3/3 Magnolia PMPS 118, +2 145

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Sara & Magnolia, Mar 3, 2010.

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  1. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    WCR: She is a bit closer to normal today. She used the LB overnight, pee only. She finally left our bed and migrated back to her own. She was purry when DH did the +10 test. I said good morning to her and she moseyed over to her bowl and is still sitting there staring at me. She intermittently licks the empty bowl to make her point. Yikes, she has a long time to wait! I'm still waking up, more to come.

    Being that she is almost back to normal, should her dose also return to normal this am? I'm home with her all day.

    Yesterday's Condo

    Just in case I didn't say it enough yesterday, THANK YOU EVERYONE! For your help, encouragement and humor yesterday. It made a rough day a whole lot easier.
  2. Miriam and Putty (GA)

    Miriam and Putty (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia +10 301 AM Dose?

    I was just trying to catch up with yesterday's condo.
    Is Magnolia eating? I think you can go back to old dose since you are going to be home today but you still have a couple of hours til ps time.
  3. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia +10 301 AM Dose?

    I think her eating has returned to normal.

    That's a LOT to catch up on, right? I have about an hour until PS. I'm not sure if she can go that long without eating, but I'm trying!
  4. Miriam and Putty (GA)

    Miriam and Putty (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia +10 301 AM Dose?

    You can give her a few small bites of food if she is hungry.
    If she was very low and we were trying to figure out a dose you would not feed so you don't have a food spike number but you don't have that worry today.
  5. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia +10 301 AM Dose?

    I didn't think of that. Thanks!

    I feel a-ok about giving her full dose. She seems to be doing well this morning.
  6. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia +10 301 AM Dose?

    By this time post-anesthesia it should be find to give Magnoiia her regular regular dose.
  7. Roni and Moonie

    Roni and Moonie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia +10 301 AM Dose?

    Just wanted you to think about this--most pain meds do cause a little bit of constipation, so not to worry--
    I'm sure she'll poop for you today..I gave Moonie the bupe for most of the doses I was given--4 days I think--
    Hey why should she have any pain?? If she looks like she's feeling good, it's up to you to discontinue.
    You did a great job with her last night!--Hope those shiny toofs feel good today!
  8. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia AMPS 278

    I agree, she shouldn't have any pain, she is a kitty!

    I gave her Clavamox with her morning breakfast. She did not like it. She won't let me see her pretty teeth, but I can wait until she feels better. The bupe is not due until +3 and I'll give it then to stay on top of any pain.

    She has not yet left the 2nd floor of our house. I'm not sure if I should get concerned. I don't want to move her LB until she is ready, but I hope I'm not confusing her by leaving it up here.
  9. Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA

    Lydia--(Rosie & Basil) GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia AMPS 278

    Sounds as if Magnolia is doing very well.

    Licking her empty bowl--now that's funny!
  10. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    +6.5 160

    We're both quite sleepy today. Her appetite is good. She is just sleeping a lot. And still upstairs.
  11. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    PMPS 118

    I'm not complaining. Can her shed be full already?

    I shot her full dose, 3.75. I am here to monitor and will start with a +1.

    She is still locked away in her tower. I have been creating narratives in my head all day to explain why she is staying upstairs. They vary, and include invisible trolls, laser beams, a powerful vortex and socks. She is quite content up here. She's purring and wants pets and cuddles. She's eating fine. She seems to be moving around better, but not 100% yet. She had a big yawn and then winced in shock, I guess that's the first time she opened her mouth that big today. The bupe is due at +3.
  12. carolynandlatte

    carolynandlatte Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia PMPS 118

    Im so glad to hear how successful this has been for Magnolia. What a great job you did asking questions, planning, being prepared, and lovin' the dickens out of that sweet thing!

    You deserve a box of chocolates...or flowers!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    Good Work, both of you! :thumbup
  13. Libby and Lucy

    Libby and Lucy Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/3 Magnolia PMPS 118

    nice PMPS. :smile: It will be interesting to see what Magnolia does with this number tonight.
  14. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    +1 164

    Thank Carolyn! We did ok, mostly because of the lovely lovelies here.

    Libby...Interesting, as in: :twisted: Forget about sleeping tonight young lady! You'll be doing the hokey pokey all night long!

    :lol: I get silly when I'm this tired. I'm interested to see what she does too. I am a little nervous about her dropping too low, but she's gonna do whatever she's gonna do, right? I'm just along for the ride, as a chaperon. Or, surf instructor.

    Was reading in another condo earlier, said to feed, encourage the surf in order to hold the dose longer before a decrease. Does that apply to all kitties? My brain flips over a bit when I think about it. More insulin, have to feed more to keep the numbers up. Less insulin, less feeding and the numbers stay safe, but the pancreas isn't getting a chance to heal?
  15. Sara & Magnolia

    Sara & Magnolia Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    +2 145. No poo today. I hoped the ab's would counteract the stopping power of the bupe. Poor kitty, that can't feel good.
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