Fasting BG 150, stall 30 min test 182. Fed and tested 189, shot 1.5, 150 @ +3. This is a bit unusual for him, he usually goes up around +3 or 4. Edit to add: 107 @+7, 133 @ 8.5, PMPS 384 shot 1.5 @Suzanne & Darcy @FrostD
I'll take these numbers any day and be happy! Well, maybe low yellow AM and PM PS would be more comfortable for me.
Wow my notifications must be broken as heck because i didn't get this or the ones on your previous thread, so sorry! He's looking good! I'm questioning the reductions a little bit BUT "if it aint broke don't fix it"
My notifications haven’t been working at all. I believe I answered on the thread from 1/3. You must have started this new thread this evening. I think I asked about the dose … why you didn’t shoot the skinny 2 tonight.
Suzanne, I'm not ignoring your question, I guess I just don't know how to answer. The last I shot the skinny 2 was on 1/3 when his AMPS started at 129 and after stalling and even feeding he was only up to 152 so I shot only a token dose 0.5. That was what I thought would be recommended and based on my fears and inability to get him if he doesn't want to cooperate. I suspect that if he isn't feeling well he will be out of my reach. Then, looking back, the 1.5 was what I felt comfortable with after looking back where he stays flat, I may have though it was the safer dose overnight. Continuing, at one point I just remember feeling like staying with 1.5 was best. Maybe he appeared to be feeling better without the bounces. On the 5th and 6th he had AMPS that were low yellows and a couple of blues so I thought that maybe he would level out and maybe higher blues were better than numbers all over the place. Then yesterday his AMPS was 150 and even with food stayed in the blue. Shot (1.5) at 189 and got nice numbers throughout the day. I guess the PMPS last evening was a bounce after the nice day. Since I had reduced back to 1.5 and got some decent numbers, I figure I can stay with that dose and see how it goes. I wish I had a better answer. I welcome discussion and advice. Thanks to both you and Melissa for your help.
Hi. It’s all fine. We will know soon if he needs to go back to the skinny 2 dose. I sort of had discerned what you have said here from the spreadsheet, but was wondering if that was right.
Hello Linda. I'm just stopping by to let you know that I was just looking at his spreadsheet... saying hello.
He was a little dramatic in red this morning in reacting to that blue! He may have had a lower blue than that but I don’t think anything too low.
For me, seeing that red number this morning is like bursting a balloon. Maybe I just need to look past those occasional red numbers and keep steady looking for blue numbers, as we were getting. Thanks for looking in and for your thoughts. ETA: My immediate goal has been to stay in low yellow and gain more blues. At that point if achieved, think of tweeking the dose up and push those blues and yellows down even more. I know blue and green are ideal, but I am cautions in getting there. I want to know what you all think. FrostD, Suzanne & Darcy (in case the edit breaks the tags)
Remember that we are looking for trends and the overall picture of what’s going on. He doesn’t get many reds so I would not worry too much about it. It doesn’t mean that any progress has been lost. He probably saw a lower blue but even if he went into green, I doubt it was a lower green.
And … I would like to see a little more blue, but I think it will probably also cause at least little boings in Newman so don’t be dismayed if you do give him a small increase to see both more blue but also some those higher numbers that we don’t like to see on the spreadsheet. I guess I am saying that it’s a marathon and don’t get discouraged. You are taking great care of him.
Thanks. He does seem to be doing well, despite the numbers. He looks great, weight wise and he does excellent grooming, he even pulls the sheaths off of his claws. LOL He is active in that he spends a fair amount of time on the screened porch, surveying the 'estate' and watching critters. He takes his naps, but for his age he is not bad. I believe that is just cat behavior. He even gets the zoomies once or twice a week in the late evening. Thanks again. Your comments cause me to look at him from afar instead of on the SS.
We also know that AMPS tend to be higher in general. I'd consider a small increase, but if it rocks the boat too much then you may just be in a holding pattern. Definitely gets hard to see the forest from the trees! If it helps, call it meter variance - it was just high pink lol
LOL Good to see you. I hope you and Evelyn and the gang are all well. You all have had enough of the nasty bugs.
@ Suzanne & Darcy @FrostD Fasting BG 86 checked strip got 88 stalling. Will be testing in 20-30 minutes. Based on that number I will feed, retest and shoot something. What do you think?
After 30 minute stall got 93. I am going to try and test him again in 15-20 before any food other than Dr Elseys treats. ETA: He was getting impatient, so I tested after 10 minutes got 98. Will feed.
At 98 fed small amount of food,tested about 45 minutes later (he was avoiding me) got 117. Shot 1.0 maybe skinny.
Yes, after about one tablespoon of his regular LC Fancy Feast. Yes, please check back when you can. Thanks.
You know how to reach me if you really just want some support. I say that because I have loads of confidence in you to handle anything, but sometimes it helps to just have someone around for support. Who knows though, Newman may start climbing in a bounce? I just hope you can get a test in a bot so we can feel better knowing what is going on. I hope your weather will be warmer today!
Every single time I threaten an increase, I swear! Hopefully he has a little more climb in him before onset. I think should be ok.
You need to go around and speak words of increase all over the place on this Board! You have influence! LOL
Yes, I just logged in. I never use my phone for the board so thanks for reminding me. Will do in a pinch. I plan to check Newman soon if I can get a hold of him. I will have to see if I can post on his spreadsheet.
The PM dose is going to be a hard decision for me as I don't want a repeat of this morning. I have a dental appointment after noon tomorrow.
Some time between 7:30 and 8:00. I would like to shoot around 8 so we catch up after the late morning we had today.
I would like to shoot a lower dose on his PM numbers. It seems like he is most often going low overnight and then getting into the pink or still low numbers in the AM. So, would a lesser dose not create the lower numbers overnight or is that skewed thinking on my part? Can't seem to avoid the bounces. @ Suzanne & Darcy @FrpstD
I am thinking that you tried this before and it wasn’t working/you didn’t like it. I would have to go back and find the thread. I will try.
We'll see what happens. I went ahead and shot 1.25. It is very hard to hold food for longer than 2 hours, especially in that it involves all three critters. They have had the same schedule for over 12 years, so changes are not easy. We were a little past 2-1/2 hours fast and you might think they had not eaten for days. LOL I will go back and look if I can find that Suzanne. Honestly, I don't remember if I tried it or not! Thanks.
Can’t find it. I don’t see the harm in trying it. Are you wanting to try this simply to prevent blues at night or to avoid low morning preshots? Or… what is the goal?
Okay, I found it in this thread - about post 55-57.
Oh, your're good. I was thinking it may have been some time in October. So, seeing the thread now I do remember the glimpse toward Lantus. I didn't get very far into reading about it. I guess I thought that I was having a hard enough time doing what I was doing, the idea of learning a different set of rules was overwhelming. Do you still think that switching insulins would be beneficial? Maybe I will read on the Lantus board to get a feel for how it could go. Thanks for the successful searching.
Don't want to prevent blues at night, and because we don't know how low he may be going, I'm thinking the pink and very occasional "high pinks" are telling the numbers could have been quite low. So I guess the goal would be to get more moderate overnight numbers to head off the bounce. Then I would prefer not getting very low, sometimes green AM numbers. I'm rambling. Sorry.
Well, tried my hardest to get a hold of him today around +7, but he was on the top of the cat tree and none of my bribes worked. Guess I'll try again tomorrow!
Hello, Linda. I'm just checking in on you and Newman. How has your week been so far? You hadn't posted anything since last Friday, so I thought I'd take a peek at his SS. It looks like the lower dose at night isn't preventing the morning pinks. I can't believe it's only Wednesday myself. I've had a really busy week with kitties getting surgery and am just trying to catch up a little bit today... so here I am.
Yes, busy week here too. I feel like I am going in 10 different directions! I agree that the lower dose isn't preventing the pink numbers in the morning. I suppose I should go back to giving him 1.5, both morning and evening. I just need to learn to be okay with the occasional, unusually low numbers in the AM, those significantly lower like the green 88 that I got on 1/17. I would like to feel comfortable enough to preferably stall only one 20 - 30 minute delay, then if when I retest he is coming up go ahead and feed and shoot without further delay. It is so stressful when I fear throwing Newman off of our routine, while Ozzie is wanting to jump up on the desk, thinking he is missing his breakfast and the dog is whimpering, begging and dancing around. She is getting old and I think she is easily confused and seems to be in a minor panic, again if the morning doesn't go on schedule. Well, we'll see. One day at a time I suppose. I realize all of the numbers on his SS are still well within safe range, so I don't know why I get so anxious about it. Thanks for checking on us. I hope your kitties are recovering nicely. I miss seeing you and Melissa as often but everyone gets busy.
I'm going to threaten an increase so he'll come down a little for you lol All good. Stomach bug rolled through the house, staggered naturally, so it has been quite the week my fault for taking kids with me to baby's checkup
I find today's numbers a bit surprising. I was thinking that I should make some changes and was planning to ask you guys about that, but I am going to stay where we are for a few more days. I had to schedule an unexpected surgery on my hand which will be done on Wednesday. I don't anticipate a big deal, but biopsy came back a squamous cell and the dermatologist will remove more tissue, requiring stitches. This should not interfere with testing procedures for Newman, but I want to be certain. Melissa I hope that everyone at your place is feeling much better. With little kids, it seems like they find the 'bugs' and pass it around through the family. Suzanne I hope all is well with your family. I remember that you were extra busy with your kitties getting surgeries. You have your hands full. @Suzanne & Darcy @FrostD
What do you think about fattening the dose? I hope all goes alright with your hand. If you're concerned about it I would just hold the dose until you feel like messing with it. We're good...for now lol
I’m glad he had a run in blue today. I am sorry to hear about your hand and surgery. I hope they won’t have to cut much. Think about how much sun our hands get on them every day; I guess it’s not surprising that we get squamous cell carcinoma on them. That’s what my white kitty had removed from his nose a week ago. Yesterday he managed to rip out the sutures and back to the vet we went today. He is lying next to me now with his cone on. Poor boy hates the cone. If I were having surgery in a day or two, I would just leave the dose alone for the time being. I will be thinking of you. Keep us posted.
Good morning, Linda. Today is your hand surgery and I am thinking of you. I hope things go smoothly. I just said a prayer to that end. Let us know how you are and how Newman is. ❤️
Thank you, it's been a couple of very busy days, Dermatologist and then Internist. My nature is to keep things organized and orderly, now as I age that becomes harder to do! Dermatology is routine for me after 50 years in the Florida sun, many before we knew the need for, or even had products to provide protection. I remember the first sunscreen I used was a number 4 and I probably wasn't as compliant as I should have been. I lived at the beach and on the tennis courts. Newman has been doing well and so, so cooperative. I couldn't ask for a better boy! The SS is up to date and my thinking is to hold steady for at least a few more days, always open to comment and advice. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks to you and Melissa @FrostD for keeping in your view.
Good job yesterday, Linda. You did well to shoot the 1.5 and look at the nice blues that you got Maybe you should start a new thread for today (or next time you want to post) since this one has 58 replies ... well now it has 59! I just wanted to check in on you and make sure all was well. I hope your hand is much better.
Thanks Suzanne. I was thinking about starting a new thread next time I have a post. Newman is doing well, finally seeing some nice blues. I guess if you stay at the dance long enough someone will ask you to dance! I plan to stay with the current dose for a while and see how it goes. I'd rather not see the higher pinks, but that is what it is for now. I don't think he likes to be rushed. LOL He has been claiming the top spot on the cat trees which seems to be indication he is feeling more like himself. He usually does a lot more grooming at those times when he is feeling better.
What are your thoughts on how the split dosing is going? Not a loaded question lol just curious because I've been scrolling his SS for a few minutes now and I'm not seeing a huge difference, perhaps slightly more steady? I just wish he'd get a little more duration sometimes but we don't have much control over that.
My goal was to avoid the lower and very low AMPS and that seems to have happened so far, but I didn't want those persistent higher pinks! January 3, 7 and 17 are examples of mornings when I was stumped in knowing when it is safe to shoot and what the dose should be. Stalling and blowing up the routine is very tough to do with my crew since it is not easy for me to pull off if/when they get out of sync. They are definitely creatures of habit.
You handled them all just fine! My only thought would be if he bounces and appears to be coming down with your PM midcycles, to test half hour before AMPS. That way you just test again at AMPS and maybe avoid a stall. But I'm not sure it's really worth the extra effort, since it's fairly infrequent and his bounce break trend isn't always predictable.