Cat Dandruff and Diet
  Pet Supplies



  Cat Health and Supplies

Cat dandruff is common among diabetic cats.

As the condition worsens, dandruff may become more pronounced. As feline diabetes become controlled, dandruff usually improves and disappears.

Between 1 in 400 and 1 in 200 cats have diabetes mellitus (DM). Because your cat's health is important you should check the below warning signs for DM. If your cat exhibits dandruff in addition to some of the DM symptoms below, take him to your vet.

Yet in many cases the dry, flaky skin associated with dandruff is a result of poor nutrition.

Though available at all supermarkets, and promoted as healthy, many low-cost cat foods contain incredibly poor nutritional value. For proper health, (and especially for a cat with DM) your cat needs a quality pet food that contains adequate nutrition.

We have compiled a significant comparison list of cat food nutrition and additional advice on selecting a premium cat food. There exists a current trend in cat food nutrition to feed a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, mimicking what a cat would eat in the wild. These documents will help you to understand the effect of nutrition on your cat.

Supplements such as fish oil can also aid in correcting a dandruff problem. Though the fish oils provide the fats your cat needs, it is no replacement for the root problem, which is an unhealthy diet.

Common Physical Signs for feline DM include:

Polyuria (excessive urination)
Polydipsia (excessive thirst)

Other urination problems
Increased appetite
Weight loss
Unkempt haircoat (poor grooming and dandruff)
Muscle wasting

As the DM condition worsens, the symptoms become more pronounced. Some cats display weak rear legs.

Risk factors for feline DM include:

Increased body weight
ge (>10 years)
Certain steroid injections

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Professional pet care and quality pet supplies are vital for pet health. Always consult your veterinarian about your cat's health and your choice of supplies. This site administered by a *human* physician,
and is not designed to take the place of regular veterinary care.
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