1/2 Bailey AMPS 214 +6 74 PMPS 196

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Wendy&Tiggy(GA), Jan 2, 2013.

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  1. Wendy&Tiggy(GA)

    Wendy&Tiggy(GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Previous condo

    The boys got a few new toys from their Xmas stockings last night. Catnip baggies and leopard skin balls. Both ignored the catnip baggies ( dollarama gifts probably dont smell much of catnip) but ran around with the balls. Tiggy especially liked to play ontop of his gift bag with it whereas Bailey lay on the floor and chewed his ball and went at it with all four feet.

    Bailey has learned that coffee machine means food game (treat cupboard is beside it) and I have been at the coffee three times already this morning (tired , not used to getting up early since this is first day back at work) so we have played a lot and he is all happy!

    New dose looks ok - its certainly more stable so far, no extreme lows. Will see how it settles.
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