending you all much love and hugs:bighug: and praying you get answers you need soon
    Fistuk & Shelly likes this.
  15. Fistuk & Shelly

    Fistuk & Shelly Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Thank you, Christine :bighug::bighug::bighug:

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