11/21 Ivy Amps 284, +3 208, +6 226, +9 197, Pmps 290, +3 153 Libre

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Staci & Ivy, Nov 21, 2024.

  1. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Amps 284 Libre

    Not loving these yellow numbers. Ugh. :banghead: Hoping she recalibrates and comes down back to her mostly blue and green Libre numbers. Higher since her insulin skip the other day for the vet’s office visit.

    Found the below image and thought it was so accurate about our kitties

    Fed her higher carbs last night since I went to the movies with my son, I wanted her to be safe while I was out for a few hours.
    We saw the new movie Wicked and it was wonderful. I’ve seen the musical numerous times and it’s so good.

    Need to be out again tonight for our company holiday dinner. So I will need to feed Ivy higher carbs again ;)

    Busy time of year to attempt to manage it all.

    Hope everyone has a safe day :cat:

    Attached Files:

  2. Madeline528

    Madeline528 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2015
    Hi Staci. Glad you enjoyed the Wicked movie. I think I'd like to see the play first. I'll have to make a plan around Butch's schedule ;)
    Come on Ivy, come on down for your mom and show those beautiful blue and green numbers.
    I know, I am finding it hard to manage it all during this time of the year. I think I'll be spending Thanksgiving holiday home with Butch. I am to worry to leave him home alone the whole day.
    Have a wonderful time tonight at your company holiday dinner.
    Safe surfing, Ivy!
    Heike & BInie and Staci & Ivy like this.
  3. cecile & bella

    cecile & bella Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2021
    I'm glad you enjoyed the movie, I was wondering what you saw! For me it will be busy this week as well, Wozard of Oz again tomorrow, and on saturday we are going to go see Mozart's Requiem with the Minnesota Orchestra. I am glad we are not going anywhere next week, November always feels so full, it's like May I think!
    I love your anatomy of a cat picture, so true.
    I hope you have a good day, and good results too!
    Heike & BInie and Staci & Ivy like this.
  4. Jason - Kona's Dad

    Jason - Kona's Dad Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2023
    Ha ha ha, "super fluffy death trap" :joyful:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  5. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Hi Staci,

    hhhhh....I also love the "super fluffy death trap". :p

    I am sorry it takes the depot some time to recalibrate. I hope she comes back to her beautiful blues and greens. On the other hand it was helpful for keeping her safe while you went out. So great you did that! I hope you enjoyed your evening to the fullest! Thank you for the beautiful picture! And I hope the company holiday dinner will be nice too. :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  6. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Madeline, I know exactly you feel. It’s a hard Time of year to manage so many things.
    We have plans to go to my sister-in-law‘s next week for Thanksgiving, but depending on what Ivy‘s plans are for that day that will determine what I do or don’t do. My husband can go and if I need to stay behind that’s fine. I will. Ivy‘s needs come before anything else. They can eat turkey without me if it comes down to that.
    I do recommend you’re seeing the show if you can, but even if you just want to see the movie, it really does give you the whole story.
    It’s definitely one of my favorite musicals and of course, I always loved the Wizard of Oz as a kid and still do.
    I’m usually perfectly happy to watch movies at home but this was one that was very special to me and I really wanted to see it on the big screen and I’m glad I did. Plus I got to share the experience with my son and that was awesome :)

    I hope You and Butch have a safe night ahead :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  7. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Cecile, I hope you are enjoying seeing all this great entertainment. You’re lucky you get to see so much good stuff.
    I hardly get out and I really can’t go see live shows anymore. They’re just too long and not close enough for me to safely be away that long.
    And unfortunately, I can’t get to New York anymore with Ivy being sick, so that’s not happening for me.

    Still waiting for test results from the doctor maybe tomorrow since I’ll be out tonight and I left a message for him not to call me tonight.
    Hope you and Bella have a nice night. Thanks for checking in with us.:bighug::bighug:
  8. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Heike,
    Thanks for the good wishes. I’m hoping tonight will be a nice evening. It’s very cold, wet and raw today.
    To be honest I’d rather stay home in some cozy pajamas, but must go out. Hoping Ivy will stay safe for me two nights in a row.

    That picture of the cat was funny, wasn’t it? I found that early this morning and it was perfect to post.
    We did have such a great time seeing the movie last night. I thought it was really great and I love the music:)

    I hope you and Binie had a good day today and are having a calm night. Hope you have a good rest. Hugs to you and Binie.
    Heike & BInie likes this.
  9. Heike & BInie

    Heike & BInie Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Seems you have similar weather. Here it is nasty too. And I love the idea of pajamas and sofa... But it might be also nice to leave the house again and with Ivy being a little higher it is a good chance.

    Love to read how much you enjoyed the movie and time with your son! :bighug::kiss::bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  10. cecile & bella

    cecile & bella Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2021
    Yes, Minneapolis is great for that: not as huge than New York but we still get a lot of great stuff. And of course my son being in so many ensembles is super cool as well. We are about 15 minutes from downtown Minneapolis, so we're back for +3 or maybe +4, usually. Which is fine, especially since Bella eats from her feeder without any problem. And the high school is 5 mn away.
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  11. SmallestSparrow

    SmallestSparrow Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2024
    IMHO the best part of T-giving meals are leftover sandwiches.(note: meals. Of course best part of T giving is time with family but Ivy may need you) My suggestion for just in case you and Ivy are snuggling on the sofa instead of you going to your in-laws: buy a cooked breast (Costco sells them and my local supermarket sells like a quarter breast)—these are cooked already but not sliced. (I like to control how thick my sandwich is)…and the rest of whatever you put on sandwiches (avocados or cranberry etc). If you stay home you can eat sandwiches with Ivy and watch some Thanksgiving specials
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  12. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Love the anatomy of a cat. So true. I hope Ivy comes back down soon. Glad you enjoyed the movie yesterday.
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  13. Karen and Chispa (GA)

    Karen and Chispa (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2022
    Love the Anatomy of a Cat, Staci! It explains a lot, doesn't it?:joyful::smuggrin:

    So glad you got out to enjoy "Wicked" with your son. This is the first I've heard of the movie OR the musical -- I am putting it on my list! Thanks for the recommendation.

    I hope you enjoy your holiday party tonight! Ivy will be waiting to hear all about it when you get home. Have a lovely evening!:bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  14. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Love your suggestions, Colleen! I’m hungry thinking about those leftovers. I agree the best part!

    My grocery store sells an organic marinated turkey breast that’s wonderful. I buy it year round but it’s great for a small Thanksgiving meal (or a weeknight dinner that I make on occasion).
    I’ll probably buy that so I have it in the house. In case Ivy decides I’m staying home :)

    Wishing you and your sweet family lots of yummy Thanksgiving wishes :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  15. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Thanks, Carla. We do love our cat, don’t we!
  16. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Karen, Ivy was very happy when I got home. I think she feels neglected when I’m not here to fuss over her for a few hours.

    Definitely check out the movie. It’s just coming out. The promotion is all over the place. (The story is the prequel to that Wizard of Oz, one of my all time favorites).

    The musical debuted in 2003 and is also one of my favorites. (I love musical theatre) and going to NY is a favorite thing to do.

    Anyway, I hope you and Chispa have a cozy night and a safe surf :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Karen and Chispa (GA) likes this.

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