11/15 Asia +3.5 106, +6 167, +7 212. +PMPS 395

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Stacy & Asia, Nov 15, 2017.

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  1. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
  2. Mandy & Rex (GA)

    Mandy & Rex (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
    You may want to add Asia to the title.

    Would you be able to monitor this cycle? Asia may show some action. :cool::D
    KATIE&ovie likes this.
  3. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Added it, thanks for the catch! Sorry, crazy house and little sleep! My daughter's former piano teacher from out of town is visiting. I will be able to pop home frequently, yes. We will see what Asia has plannned for the day.
    KATIE&ovie likes this.
  4. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Much better start to the day! :bighug:.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  5. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
  6. Alicia & Maggie (GA)

    Alicia & Maggie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2017
    Excited to see how she does today... :D
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  7. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    Work that juice Asia...nice an easy head on down to the lagoon.
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  8. KATIE&ovie

    KATIE&ovie Member

    Jul 26, 2017
    I am interested to see where Asia's numbers go today. :cool:
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  9. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    +2.5 117, she seems to be steady falling 20 points an hour, which is her average when she isn't being tricky. Hopefully that will continue and she can maybe surf some (high) greens today! :cat:
    LizzieInTexas and KATIE&ovie like this.
  10. KATIE&ovie

    KATIE&ovie Member

    Jul 26, 2017
    Go Asia! :cat:
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  11. LizzieInTexas

    LizzieInTexas Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2016
    Me too! How exciting. :)
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  12. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    106 at +3.5, have to take my girls to physical therapy, I really hope she behaves for an hour and a half. :confused:
    Alicia & Maggie (GA) likes this.
  13. LizzieInTexas

    LizzieInTexas Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2016
    You could give a bit of MC to bump her up a bit JIC. Asia is looking good! :D
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  14. Gill & George

    Gill & George Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2015
  15. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    I hope this isn't another bounce starting :facepalm:
  16. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    167 to 212 in an hour. Yeah, I think it's another bounce. Sigh.
  17. Mandy & Rex (GA)

    Mandy & Rex (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2017
    Asia, 106 was not a number to be afraid of!! :rolleyes:
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  18. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    You may want to think about an increase tomorrow if she doesn't get there tonight. She may only need it for a little while but you want her coming back down to green so she gets use to it.
  19. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    Increases freak me out now more than they did when she was trying to be pink all the time. I asked a few days ago, because I don't totally understand how the fine tuning works once you start seeing a lot of blues and some greens. She threw a wee bit of green on the 12th, and probably had a green today that I missed at +4 or +5, likely in the high 80s or 90s, but obviously not enough to get her use to it. Here's what I wrote:

  20. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    I understand and did see what you wrote the other day. Wendy answered so felt there was no need for me to chime in. Sure by now you realize there is the protocol but also ECID and some...hmmm, "do I or don't I" with FD. Sometimes our decisions work out and sometimes that cat says otherwise :rolleyes: Hope you appreciate my scientific statement there :p

    When I look at a SS, I look at the past 5 days and then some history. When increasing ask yourself...where you want her nadirs to be and is there room for an increase. I actually threw out the dosecrease threat in hope she'd read it and respond. She's doing great but think if you keep pushing she can do better.

    1- the last green was short lived and got her to 78 which was 6 cycles ago (61 a few days before that) and she didn't make it to green today. If she did it was short lived. It's the 6th cycle since then so with TR you can increase or wait 6-10 cycles from that green. It's a care taker's decision and knowing your cat. With Doodles I usually held the dose 8 cycles after the last green but knew him very well and he had other conditions.

    2 - You are able to monitor her enough which also plays in my suggestion to increase. Again it's fine to hold 6-10 cycles. We say it's ok to increase once the bounce clears if they don't make it back to green. IMHO it did today and there's room for an increase.

    See what she does tonight and even what she throws you tomorrow at AMPS...trust your gut. Also depends on what your goal is...remission or some regulation.

    Does that make sense? It's also a good idea to put the "?" mark up and get others opinions as my 2 cents is only worth 1/2 a penny :)
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
  21. Bronx's dad (GA)

    Bronx's dad (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
    The longer you are at this dance, the better you'll get at having that gut feeling of how to proceed with confidence.
  22. Stacy & Asia

    Stacy & Asia Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2017
    The more opinions the better, as far as I'm concerned. Especially when the answer is not so clear cut. From Wendy's answer I took that the lowest nadir in a dose means it's a good dose, I just can't tell yet if she is petering out on a dose like I could tell before, because, well, greens are involved and that wasn't the case before. I have no idea if I kept her on this dose for a random amount of time, say 2 weeks, if she would decide to give me nadirs in the 70s or 80s here or there and is that good enough even if the rest of the time is blue and even high blue? That's where it gets murky to me. And it's always in the back of my mind that high blues could really be pink (on my AT). The next time she gets blood done, I'm definitely going to test her and see how both meters compare to the lab number so I can at least wrap my head around that. I'm fine with the human meter and looking at trends, but I don't want her to be in a renal damaging numbers and kid myself that she isn't because the human meter is skewing lower than actuality, if that makes sense.

    One trend I've noticed is that she seems to do better working on momentum. If I hold the dose for too long, it seems like she gets back in her comfort zone of pinks and I'm essentially starting over with the increase. I don't know if that's a thing or if that's just her thing.

    My goal is definitely to try for remission, but I'm also a realist...she's 21, I could concede that regulation might be all that's in the cards for her (if that is even in the cards for her); ultimately my goal is for her to feel better: remission or not. Since diabetes, she has been lesser version of herself. I know she's older than the internet, but she was still very much herself, only slower, until this diagnosis. I can't figure out how or why she got FD in the first place, it does not make sense and it's a mystery to me that I just need to accept.

    Thanks for leading me through all this, Karen, I appreciate you and everybody here more than I can say. You all are a light in an otherwise dark place. :bighug:
  23. Judy and Boomer

    Judy and Boomer Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    Happy to see those blue numbers!:cool::cool::cool:
    Stacy & Asia likes this.
  24. Doodles & Karen

    Doodles & Karen Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    That's whey we hold the dose 6-10 cycles after the last green. If no more green, it's time to increase. The only thing we have are the numbers so follow the numbers. If she continues to give you nadirs in the range you're looking for (green) then it's still a good dose.

    We say green time is healing time. Although think most of us would be happy with some green and mostly blue. It's easier said then done though.

    You're doing a great job with her. Keep asking questions and we try to help. Most of the time our crystal balls are broken :( As far as comparing human to AT meters. Please read this post AT vs Human Meter_Post By Jill . I understand your concern about renal threshold which again is why the more green the better. :bighug::bighug::bighug:
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