06/15 Eddie AMPS 446 PMPS 290 +7.5 362

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Jodey&Eddie&Blue, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. Jodey&Eddie&Blue

    Jodey&Eddie&Blue Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021

    here is yesterday:

    In reply to @Wendy&Neko regarding the increase in Prednisolone (see yesterday's post):

    I'm pretty confident the IM vet is not taking that report under consideration. Quite confident, in fact, so I've emailed with that issue. Thank you for the sharp eye. I'm just keeping ahead of the wave and have to look at Eddie's immediacy.

    The latest is this: the only way I can get a CT scan is to admit Eddie to hospital emergency because then it doesn't have to be "scheduled". This is crazy. It's a political matter, too, because the IM vet is then secondary to the emergency vet who is calling the shots.

    In any case, this morning (5:00am) I got an email from the IM vet:

    IM VET:
    How is Eddie?
    Below is the edited email of a veterinary technician at Fairfield who was reading the notes about Eddie from yesterday and shared her own experiences.
    I think this is worth a try, it is novel to me and I’m not sure it will work but the drug is safe to try.
    Your thoughts?

    Email from Vet Tech at Emergency Clinic to IM VET:
    …I saw Eddie on the "may present" side of the schedule. i haven't seen him since he was hospitalized in early may but know he's been back a few times, so i was curious to catch up on his most recent history….
    …anyway - i just wanted to mention a thought i had as i read what's been going on with him. eddie's symptoms remind me of my cat..

    ….we were suspicious of FOPS (feline orofacial pain syndrome)….what made that diagnosis more obvious (to me at least) was that buprenorphine didn't touch his oral discomfort at ALL. i tried for days with variations of mirtaz and bupe and maropitant, etc., thinking it was nausea-related or pain that required an opioid. THEN, i gave him a dose of gabapentin (100 mg) and he ate like agoddamn champ. it was like the jaw pain was completely gone. we were going to work the FOPS up….
    ….i had found this paper and it reiterated that buprenorphine tends to not help and gabapentin has shown, in some cases, to be more effective. it is an old paper, and i can't speak to any of the other pain control options aside from gabapentin, so take it for what it's worth. (paper is attached below if you're interested, & linked here:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1016/j.jfms.2010.03.005)
    just wanted to mention this to you in case it is at all helpful for eddie's case…..

    Me: Stay tuned...
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Neko couldn't have pred due to her heart condition - and it's a common caution on the SCL group if kitty has a murmur to get it checked out before starting pred. Let's just say I'm sensitive to pred and hearts.

    The gapapentin sounds like an experiment worth trying. Even with general acro pain, it seems really ECID whether gabapentin or buprenorphine works best for an individual cat.

    Ugh on the difficulty of getting CT scans. :banghead:
    Jodey&Eddie&Blue likes this.
  3. JoM

    JoM Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    In my Pancreatitis group on Facebook we recommend Gabapentin as an alternative to Buprenorphine all the time. One will work better in one cat but not another and vice versa. Gabapentin does have a very sedating side effect in some cats tho, so you may want to start at a lower dose at first.
    Jodey&Eddie&Blue likes this.
  4. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Sending prayers. :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Jodey&Eddie&Blue likes this.

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