3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 +12=62 +23=130PMPS=137

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Michele and Esse, Mar 15, 2010.

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  1. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Daily Digest:
    +12=62. NO SHOT. Wellness Beef/Salmon out, evo for lunch.
    PMPS=137. Evo out for dinner. Shot 2.5U. YAY!
    Yesterday's condo: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9117

    Morning, LL...

    Esse earned a reduction! What a number to wake to...47. Sienne always says "a flat cycle means action on the next", and sure enough...Esse got some action. She ate a bit just now, showing absolutely no sign of being low. Bless that cat...she's a good girl.

    47. Wow, what a beginning to the day!

  2. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15: Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 Earned a dose reduction!

    Beautiful Esse!!! This is really wonderful! Hope you haven't forgotten about the party on Wed Michele...we are hoping that all your kitties will be able to come to the St. patty's Day party here. it will give you a little quiet time at home but i know you will miss them all...just the same, they will be aprtying here with everyone and having a great time! Esse hasn't forgotten about the party and is dressing herself in the green already! nice job!!! :mrgreen:
  3. Roni and Moonie

    Roni and Moonie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15: Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 Earned a dose reduction!

    Michelle & Esse!!!! What great news!!! Congrats on dose crease--You earned it! We are happy for you!
    GOOOOOOOOOOO ESSE...... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  4. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15: Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 Earned a dose reduction!

    I'd love to take credit for the flat yellow cycle admonition, but it was Joan, Miriam and Cassandra who imparted that bit of wisdom to me! Congrats on the dosecrease! Remember that you can shoot through the rebound if Esse decides to bounce but with that +11, it doesn't seem likely.
  5. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    No way can I shoot anything at a 62...so we're skipping the shot this morning. We will shoot 2.5U tonight at dinner...

    Lots of food will be left out, so I'm not too worried. She's totally asymptomatic right now, and is being her loving, snuggly self. All is well in Esse land...

    Don't worry, Pat...Esse's been talking of nothing else; she's coming to the party for sure!

  6. Deb & Spot

    Deb & Spot Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    Wow, what a wonderful cycle for Esse and congrats on the dosecrease! Nice Esse, Nice!!
  7. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    Nice number, Esse! ANd congrats on that decrease, Michele. It feels so good, doesn't it?
  8. Michelle and Mannie (GA)

    Michelle and Mannie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    Way to go Esse! Excellent!!!
  9. Michelle & Scrabble (GA)

    Michelle & Scrabble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    Way to go Esse, how great to receive a dosecrease! Scrabble and I are hoping for one soon! Green is in the air for St Patty's Day! :mrgreen:
  10. Kathy and Kitty

    Kathy and Kitty Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    Congrats on the dosecrease! What a great way to celebrate the wearin' of the green!
  11. CD and BigMac

    CD and BigMac Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    Wow! Congratulations Esse! Maybe she's happy that you saved Eeyore and gave you a gift - a dose reduction! lol! :lol:
  12. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 AMPS=62 Earned a dose reduction!

    That number woke me up for sure! She's holding steady at +23=130; she's definitely getting her shot tonight, but man, what a Monday morning wake up call.

    YAY for Esse! I'm just really pleased. She's really working for the dose reductions...I think she's trying to show Eeyore how to do it!

  13. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 +12=62 +23=130

    Congratulations on the dosecrease! and that +23 don't look too bad, either.
  14. Michele and Esse

    Michele and Esse Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/15 Esse PMPS+10=47 +11=55 +12=62 +23=130

    Yeah, no kidding. It will probably show tomorrow or so, but I'm happy to see the 130/23 and the 137/PMPS. Not too shabby...

    And 2.5 is far easier on my eyes...LOL.

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