4/23 Jack: 208@amps, 200@+2- testing and IM Specialist update

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Jack & Mopem'sMom, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. Jack & Mopem'sMom

    Jack & Mopem'sMom Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Last post: https://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/4-18-jack-299-amps.288944/
    Sorry no post for a while, life is kicking my :spam:

    Day 5 on 11 units- nothing to say really; could be better, could be worse. :(

    You wouldn't believe the ridiculously stupid and downright IGNORANT email from the vet tech on the insulin resistance testing prices. I seriously already knew all of what she sent. I found my old email [argument] chain from the first time I had Jack tested and in 2022 they charged $166 for the insulin like growth factor -1: the test was $68.00 their cost, plus their office fees were $151.00 + an estimated $15.00 shipping = $166.00 total. The new email is below. I did see a post on how I can ship the IGF-1 to MU myself, but with the Cushing's test, I'm not sure it's worth it. I think I'm just going to let the IM specialist do it all. I can't deal with these :spam: morons anymore. :banghead:
    "Hi Christine,
    I received a message to work on some prices for you. I think I have everything covered below:
    Insulin Growth Factor Test at Michigan State: $72.00 plus shipping. I do not know how much the shipping will be yet. The $72.00 is what MSU charges for the test. I don't know if you pay them directly or pay us. I am trying to find this out. Our cost to draw the blood: Tech appointment= $20.00. Cortisol Dex Test $327.76 in house with us. Will spend the day with us due to the multiple blood draws through out the day. Fructosamine (recommended by Dr. per her notes) =$119.50"

    Regarding the search for the IM specialist: I have ruled out going to Penn State in Philly- it's 2.5 hours one way, Jack hates to travel, and the 2 vets that were recommended don't seem to be there anymore. There isn't another vet school near me unfortunately. Crown Veterinary Specialist in NJ is 1.5 hours away but I don't have a recommendation from anyone who has personally been there. That leaves 2: Eastern PA Emergency in Allentown, about an hour and 20 mins and NE Veterinary Referral which is also about 1 hr 20 mins. I have taken one cat to the ophthalmology dept of the place in Allentown, with not great results (poor Rosco died...long story) so winner -winner- chicken- dinner prize goes to NE Vet Referral. I'll call them later today for an estimate on an appointment, the IGF-1, Cushing's, and a senior blood panel. :blackeye: Pray I don't fall over from a heart attack when I get the estimate.

    Hope all are well, I think about and pray for all the kitties and human parents every day, I just don't get any time to check in with anyone in depth anymore. Sending hugs and love to all :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:

    I just got off the phone with the place I had decided on (where I was on hold for 28 minutes) and get this:
    consult =$229
    ultrasound (must have)=$492-$734
    IGF-1= $200-$250
    cushings=rare in cats, but if I insist on the test= $400
    I just can't anymore. Who has this kind of money? Maybe I'll get the testing done with the fools at the regular vet clinic and see if I can get an IM phone consult through the Cornell Vet link that @Mikanmama suggested.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
    xelo y sinver and Mikanmama like this.
  2. JLS12

    JLS12 Member

    Jan 26, 2024
    I had been watching for an update from you. It looks like you're making some headway and narrowing the field of vets, so that's a good thing. :)

    Just a thought, but using "pennsylvania internal medicine veterinarian" in a search might get you another choice or two. Smaller clinics with internal med docs would show in this search.

    I hope you get some positive information! :bighug:
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  3. Jack & Mopem'sMom

    Jack & Mopem'sMom Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    I tried that, the problem is I am in a rural area, so everything is at least an hour, most times 1.5 hrs away. It's just the direction you drive that is the difference. And the prices are all ridiculous. I just got off the phone with the place I had decided on (where I was on hold for 28 minutes) - get this:
    consult =$229
    IGF-1= $200-$250
    cushings=rare in cats, but if I insist on the test= $400
    I just can't anymore. Who has this kind of money? :( Just wanted to say thanks for your support and suggestions- I really appreciate them
    Mikanmama and JLS12 like this.
  4. cecile & bella

    cecile & bella Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2021
    I'm so sorry you have to go through all that.
    I think I would start with the test with your vet, and go from there. He might not need the whole panel after all? Just my 2 cents.
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  5. JLS12

    JLS12 Member

    Jan 26, 2024
    :bighug: I certainly understand how disheartening it is. Sometimes a day or so to mull things over provides some guidance and clarity. Jack is lucky he's got you in his corner. :bighug:
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  6. Deb and Tiger

    Deb and Tiger Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2023
    I don’t know about the other tests but the ultrasound price seems ridiculously high. Even our emergency room here which is state of the art only charged about $200 and sometimes they just do it routinely when he’s checked in and don’t even charge for it! I know different parts of the country have higher rates but wow. After we had a cat with cancer, hubby bought pet insurance and it really pays for itself . Maybe something to consider, but I don’t know the waiting periods after getting it.
    I’m so sorry you’re going through this….
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  7. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    HI (((Christine))), Jeez, your head must be exploding. It's so damned expensive and crazy. (looks like the bills and estimates I see in my area, too. This market is sooo expensive for vet care):spam::spam:

    Just a thought, I have often thought about this program/consultation
    below link with Univ of Pennsylvania:


    It seems they will do a consultation with your vet and maybe that's an option to look at??

    I suggested to one vet I worked with when Ivy was first diagnosed and she never answered me (guess she wasn't interested).:arghh:

    And also...sending you so many hugs of support. I know you are doing everything possible to help Jack:bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  8. Mikanmama

    Mikanmama Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2023
    Woooh. I'm so sorry Christine, that you have to deal with all those!
    This is just all so hard - you are trying your very best and yet, one thing after another!
    I wish things were easier and those vet office people would be more courteous!
    Telemedicine that Staci has suggested may be an option. Driving for 3 hours altogether would be so stressful!
    I wonder if there are home-visit vets near by at all?
    I am sending you :bighug::bighug::bighug: and hope you can come up with a plan you are comfortable with!
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  9. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: What can I say, not winner chicken dinner for sure!

    I coached my then regular vet through the tests. My current vet (different one that I love) already had experience with a Cushing's kitty, but not an acro. Tells you how "rare" Cushings is. Does Jack have a pot belly? Any balding/hair loss? Just wondering if you think you are seeing some physical signs making it worth testing him.
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  10. Jack & Mopem'sMom

    Jack & Mopem'sMom Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    So the telemedicine thing is great- I am seriously considering having the tests done at the regular vet and then getting a consult- either through these guys you recommend or the Cornell one- I'm not sure how my vet would feel about doing this, but it doesn't hurt to ask. THANK YOU!:bighug:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  11. Jack & Mopem'sMom

    Jack & Mopem'sMom Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Jack is overweight, so his belly is big, not sure if it would qualify as a pot belly- not like when my Mom's dog had Cushing's. He does get an occasional hump in between his shoulders, where I give him the insulin, even though I try to move the spot a bit every night. It seems to grow and shrink with his depot, but maybe this is another problem. He actually has thick hair, but extremely poor coat condition- lots of dandruff and what I call 'tribbles' (like from Star Trek)- clumps that he won't let me comb out. There really aren't many classic Cushing's symptoms, but other than the IGF-1 I don't know what else to test him for that may give an answer on his high insulin dose. Thanks for your input and advice- it is very much appreicated :bighug:
  12. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I think your are right that those are the two tests to get. I was just wondering if there were any possible Cushing's clues - poor coat and belly are enough reasons to keep it on the list. Just wish it wasn't so darn expensive!
    Jack & Mopem'sMom likes this.
  13. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    I’m glad you like the idea. I think it’s a great option, too. (Especially to avoid the distance you’d need to travel anywhere for a consult).
    I’m very intrigued by the program they describe. Please let me know what you find out about both programs and what you decide. Big hugs, Christine :bighug::bighug::bighug:

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