Excessive and Inappropriate Urination   Pet Supplies



  Cat Health and Supplies

If your cat urinates a lot, it could be related to feline diabetes.

How much drinking or peeing is too much?

  • Polyuria (PU):
    • Cats - urine output greater than 40 ml/kg per day.
    • Dogs - urine output greater than 45 ml/kg per day.
  • Polydipsia (PD):
    • Cats - water intake greater than 45 ml/kg per day.
    • Dogs- water intake greater than 90 ml/kg per day.

    For folks in the US, the (rounded) metric conversion is:
    30 milliliters = 1 fluid ounce (2 Tablespoons)
    1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds

In general terms, that would mean, for example, that a normal 4.5 kg (10-lb.) cat would be expected to have a typical daily urine output of around 180 ml (6 fluid oz.), or less. A typical daily water intake would be in the area of 202 ml (6.75 fluid oz.), or less.

Of course, each individual cat's normal input/output will probably vary a bit from this.

Help! My Cat is Peeing Everywhere!

Urinating outside the litter box occurs frequently in diabetic cats, especially in the early stages of the disease. If your cat's blood sugars are not yet regulated she still has polydipsia (drinks too much) and polyuria (pees too much). She may just not be able to hold the urine until she can make it to a litter box. A common concurrent problem may be a urinary tract infection which would make it difficult for your cat to hold her urine. Have your vet check her for an infection.

A cat commonly urinating near the box indicates the rejection of the litter or box. Urinating elsewhere is probably a preference for the location or substrate.

Here are some suggestions:

Have lots of litter boxes! Have a minimum of two, more if your house is large. If you have more than one kitty, make sure you have one box for each additional kitty, preferably in separate rooms. You might also try giving him a choice of another brand of litter, cats really do have preferences. And keep them clean. You can use deodorizers, but overuse can result in rejection of the box. Cats hate to pee in dirty litter boxes, so of course when they have polyuria, the litter boxes seem to always be dirty. This may mean changing or scooping the litter every day (or even more), but it beats the alternative.

Does your cat always return to the same areas to pee? If so, be aware that even a healthy cat who has been peeing outside the litter box may return to the scene of the "crime" and continue to pee there, as it now smells like a place to urinate. (A cat's sense of smell is so much more sensitive-- you may not smell it at all, but she does...) You may need to re clean these areas with an enzyme treatment that actually eliminates any residue. And if the pee was on the carpet, you may need to lift the carpet and treat the pad underneath.

If your cat is a severe problem, you may want to confine her to an easily cleaned, no carpets portion of the house until she gets better regulated, and/or until you re clean any areas. (This way you can also test if the problem is with her diabetes and lack of regulation, or if these peed on areas are simply designated "litter box" because they retain the pee smell and need to get re cleaned.

Here are some reader suggestions for dealing with your pesky little cat:

A number of diabetic pet owners use and like Nature's Miracle, Simple Solution, and others. Whichever product you use, make sure it is enzyme based. These treatments do not harm carpets, and are great to keep around to quickly care for accidents.

Take a 2 liter club soda, pour out 1/2 cup and replace it with 1/2 cup white vinegar; soak the area with this solution, then wet a towel large enough to cover the area with solution and cover area. Walk on towel to pick up surface odor/stain. Replace with another towel. The first day you may need to replace the towel 2 or 3 times. When the towel comes up clean with no stain or odor the treatment is done. It is a pain but seems to work - you might want to try a small area first.

Most importantly, it will almost certainly just be a matter of time. Reward him with a little treat when you see him using the box. Put something perfumey (kleenex soaked in aromatic oil works really well) wherever his favorite "NO" spots are. Hang in there!

Cats hate banana and orange peels. Put these peels in the "no" spots (works well for keeping cats off the counters, too). There are also citrus based sprays that kill odors and help deter cats. They are a bit more attractive than banana peels laying around your house!

If the cat box has a lid, remove it. If the cat box is a "deep" one, get him a shallower one - some cats simply don't like to climb in. If he has any weakness in his back legs, climbing in might be difficult for him. Place the litter box (or a second box) directly over the area he pees on. Then, slowly move it to the desired location.

Source "The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline"
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