3/2 Moses PMPS 243 +3~146

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Erica & Moses, Mar 2, 2010.

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  1. Erica & Moses

    Erica & Moses Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Yesterday's Condo:

    I had a question from yesterday that I'd like more opinions on. :mrgreen: Here it is:

    *Question - I have noticed that Moses' has these hard tiny scabs around his scruff, that I assume are from where the needle has been inserted for injections. I don't like that it's causing hard little knots and I avoid them while shooting. Is this typical?

    I didn't get any other spot checks last night, b/c I figured Moses was safe b/c he had plenty of food. Everything went fine, and I read Libby & Lucy's message today and was like :oops: I'll be more careful next time.

    Moses is enjoying the sunshine, as he travels window to window. It's good to be home. I wonder what action will happen tonight! cat_pet_icon
  2. Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA)

    Pat+Raja+Shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/2 Moses AMPS 230 +7~244

    What syringe gauge are you using Erica? I have never noticed anything from the injections on my two...but then again,I haven't looked very closely. I assume that you can readily see the spots, right?
    I use 29 gauge syringes...
    Does he has other scabs besides the one on his shoulder?
    Do you think he might have a little allergy to something?
  3. Helene & Tizon

    Helene & Tizon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Re: 3/2 Moses AMPS 230 +7~244

    Hi Erica,

    Yeah.... sorry to dwell on the early ni ni of yesterday... night cycles are very very important.
    Collecting evening data is very helpful in explaining the morning number and it also give confidence on how the cat reacts to insulin when the bean's gotta leave the house for something.

    Also.. an important note for your SS is the type of food you fed when you got green numbers. Not all greens require food, but in cases where a snack is served whether as a surfboard or as a bumper, it's a good note to have in your SS.

    Tizon didn't have little scabbies from shooting, so I can't help you in that respect, I'm sorry.
  4. Erica & Moses

    Erica & Moses Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Thanks for your help!

    Pat & Raja & Shadow I use Relion 31G syringes. 3/10ml cc and the 8mm short needle. As for the little spots, yes I can see them. Some look like a little ant bite scab while others feel like a bump. Whenever I inject, I always rub the area first to see if I feel something. I never want to inject the needle into a previous sore. Ouch! He still currently has that little shoulder scab. And he's got at least 6 tiny dot scabbies in the scruff. I'm not sure if he has an allergy. I just kinda assumed that all sugar kitties get these little marks. It sounds like it's not that common though :?

    Helene & Tizon, oh yes, I know PM shots are important. I made a goof last night, thinking it's okay. Sometimes I think I have enough data and other times I think Moses' needs a rest... it all gets confusing. I know I can't get a full account of PM cycles most nights... and I'd like to try when there's some action. Early on, Moses' patterns showed that he would rise at +4 and I've just accepted that. But with his liver funky dance, it could be different now.

    Like today, he's been flat all day. It's always great to get all the data I can, but I think I'm good for tonight b/c 146 is probably the lowest he'll get and I don't see more action than that. Oh and just to clarify, Helene & Tizon, what's the difference between a surfboard and a bumper? Surfboard sounds like something when he might have a low BG and I get BOS and shoot, I feed him snacks to keep him surfing the greens. Meanwhile a bumper means he's too low for comfort, and I feed him a snack to cause his BG to rise. Do I have the correct concepts? Good idea to include them on the SS. I'll try to remember for the future. :mrgreen:

    B/t/w Moses and I had a dance party tonight. It's so funny. He'll just sit plop in the middle of the floor with his cigar. When we dance, he watches me with big saucer eyes and purrs and paws. It's quite enjoyable. In fact his BG dropped after the dance party. Forget the insulin, we just have to shake it! (j/k)

    dancing_cat dancing_cat dancing_cat
  5. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    I think what Helene was referring to as a "surfer" can be as you described or using food to keep a kitty is staying in relatively flat numbers. You can surf in any color! However, if your cat's numbers are dropping, some LC may slow the drop and get the numbers to level out. A "bumper" is using food, usual to bring numbers up.

    Is there any chance the bumps could be bites?
  6. Roni and Moonie

    Roni and Moonie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    OOhh Those mean little bumps--are they little scabs?--I also use 31 gauge needle-sharper & hurt the cat less..
    Nice numbers-Hope you see some green soon... :mrgreen:
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