2/15 Darcy AMPS 374, +4.5 425, +6 381, +8 439, PMPS 393, +1 383, +2 403

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Suzanne & Darcy, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Update for evening: Gave 15 L and .5 R. Tested at one hour. Down a little bit (10 points so not significant). What I think is good is that, with a meal at PMPS time, when he normally would have had a rise in glucose, he really didn't. I'm interested to see what happens over the next hour.

    Morning post:
    This insulin does nothing. I don't think he'd be any higher without any insulin at all. I can't think how many times since his diagnosis that I have said those words... stood in my kitchen looking at my daughter saying.... (in a loud and animated/passionate voice) "this insulin does NOTHING... NOTHING!!!" Then I look down at my Darcy who is sitting on the barstool just looking at me like.... well.... aren't you going to feed me?? So I say, well of course, your such a GOOD boy... etc. (lots of praise for the kitty in case he should think that my overly animated tones were directed at him.)

    But ugh! I would have expected he could at least be a tiny bit lower at +4.5... the insulin should do something. He hasn't even had food since first thing this morning at 5:45 a.m. so the food should be cleared. Oh well.... I know I am impatient (except that we've been doing this since last June). Oh well, best not waste any more time complaining. Will keep on keeping on... will be trying the .5 R with the 15 units this evening. Sorry for writing so much.

    Greetings to all the extra special sugar cats out there!
    yesterday's post: https://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/2-14-darcy-pmps-329-1-394-2-363-3-358-4-431.243142/
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
    Reason for edit: update for evening
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Except the ketones are down. One more cycle at 0.5 U R, then we'll increase if no action.

    Today is also New Dose Wonkiness day.
    Gill & George likes this.
  3. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Thank you, Wendy! About to start his .5 R with the 15 L in minutes this morning. I appreciate your help. I’ll post again today.
  4. Gill & George

    Gill & George Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2015
    Hey Suzanne, hope you see some movement today
  5. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Thanks Gill! I’ll be posting soon.
    Gill & George likes this.
  6. Gill & George

    Gill & George Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2015
    How are you getting on Suzanne?
  7. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Thank you for asking. Sorry it took me so long to post. I didn't get a chance to actually updated his SS until after I finished running my kids around this morning :) So far, not a whole lot of movement. I think it may be keeping him from spiking when he eats though. Maybe a little more will be necessary to "help" the Lantus.

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