12/17 J.D. PMPS 79, +1.25 87

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Dyana, Dec 17, 2012.

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  1. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Yesterday's Condo

    Last Night:
    138 PMPS
    198 +3.5
    113 +5
    127 +7.75
    305 +10.5

    J.D. was going around yowling or whatever the noise is called this morning again. Chattering and walking around the house. He's been doing that the past few days at around +11 (one hour before AMPS and food). And he threw up a little bile, of course pretty close after I gave him his Denamarin. I gave him his night time Pepcid at PM +1.5 last night. I gave him some more at AMPS this morning. He stops making the noises when I call him to me, and after he's eaten.
    He gets 1/4 pill twice a day. Is it not enough.

    J.D. ate some of his 1st Breffis on the floor like a cat, and I just delivered the rest to him laying on my bed, and he is eaing the rest.

    Question: I came home last night and my thermometer in my refrigerator said just past 30 degrees (maybe 32).
    I turned the dial on the frig's temperature to be a little warmer, but it was still at that maybe 32 degrees this morning, so I turned the dial to a little warmer, some more. I hope my insulin stays thawed. I just moved it from the top shelf to the middle shelf. I didn't know what to do, and each time I found the temp. at almost freezing I took all my stash of insulin out of the fridge like I was going to protect from freezing by putting it on the counter. There's 5 new pens and the pen I'm currently using in there. I wonder if I should just take it all to work with me, today.

    I hope everyone has a good day.
  2. Michelle & Scrabble (GA)

    Michelle & Scrabble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Re: 12/17 J.D. AMPS 452

    Morning Dyana, sorry JD is so high this morning. Scrabble howls after he eats in the morning a lot, I don't know what that is about. Not sure about your fridge temp, I think it takes quite a few hours for the temp to adjust, is it an old refrigerator? Hope you have a great day today and don't work too hard!
  3. PeterDevonMocha

    PeterDevonMocha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 12/17 J.D. AMPS 452

    Hi guys .. ok J.D., down you go! Sorry to hear about the howling .. mocha walks around howling all day and all night! I hope your fridge keeps working for you .. we had to buy a new fridge while mocha was on insulin .. ours was just not being trusty anymore .. have a great day guys!
  4. ecurie

    ecurie Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Re: 12/17 J.D. AMPS 452

    Hi Dyana, Sure hope your fridge temp evens out. Do you have lots stashed in the freezer? A full freezer can make the fridge colder, esp. if the freezer is on top. Hope turning it down works.
    take care, hugs to you and scritches to J.D.
    mary and oliver
  5. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 12/17 J.D. PMPS 79

    J.D. gets a green smilie for his PMPS.

    Yes, Mary,
    My freezer is full almost to the brim with mostly frozen raw food, and it's on top of the frig. But it didn't do this during the summer. I checked tonight and the temperature is about 39 degrees which is much better. When I gave J.D. his shot tonight the insulin pen seemed so cold, but seems alright.
  6. ecurie

    ecurie Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Re: 12/17 J.D. PMPS 79

    Hey Dyana,
    39 and 79... sounds like things are celebratory at your house!!!
    have a great night - safe surfin J.D.!!
    mary and oliver
  7. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Nice PMPS. :mrgreen: I hope adjusting the temperature in your fridge takes care of the problem and J.D.'s insulin is okay.
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